Monorail Sim! [56k beware]


New Member
Original Poster
Yes, this has been mentioned before, but its just about to get a face lift.

Screens Below

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Unfortuantly he cant do the full WDW layout due to Copyrights :brick: . But if your really desprite to play this.. get a copy of Trainz 2004 [TRS2004] and check out <a href="">this</a>


Well-Known Member
Wait-I'm a little confused. Those pictures are awesome! Did you create them, or is it a Sim Game? If so, where can I get it, that is too cool!


Well-Known Member
CRJpilot said:
You should...lots o' fun and profitable at that. I am almost in the right seat anyday now

CRJPilot, I'm probably missing something obvious that's Disney related in your name but I'm not sure. Are you a true pilot? I see you've got a nice plane as your avatar, I fly some too. I only have about 4.5 hours right now though.


New Member
I am taking some time off right now after doing some CFI work. I have about 455 hours and am waiting to hear back from some regional airlines. And no, there's actually nothing disney related in my name. CRJ= Canadair Regional Jet. What I hope to be an FO in within the coming months :) Keep up with the flying too, consistency is the key. You'll spend less money on your training and end up learning more in the end.


New Member
Number_6 said:
B.A. Baracus? Or just don't go anywhere that would require an airplane? :animwink:
Just never go anywhere that I'd need to fly to. Usually I just go out of town to go to WDW, which is only a 3 hour drive.


Premium Member
Now if Disney would just buy out the rights to RCT3 and then add in that I might never leave my computer ever again (except to actually visit WDW and various bathroom breaks).

Man, what a great way to diet.


Well-Known Member
BTW, MCO is abbreviated for McCoy(McCoy Orlando Int'l Airport). (Which is why ORL is not the code of the airport.) ORL is the city code comprising MCO and SAN (Sanford). McCoy was the used name before Disney went in and made international travel to the region necessary.

Just a little trivia info I felt I needed to share!!

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