More places to get beer and wine at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
If alcohol is going to be served at the Magic Kingdom, then serving it at TSRs is the way to do it. The amount of time guests have to drink is more limited, and wait staff can keep a closer eye on their guests to make sure nobody's getting completely hammered.

I think it's a good idea, personally. Guests have many different styles of vacationing, including many without kids, and some would just like a beer on a hot day. Keeping the drinks only at TSRs is a good balance between serving alcohol in a controlled setting, and Walt's wish to keep alcohol out of the main guest areas.
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Well-Known Member
I'm perfectly OK with people drinking.
I'm totally against people who can't, or won't, control their drinking.
Having hundreds of bad experiences with the latter types has turned me into an anti drunkard, not an anti drinker.
If someone can behave and drink they have my admiration.
If they can not behave and drink they can die, dry up, and blow away, for all I care.


Well-Known Member
I'm perfectly OK with people drinking.
I'm totally against people who can't, or won't, control their drinking.
Having hundreds of bad experiences with the latter types has turned me into an anti drunkard, not an anti drinker.
If someone can behave and drink they have my admiration.
If they can not behave and drink they can die, dry up, and blow away, for all I care.
Hundreds? How? Are you a bartender? Do you live on Bourbon Street? Do you live in a hotel in Daytona Beach during Spring Break? Are you a police officer in Sturgis? Genuinely curious. As an average civilian on this planet, I've never had any of the over the top encounters bandied about in this and similar threads so I would love to be educated by someone who has had hundreds of such experiences. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hundreds? How? Are you a bartender? Do you live on Bourbon Street? Do you live in a hotel in Daytona Beach during Spring Break? Are you a police officer in Sturgis? Genuinely curious. As an average civilian on this planet, I've never had any of the over the top encounters bandied about in this and similar threads so I would love to be educated by someone who has had hundreds of such experiences. Thanks!
I'm a retired Police Officer.
I retired because I got tired of dealing with politicians, drunks and other such fools.


Well-Known Member
Well, thank you for your service. :)
You're welcome.
And for the record I was lucky enough to have dealt with more good people than bad ones.
It's just that the bad ones often left me, and the other people with whom I worked, with a feeling that we weren't making any headway.
The new crop of LEO's say the same thing so it appears that the problems are intrinsic with human nature and not a generational situation.


Well-Known Member
Sure, lets add another level of security and disruption to the other guest so that an addiction can be satisfied. What is that song by Jim Croce... "You don't tug on supermans cape, you don't spit in the wind, you don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger and you don't mess around with slim". Some places should be alcohol free and to me MK is one of those places.

But, you know what... Since my age, my health and my finances will probably prevent me from ever attending the place again, what the heck... turn the place into a brothel for all I care. I'm sure that's next on the list anyway. BTW, in case you are thinking that I am a tea-teetotaler, you would be wrong. I don't drink much anymore, but, I had my day. I don't care if people drink, but, I do now and always have felt that there is a time and a place for everything and if we leave nothing as an alternative for those that need a alcohol free place to spend time then we get what we deserve. So go for it. I no longer give a rats butt!

How is a desire to consume a responsible number of alcoholic drinks satisfying an addiction? I sometimes crave a mickey waffle whilst at home? Am i addicted? No, its just something to enjoy! And how does that in any way affect your enjoyment of the park? Are you telling me you don't go to any of the other parks for fear that you might see someone holding a bud light bottle? Or maybe even- god forbid- a cocktail? Obviously everyone groans when you get one person who goes too far and ends up having a feel of minnie or swinging fists in the line for a ride (and I don't condone this) but there is often more frequently even worse behaviour from people who are stone cold sober!

Im certainly not a big drinker my self (mainly down to being a lightweight and an inconvenient shift pattern at home) so I really don't see the appeal of getting buzzed/drunk/tipsy whatever you want to call it, especially in the florida heat but a light beer (if thats your thing) whilst sat waiting for fantastic (or whatever) I can see the appeal of and if people want to do that responsibly without affecting other people then crack on!


Well-Known Member
Don't lump yourself in with @NMBC1993
You have your opinion, which is a valid one- yet you don't act self-riteous, pompous, and don't resort to name calling.
Because of that, I respect and appreciate your opinion, and not theirs.

