More changes to dining plan


New Member
I remember walking into EPCOT and going into Innoventions and walking up to the video phones and making reservations for the restaurants for later that evening. Boy has that changed. I don't know what I want to eat on Friday let along 6 months in advance. OY!

Ah, we are showing our age by remembering that. I can remember that as well - it was a cool technology that never seemed to quite takeoff. Though I keep hoping that one day, we will all have communication systems like Star Trek.


We usually go in Sept because the crowds where light. We never made ADR from 2000 to 2007. 2007 the free meal plan actaully caught on. ( Seemed very few used in 2006) and for the first time we were being turned away from restaurants. Guess we were lucky. So I vote they stop the free meal in Sept.:) Since that seems unlikly as Disney seems to have finally found a promo that brings people in that time of year, I vote for the 90 day. My niece is now ablw to join us and now we are having problems changing ADR from 2 people to 3 people. (sigh)

Simba One

New Member
As of July 16, you will not be able to make any Advance Dining Reservations (ADRs) for any dates past January 15, 2009. ADRs needed for January 16, 2009 or later will not be able to be booked until October 15, with the following three exceptions: Chef Mickey's, Cinderella's Royal Table, and Victoria and Albert'.

Those dates are right in the middle of me making my ADR reservations for our trip. So I will only get to make the first half of them & then have to wait until Oct. 15th to make the rest of them? That stinks!! What about if you book a package next month when “hopefully” the rates come out for 2009, (heck I’m still waiting for the January hours to be posted), could I book the rest then? I'm not happy that my ADR will not be booked at the same time! :zipit:

Unless there is something changing about the system that prevents them from doing ADRs the way they have been, you need to remember that if you are booking a package you can actually make ADRs up to 190 days ahead. Your 180 day window opens with the date of arrival for your package. You can then book ADRs for the next 10 days of stay. Again, this is the way things work now and I have no way to know that they'll maintain this arrangement when they switch over to the 90 days. But my bet is that you'll be OK.


Because people can use multiple names and/or phone numbers it would be really easy to cheat the system even if it was set up to not allow multiple ressies for the same person. And we know alot of people would cheat the system.

As far as I can tell the ONLY was to stop this would be to take a credit card deposit for EACH reservation. I would welcome this but I doubt it would ever happen at least until and unless online booking is available.

I really hate having to book meals so far in advance. We eat offsite more than ever now (we are not Dining Plan fans, as AP holders we were never allowed to use it until this year anyway).

I believe some places DO take a credit card, but I can't remember which ones. (Boma? CA GRILL? Character Dining?)

But I agree, there really should be a way to stop the madness. They HAVE your phone number when you call, so they should be able to track your reservations and only allow one per mealtime.

They should take a credit card for each reservation and track that to keep it to one per mealtime.

And honestly, 180 days is way out of hand. I say move it to 30 days. And enable a system to stop multiple ADRs.

Disney MDACK

New Member
I know someone who books two ADRs each night depending on where they are at that time so they can always get to one of their dinner reservations. I find this to be extemely rude and takes up another family's dinner time slot. But he will never stop doing it because their is no way for disney to police it.


Well-Known Member
I believe some places DO take a credit card, but I can't remember which ones. (Boma? CA GRILL? Character Dining?)

But I agree, there really should be a way to stop the madness. They HAVE your phone number when you call, so they should be able to track your reservations and only allow one per mealtime.

They should take a credit card for each reservation and track that to keep it to one per mealtime.

And honestly, 180 days is way out of hand. I say move it to 30 days. And enable a system to stop multiple ADRs.

You are correct they do take a credit card deposit for California Grill, CRT and a few others. I was suggesting they need to do it for every TS ADR. I know it would be a pain but I do not know how else they can stop this problem.

For example currently I have a trip scheduled for October and another one for December, a total of 14 days. I cannot get a reservation at Le Cellier for either lunch or dinner for either trip.

Now I KNOW some people with reservations will not show up, I have read on these very boards how some people purposely make multiple reservations so they have "flexibility" on their vacation. I am not saying this is anywhere near the majority of people, but if you could just eliminate those I am sure I could at least get one ressie at Le Cellier.

I originally called when it was almost 6 months out and still I can get nothing. I have called back at least 5 times so far. They keep telling me to call back and maybe something will open up, and I know that is possible, but so far it has not happened. Heck I don't even think Le Cell is as good as some people say it is, although I do like it, but I know it is considered a bargain on the Dining Plan since it is only 1 TS credit. If they changed it to 2 credits I bet I could get in then (but I am not suggesting they should do that!).

This DDP has ruined dining at Disney for many of us. But I assume I am in the minority. I have read many posts that have said they would never have been able to eat TS without the plan so I feel happy for them. But it makes it worse for me.

Anyway, changes need to be made!


