I guess Disney is only for the 1%, guys. Let's pack it up and go home. If we can't pay for it in cash then we should just stay at home like the other trash, right?
By the way, I can certainly afford to splurge the $600+ I need for my pass at one time on my measly income. That doesn't mean it's the MOST economically sound decision. It's much more convenient to pay the exact same fee over time, leaving me with more cash in my pocket for any sort of unexpected expense that might come up, car/home maintenance, medical expenses, etc.
Many people cannot afford to spend the $5,000-15,000 (my rough estimates) that it costs to come to Disney with their family on a vacation out of their pocket at one time. I would wager to guess that the number of people who can afford to do that and actually visit WDW is probably under 10% of the people who visit.
Anyways, I don't come to these forums to discuss wealth disparity and to be honest, it really has nothing to do with the payment plan, considering the plan costs the exact same whether you pay a lump sum or over time. The point has been made undeniably clear: you disagree. We don't need any more commentary on your wealth.
I don't often read statements from people my age who have more money than they need, but it's incredibly sad to see how some people can be so disconnected from the reality of living in the real world. Not everyone is so entitled or fortunate.