Monorail Front-Riding


Well-Known Member
would you feel that way if your son was killed in the front of a monorail......It should never come back at all out of respect to the decesed

Well then we better shut down Mission Space, Big Thunder Mountain, Tower of Terror, Splash Mountain, Contemporary Hotel, the Bus System, and Seven Seas Lagoon...out of respect of course.


Well-Known Member
While it's a shame that we live in a lawsuit-happy society that is ruled by lawyers who decide what is safe, I do understand why Disney has continued to not allow guests into the front cab. They now know that they system is not perfect, and as someone else said, they were very lucky that guests were not also among the causalities that horrible day. I believe Disney cares about their CM's, but they will tend to take the safety of their guests even more seriously. While CM's are trained in the situations that could occur, the typical guest is not and is helpless in that position.

I'm sure riding in the cockpit of a commercial airplane would be magical, but they're not going to let me up there, especially after what we learned on 9-11. If you don't learn from your mistakes, you just continue to put others at risk.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if/when this will be returning? I'm going down to Disney with some friends next year and I wanted to show them it.

I really hope this isn't a "too soon" topic, I don't mean offense, I'm just curious.

I am sure some WDW exec is thinking... how much will they pay to ride in the front Monorail car?


New Member
Look, nobody has the RIGHT, to ride in the front car of the monorail.....A young kid was almost ripped in two in the prime of his life due to a long list of careless operations mistakes and oversights...Sorry if you gonna miss out on your MAGICAL MOMENT...Ride in the other cars on the monorail...I dont need my Monorail captain being distracted by inane questions from self absorbed passengers looking to have a once in a lifetime experience while he is DRIVING 300 OTHER PASSENGERS and maybe should be paying attention to what he is doing instead or spitting out trivia and posing for pictures....Its not the same as a bus crash those things are going to happen...if the Monorail crew had been following protocol this would NOT HAVE HAPPENED...I for one dont want to be on a Monorail when someone has another lapse of judgement so i think leaving the Monorail captain alone to do his job is a tad more important than your PHOTO OPPERTUNITY....But hey thats just my opinion...Sorry if my words seem harsh but if you were a little closer to the situation you may feel the same way


Beta Return
Look now body has the RIGHT to ride in the front car of the monorail.....A young kid was almost ripped in two in the prime of his life due to a long list of careless operations mistakes and oversights...Sorry if you gonna miss out on your MAGICAL MOMENT...Ride in the other cars on the monorail...I dont need my Monorail captain being distracted by inane questions from self absorbed passengers looking to have a once in a lifetime experience while he is DRIVING 300 OTHER PASSENGERS and maybe should be paying attention to what he is doing instead or spitting out trivia and posing for pictures....Its not the same as a bus crash those things are going to happen...if the Monorail crew had been following protocol this would NOT HAVE HAPPENED...I for one dont want to be on a Monorail when someone has another lapse of judgement so i think leaving the Monorail captain alone to do his job is a tad more important than your PHOTO OPPERTUNITY....But hey thats just my opinion


There are just so many things wrong with this post....I don't even know where to start!


New Member
While it's a tragic accident I would hate to think that the person I care about would always be remembered as the reason people can't ride in the front.

The Pilot was not the reason, his DEATH, due to carelessness and lack of protocol, was the reason. If that was my son I would'nt care whatsoever if you could.nt ride in the front of a monorail


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I thought I saw a thread not too long ago about someone that was in the front recently... I wasn't aware that it was suspended still, I thought just through the investigation...

I never really saw it as a liability. The trains are protected as long as overrides are not in place, which is only during switching operations. Maybe with the new position and procedures, front riding will return sooner rather than later.

Here's to hoping. I sat in the front when I went down last May, and I really enjoy it. It's like sitting in 1st class on a plane. I hope they reinstate it before I got down next year.


Well-Known Member
The Pilot was not the reason, his DEATH, due to carelessness and lack of protocol, was the reason. If that was my son I would'nt care whatsoever if you could.nt ride in the front of a monorail
I am curious.. your join date is in Jan. 2005 and you only have 11 posts. Hmm... I guess you never posted anything back when the accident occured...I call Troll!!!


Premium Member
They've always been inconsistent with that, after September 11th they would not allow people to ride in the front at Disneyland for "security" reasons, that lasted for about a year I think. All the while people were riding up front at WDW with never any explantation as to what the difference was.

I spent a few days at Disneyland in April, 2009 and then a week and a half (on and off during a business trip) back in June of this year. Rode in the front of the monorail each day we were there.


New Member
I usually go to the disboards..... frankly i forgot about this site...I do like this site though way fewer Mothers. But I dont know why i have to defend myself for having an opinion


Premium Member
The Pilot was not the reason, his DEATH, due to carelessness and lack of protocol, was the reason. If that was my son I would'nt care whatsoever if you could.nt ride in the front of a monorail

I have an issue with this reasoning. I live in Washington DC, where just over a year ago two of our Red Line Metro trains collided, killing 9 people and injuring dozens more. The first car of the six car train that hit was crushed like a tin can. However, Metro didn't institute a policy that no one could ride in the first car from then on. As an engineer I understand WDW getting their ducks in a row following the tragedy of July 5, 2009. If keeping riders out of the front of the Monorails at WDW helps with the day to day operations, fine. But, I do think there has been a LOT of sensationalization of the event. I ride in the first Metro car all the time...and don't think twice about it. I ride in the front of the Disneyland Monorail as much as I can and don't think twice about it. I would ride in the front of the WDW monorails again, and doing so would, in my mind, would be a better tribute to Austin's sacrifice than just closing the public out of a really unique experience.

Just my thoughts...

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