Well-Known Member
I know someone who books two ADRs each night depending on where they are at that time so they can always get to one of their dinner reservations. I find this to be extemely rude and takes up another family's dinner time slot. But he will never stop doing it because their is no way for disney to police it.

This DDP has ruined dining at Disney for many of us. But I assume I am in the minority. I have read many posts that have said they would never have been able to eat TS without the plan so I feel happy for them. But it makes it worse for me.

Agreed, it's ruined it for me too. I'm a WDW veteran so I know how to play the game and I still don't end up with everythinig I want (for my trip in October, Le Cellier and Chef Mickey's are full for every one of the 14 nights). It's such a shame. I'm pleased for those people who benefit, but it really does make it worse for others.


New Member
Unless there is something changing about the system that prevents them from doing ADRs the way they have been, you need to remember that if you are booking a package you can actually make ADRs up to 190 days ahead. Your 180 day window opens with the date of arrival for your package. You can then book ADRs for the next 10 days of stay. Again, this is the way things work now and I have no way to know that they'll maintain this arrangement when they switch over to the 90 days. But my bet is that you'll be OK.

My 180 days comes up before the new rates come out for the packages. I was just going to call at my 180 day mark & make my reservation each day. I want to make sure we get the restaurants we want & I’m afraid if I wait until the package rates come out we might miss out on one. This is why I am frustrated about this change. I am totally fine with them going to 90 days, but not in the middle of my week of booking ADR’s, I will still have 4 reservations to make. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Agreed, it's ruined it for me too. I'm a WDW veteran so I know how to play the game and I still don't end up with everythinig I want (for my trip in October, Le Cellier and Chef Mickey's are full for every one of the 14 nights). It's such a shame. I'm pleased for those people who benefit, but it really does make it worse for others.

Keep in mind they aren't really booked. The allotment of reservations released this early may be, but I'd try again on key times - i.e. 90, 60, and 30 days before.

Very often they "magically' open up like that, they don't let the whole restaurant get booked 180 days in advance.



Active Member
I dont know if the powers at be at Disney have thought of this.

What If Disney was to add a third level to the DDP? This one would be for just counter service meals. Maybe 2 counter service meals a day and 2 snacks a day. Do you think famlies with kids would opt for this?

It would free them up to eat where they please, when they please and not burn an hour or two sitting in a resturant when all the kids want to do is be in the parks. This would open up more ADR space in the sit downs. Disney has some really awesome counter service places that are almost like a sit down(Sunshine Seasons comes to mind as well as some of the counter service places in World Showcase)


New Member
The 27th date was not for the public. Public free dining was through the 20th. The 27th was for those using the bounce back offer last September.

Thank you so much!:wave: (Since crassmonkey was just such a wealth of information and positiveness!:brick:) I'm pretty tuned into the discounts that pop up now and again, and hadn't heard any mention of free DDP during my scheduled trip.


What If Disney was to add a third level to the DDP? This one would be for just counter service meals. Maybe 2 counter service meals a day and 2 snacks a day. Do you think famlies with kids would opt for this?

This is already being made available to UK visiters via the UK Disney website for next year.

Should see it anounced for thE US in the next 2 months or so, i would guess.


Well-Known Member
It's possible if free DDP returns next year, it will be for this new counter service only plan.

The options being offered to UK guests now also suggest the price for the regular DDP may go up quite a bit. I don't see how they could do that unless they also restore the plan to its pre-2008 benefits.


Well-Known Member
Topdog...I love that idea of having 2 counters and 2 snacks. I think this will attract more families with younger children as well as some older ones who are ride maniacs and don't want to waste time sitting down. Or...2 counter and be traded for 1 table. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Been doing ADRs since before the DDP even took a foothold. I looked at it as a necessity if you want to eat anyplace good. I do hate having to calculate the 180 day point and then making sure I'm calling at 8AM or whenver it is they start taking phone calls that day.

Even then, I find it hard to believe that when I call at 8AM 180 days out that Le Cellier doesn't have any tables available at 5PM! But having had that happen to me enough times for that place and other popular eateries, I know that ADRs are a must.

And when DDP plan took off, it became downright ridiculous trying to get ADRs at places anything closer than 170 days. For me, I know how to play the system so I almost always get to eat where I want. But for the everyday tourist, I feel sorry for them for they don't even know what an ADR is.

When they walk up to the hostess stand at 5PM to try to get into a sit down restaurant, they are in for a rude surprise. But if the hostess is nice, a bit of an education of will be given to why they probably won't be eating at any sit down restaurants their entire trip.

I'd say that 9 out of the 10 couples I talk to that have been to WDW usually say "i don't even know what we did for dinner most days". As ridiculous as the whole ADR situation is, I just can't see spending $5K for a WDW vacation and eating cheeseburgers over the counter the entire trip. I'm on vacation! SERVE ME A STEAK!! :p

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