So, I'm going to go over this again and it is going to be the last time, take the following as you will. I did not personally look to blame or ridicule anyone on this forum. Again, it's a personal description I have to describe anyone who chooses to poison their bodies with alcohol. It's a generic term. People make assumption of others all the time. I guarantee you that when I'm driving down the road with my windows down, blasting the latest J-Pop song on the radio, that at least one person thinks to themselves that I am some kind of pervert who married their 3DS because only creeps and predators watch that "Animu garbage" (yes, I know how I spelled it). The whole world is full of people who pass judgement.

In fact, let me tell you a little story of how judgmental the world can me. When I was in high school, in my class all the popular people were giving out nicknames for other srtudents. A friend of mine ended up with "Big Cliff" because he wore a red shirt and was over 6 foot (like Clifford the Big Red Dog). My other friend got the nickname "D-Wat" because we had two people named David in our class. When they got to me, you know they ended up with? They settled on the name "Fat Kid" because I was a little overweight considering my height to weight ratio. Now, did I immediately run around screaming how people are too judgmental? No. I kept the name and for the rest of my high school life and beyond I was known as "Fat Kid". It didn't bother me, it was just a name, nothing more. In fact, it encouraged me to loose the extra pounds and get in shape. Later down the road during my college years, I still held onto the nickname because it's what my friends knew me by. So when I would show up to parties, I was immediately greeted with "Hey, Fat Kid!" and when I was introduced to strangers I would always get the same reaction which was..."but he's not fat??" Well, not anymore anyway. So see? Sometimes it's a good thing to insult people. Maybe if I start calling people "Drunken Idiots", they'll consider drinking less (it's a joke, don't start jumping on my case again).

On top of that, I came across an article last night ( that cited Bill Nye (Yes, Bill Nye The Science Guy of UoE fame) as saying that that he is open to the idea of jailing those who deviate from the climate change consensus. Gee, doesn't that seem a bit more extreme than generically calling people "Drunken Idiots"?? At least I don't want to throw you in jail for consuming alcohol...I guess it seems I'm not the only person involved with Disney who has a "mean streak".

Speaking of Disney, I've got one last story for you. There is a man I know who considers ANYONE with any fascination of Disney (Theme Parks, Movies, Toys, Games etc.) to be a quote "immature loser who will never amount to anything and shouldn't even try to do anything in life because they'll fail and needs to stop living in a Fantasy World". In fact, he was just like all of you. He traveled on business trips and hey, if we wanted to have a few rounds by the poolside, why shouldn't he? If he's talking with the clients, why can't he have a few to lighten the mood? It is a legal social tool after all. Well the problem was when he came home, he was still licking his wounds and unfortunately took it out on his family. Funny enough, he too desired a drink at the Contemporary Resort once. Want to know why? Because he was watching on the other side of the 4th floor, his son trading Disney pins with a CM. "Where did I go wrong" he thought as he guzzled down his pint. If you haven't guessed by now, that man was my father, you know the alcoholic (well, one of them). So, how does that make you feel? Knowing that you and everyone on this forum are an "immature loser" in his eyes, just because all of you enjoy what Disney has to offer? Does that get your blood boiling as well?

Anyway, I will leave it at that. Like I said, everyone passes judgement on other people. Look at all the smokers who get judgemental glances when they are just trying to "scratch their own itch" as it were. Those people are no different than you, they just want their fix. So maybe it's time for the shoe to be on the other foot? People see smoking as disgusting and immoral, maybe it's time that the tables are turned and someone needs to look at people filling their bodies with poison as equally disgusting and immoral (in their own opinion). So in conclusion, I'm sorry you and anyone else personally took my generic description of people who drink alcohol to heart. But seriously, if that gets you offended, maybe you should stay off the internet...they're a lot worse out there in terms of "discrimination" than calling everyone who drinks a "drunken idiot". Just go look at any random YouTube comments page.

Don't forget the famous Avenue Q saying...."Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" :)


Well-Known Member
... Again, it's a personal description I have to describe anyone who chooses to poison their bodies with alcohol..

Gosh, someone should start letting the medical profession know about all poison they are recommending us to drink!!!

Time to get serious about this...


Well-Known Member
Gosh, someone should start letting the medical profession know about all poison they are recommending us to drink!!!

Time to get serious about this...

Well gee, if something is so "good for you"...why does it have a big disclaimer on it advising a warning?? You don't seem to find that on a box of cereal or a package of bacon, do you? You know what also doesn't have a big warning slapped on it? Fast Food. The government allows you to indulge in that. Must be good for you, huh?


