The Epcot Manifesto
How about you raise your children the way you see fit and let others raise theirs the way that they see fit without judgement?I can't believe people are actually defending these things on here!
I assume you have asked every single person you know their opinions on the matter?I have never known anyone who has or would put a leash on a child, even if they are bad.
So, teaching your children to point and laugh at others who do things differently than you is A-Ok?If you want to treat your child like a dog and use a leash, then do it, but dont get upset at all the people that will state, look, and point in your direction!
Opinion, not fact. And once you start pushing that your opinion is right, you enter a very slippery slope in judgement.Plain and simple they are wrong, no matter if its a backpack or harness or whatever!
Personally, we do not use these, as with our children, the stroller / hand-holding / occasionally-yell-at-our-child-to-stay-close method has worked so far.
I do not however pretend to know every parent and their child, and their situation. I do not know if their child has a disability that makes it very hard for them to keep an eye on. I do not know if the parent has a disability that makes it hard for them to keep an eye on their child (parents with vision problems, etc). I do not know if a parent is so concerned for the welfare of thier child that to them, NOT having a sure-fire way to keep their child close is nearly a form of child endangerment. Just because some people choose different methods to keep their children safe than I do, it does not make them wrong.