Monorails not operating this morning (5/13)


Well-Known Member
A quick check, hand delivered to the local FPL office, and the deadbeats at Disney will have the power restored to the monorails in no time.


Active Member
Original Poster
HAHAH...ProgressCityUSA said bus driver mentioned they had been down the last 3 mornings due to maintenance issues. Obviously taken with grain of salt (re: source)
Seems like going back to the old system and just getting some drivers who won't fall asleep at 3am will solve all the problems. The monorail system has gone from awesome to junk in the last year. Unreliable and extremely slow now.


Well-Known Member
I'm just guessing that this is in relation to the work going on with the new rail addition for the 2nd tractor up at the switch by Fort Wilderness Lodge? They're taking advantage of the early morning light and lower traffic levels to finish up some critical work.


You're right on the money!

They have been having so many problems lately. They need to get it together or work on a better maintenance plan.

During our last two World visits, Dec. 2010 and Feb. 2011. monorail problems from the Magic Kingdom to TTC or Resorts lines were down at closing. So your options were bus or water transportation. As luck would have it, MK was packed both times and the crowd was restless. :brick: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I don't believe they are extending the track to anywhere at this time. It is very costly and I do not believe this is an area Disney will be investing in now, or in the future. I for one would love it. I would make the Wilderness Lodge much more appealing to me.

When Disney mapped out the Magic Kingdom resort area there was supposed to be a resort between the Contemporary and TTC, but it never happened. I was riding by there on the monorail this past week think how great that coming to fruition would be.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
They're doing new monorail tracks to the Wilderness Lodge?

no they are building a maintenance spur near the TTC which will allow them to store a work tractor in case Tron-O-Rail acts up on the EPCOT line.

As for the reason they were down, I don't know specifics, but I can tell you to expect more of it as the summer goes on. Some of the cab 1 or 6 cars do not have AC which causes the electronics to overheat and shut down the train. Yep it's that simple...AC in the front cars in the FL summer. What a revelation!


Well-Known Member
no they are building a maintenance spur near the TTC which will allow them to store a work tractor in case Tron-O-Rail acts up on the EPCOT line.

As for the reason they were down, I don't know specifics, but I can tell you to expect more of it as the summer goes on. Some of the cab 1 or 6 cars do not have AC which causes the electronics to overheat and shut down the train. Yep it's that simple...AC in the front cars in the FL summer. What a revelation!

Well they do have cab AC however they have been adjusted to 78° as a result of the monorail accident so that the window will not fog. The problem is in the summer they used to set the AC to mid to lower 60's in order to actually achieve somewhere around 72°. The actual temperature achieved now is around mid 80's.
I'm all for putting more resort ferries into service to alleviate the need to take the monorail. From the TTC the ferry is the only safe bet anymore.


New Member
I was here when it was down. They were telling us all to go to the ferryboats and let me tell u tht was hectic! By the time we left at 4 it was back up


Well-Known Member
are they up today (May 14th) ?? im planning on visting today

Every day there is a new fresh attempt to run the monorails continuously without issues, it never works but they try it anyways.

So far today I have seen monorails moving on the beam so they haven't broken yet today. If you hurry you might make it.


Well-Known Member
I plan on getting to Animal Kingdom around 1pm, and then entering on the Magic Kingdom Monorail around 3:30pm and then again around 1:30am ish, so hopefully the monorail works for that time atleast

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