Well-Known Member
Well gee, if something is so "good for you"...why does it have a big disclaimer on it advising a warning?? You don't seem to find that on a box of cereal or a package of bacon, do you? You know what also doesn't have a big warning slapped on it? Fast Food. The government allows you to indulge in that. Must be good for you, huh?
Many studies have shown the health benefits of moderate intake of alcohol. It's overindulgence that can get you into trouble.
Food is also good for you in moderation. Gluttonous consumption likewise leads to health issues. The labels with caloric, fat, and sodium information would be the warnings provided... if you're smart enough to heed them.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, someone should start letting the medical profession know about all poison they are recommending us to drink!!!

Time to get serious about this...

Many studies have shown the health benefits of moderate intake of alcohol. It's overindulgence that can get you into trouble.
Food is also good for you in moderation. Gluttonous consumption likewise leads to health issues. The labels with caloric, fat, and sodium information would be the warnings provided... if you're smart enough to heed them.

Well that's the problem, we live in a world where people don't follow any kind of warning or follow the rules. Look at all the people doing Bath Salts, It's clearly not intended for that use but people do it anyway. It's because of a few bad eggs that I have a tainted opinion of alcohol in general.

BTW, anyone who thinks beer is just fine to consume...might want to take a look at what they're putting in your "favorite beverages"...


Well-Known Member
Well that's the problem, we live in a world where people don't follow any kind of warning or follow the rules. Look at all the people doing Bath Salts, It's clearly not intended for that use but people do it anyway. It's because of a few bad eggs that I have a tainted opinion of alcohol in general.

BTW, anyone who thinks beer is just fine to consume...might want to take a look at what they're putting in your "favorite beverages"...

Can't. Stop. Laughing. Quoting the Food Babe is a surefire way to immediately destroy any shot of having credibility, ever. That woman is an idiot. The scientific community is pretty united in lambasting nearly everything she has to say.
And your "tainted opinion of alcohol" doesn't exactly qualify as empirical evidence.


Well-Known Member
Can't. Stop. Laughing. Quoting the Food Babe is a surefire way to immediately destroy any shot of having credibility, ever. That woman is an idiot. The scientific community is pretty united in lambasting nearly everything she has to say.
And your "tainted opinion of alcohol" doesn't exactly qualify as empirical evidence.

No, but it does allow me to have an opinion. God forbid someone has one, right? Why don't you try to living with someone who gets so violent from alcohol that he literally throws people into a wall. Do that and tell me you won't have an equally as distorted look on alcoholic beverages.


Well-Known Member
No, but it does allow me to have an opinion. God forbid someone has one, right? Why don't you try to living with someone who gets so violent from alcohol that he literally throws people into a wall. Do that and tell me you won't have an equally as distorted look on alcoholic beverages.
The fault there does not lie with the beverage. I don't hate cars because I've been injured in a car accident. I do have an issue with the reckless driver who hit me.


Well-Known Member
The fault there does not lie with the beverage. I don't hate cars because I've been injured in a car accident. I do have an issue with the reckless driver who hit me.

Well, to each their own. Can we move on now? Has everyone got all out of their system? Fine, I'm an insensitive jerk for having a slanted opinion due to events in my life. I'm the worst time of low-life on the planet for forming an opinion. See, I can throw insults at myself all day long and take them from others as well. That's the difference between you and me. A negative opinion sticks to you like fly-paper. I've been slapped with so much negativity in my life that it's almost second nature. But I seem to get by, even without craving something to "get me by".


Well-Known Member
So, I'm going to go over this again and it is going to be the last time

I don't get offended on the Internet. But that doesn't make me immune to calling a spade a spade.

I have four statements- but like you said, don't take them personally.

1- someone who says that something is going to be the last time, then continually responds is a liar.
2- someone who labels someone who has one drink as a drunken idiot is a judgemental .
3- just because someone was previously a fat kid doesn't make it morally ok to throw around labels. Likewise, it is not morally ok to call other kids fat- which is typically just a result of their genetics and their parents allowing them to eat unhealthy food. But I think you think it's ok just because you "overcame it". Hence why I would discipline my children if I overheard them calling a peer fat- not encourage it.
4- I don't think you overcame anything- particularly as it relates to your father- I think you have serious damage and scarring and need therapy, because you can't disassociate a person who has a drink with your abusive father. But that's just my opinion, whatever that's worth.
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Think for yourselfer
So, I'm going to go over this again and it is going to be the last time, take the following as you will. I did not personally look to blame or ridicule anyone on this forum. Again, it's a personal description I have to describe anyone who chooses to poison their bodies with alcohol. It's a generic term. People make assumption of others all the time. I guarantee you that when I'm driving down the road with my windows down, blasting the latest J-Pop song on the radio, that at least one person thinks to themselves that I am some kind of pervert who married their 3DS because only creeps and predators watch that "Animu garbage" (yes, I know how I spelled it). The whole world is full of people who pass judgement.

