Although one could argue that Disney has already expanded via four theme parks, two water parks, how many hotels, and a shopping district. The name of the game is upkeep and redoing and pulsing what they have now first and looking to keep building latter. For example if they built a fifth gate, without first addressing the crippling problems at DHS, stuck in the early 90, and Epcot which is floundering as a shawdow of its former self, I would say that is a travesty. Look at Dragon ally vs Jaws, that replacing something with a large foot print but small capacity, with a number of new "attractions." Universal is what only 30 years old and already is having to plus every area to keep them relevant, (the huge risk with IP based lands). Disney has expanded in my view to a saturation point and unless they can take care of what they have, I'd rather "expansions" at the current parks instead of another half day park, that will have an identity crisis ten years down the line, that they'll try to fix with band-aids and then have to rehaul the whole park. A la DCA or DHS