In fact, let me tell you a little story of how judgmental the world can me. When I was in high school, in my class all the popular people were giving out nicknames for other srtudents. A friend of mine ended up with "Big Cliff" because he wore a red shirt and was over 6 foot (like Clifford the Big Red Dog). My other friend got the nickname "D-Wat" because we had two people named David in our class. When they got to me, you know they ended up with? They settled on the name "Fat Kid" because I was a little overweight considering my height to weight ratio. Now, did I immediately run around screaming how people are too judgmental? No. I kept the name and for the rest of my high school life and beyond I was known as "Fat Kid". It didn't bother me, it was just a name, nothing more. In fact, it encouraged me to loose the extra pounds and get in shape. Later down the road during my college years, I still held onto the nickname because it's what my friends knew me by. So when I would show up to parties, I was immediately greeted with "Hey, Fat Kid!" and when I was introduced to strangers I would always get the same reaction which was..."but he's not fat??" Well, not anymore anyway. So see? Sometimes it's a good thing to insult people. Maybe if I start calling people "Drunken Idiots", they'll consider drinking less (it's a joke, don't start jumping on my case again).

On top of that, I came across an article last night ( that cited Bill Nye (Yes, Bill Nye The Science Guy of UoE fame) as saying that that he is open to the idea of jailing those who deviate from the climate change consensus. Gee, doesn't that seem a bit more extreme than generically calling people "Drunken Idiots"?? At least I don't want to throw you in jail for consuming alcohol...I guess it seems I'm not the only person involved with Disney who has a "mean streak".

Speaking of Disney, I've got one last story for you. There is a man I know who considers ANYONE with any fascination of Disney (Theme Parks, Movies, Toys, Games etc.) to be a quote "immature loser who will never amount to anything and shouldn't even try to do anything in life because they'll fail and needs to stop living in a Fantasy World". In fact, he was just like all of you. He traveled on business trips and hey, if we wanted to have a few rounds by the poolside, why shouldn't he? If he's talking with the clients, why can't he have a few to lighten the mood? It is a legal social tool after all. Well the problem was when he came home, he was still licking his wounds and unfortunately took it out on his family. Funny enough, he too desired a drink at the Contemporary Resort once. Want to know why? Because he was watching on the other side of the 4th floor, his son trading Disney pins with a CM. "Where did I go wrong" he thought as he guzzled down his pint. If you haven't guessed by now, that man was my father, you know the alcoholic (well, one of them). So, how does that make you feel? Knowing that you and everyone on this forum are an "immature loser" in his eyes, just because all of you enjoy what Disney has to offer? Does that get your blood boiling as well?

Anyway, I will leave it at that. Like I said, everyone passes judgement on other people. Look at all the smokers who get judgemental glances when they are just trying to "scratch their own itch" as it were. Those people are no different than you, they just want their fix. So maybe it's time for the shoe to be on the other foot? People see smoking as disgusting and immoral, maybe it's time that the tables are turned and someone needs to look at people filling their bodies with poison as equally disgusting and immoral (in their own opinion). So in conclusion, I'm sorry you and anyone else personally took my generic description of people who drink alcohol to heart. But seriously, if that gets you offended, maybe you should stay off the internet...they're a lot worse out there in terms of "discrimination" than calling everyone who drinks a "drunken idiot". Just go look at any random YouTube comments page.

Don't forget the famous Avenue Q saying...."Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" :)

Dude. WAAAYYYYYY too much information. I mean, my goodness.

Can't. Stop. Laughing. Quoting the Food Babe is a surefire way to immediately destroy any shot of having credibility, ever. That woman is an idiot. The scientific community is pretty united in lambasting nearly everything she has to say.
And your "tainted opinion of alcohol" doesn't exactly qualify as empirical evidence.

That woman should be arrested.


Well-Known Member
My family is all alcoholics....minus me I'm the only one who can drink within reason. So yes I want beer while I enjoy my vacation sorry if people get bent backwards over it. But drinking a few brewskis is not a crime. And it shouldn't be inside the MK.
Alcoholism isn't necessarily tied to's just as much why someone drinks or feels compelled to as it is to how much. I agree that you should be able have a drink on vaco if you want one but there's nothing wrong with not having it available everywhere either.

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