Mom & Son & Restrooms

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I am off to the World with my 10 year old son.

Naturally, he is brilliant and level-headed like his mother. :lol: However, he is still 10 years old.

I have read that some of the park restrooms have 2 doors, and kids can get turned around and lost.

What I'm thinking about doing is having him wait while I go, then I will wait while he goes. That way I can make sure that I see him coming out, and I can rush in there (and, yes, I would do it) if he seems to be taking too long.

What do you think?
Do any of you have strategies for the opposite gender child situation?

Yes, I know there are family bathrooms, the baby care center (which he would be insulted to go into), restaurants, etc. But they are not always a viable option.


Well-Known Member
mwc1996 said:
It was incredibly embarassing for me. I would STRONGLY urge you not to do this to your child. It really can mess them up in the head. I understand the need to protect your children but at 10 years old you have got to let him have the freedom to go to the bathroom by himself. He could resent you for a very long time if you do not.

As I said above, I completely agree.

Honestly, if he feels comfortable, let him go to the bathroom by himself. At ten, unless he's developmentally challenged, he should be able to use the restroom without mom tagging along.

It doesn't sound as if you have been to WDW before, and my guess is when you arrive and realize it's not some scary, gross amusement park with dirty old men/women around every corner you will realize that standing outside the restroom is just fine. You should teach your son about being careful, not talking to strangers when he's in there, and where to meet you outside.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but your son is at the age where mom coming into the bathroom could be very disturbing. Just let him relieve himself in peace. :)

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New Member
I struggle with this myself. My son is 6. If my husband is with us, then he always goes with him to the men's room. But when it's the two of us I will still take him into the women's room with me. However, it's becoming apparent that it's not really a good idea anymore. If I feel comfortable enough with the environment I'll let him go by himself while I wait outside. I won't go in after him if I know there are other men/boys inside. Only when I know he's in there by himself.

A boy of 10 should be fine but I like the idea of the walkie talkie. Give him a reasonable amount of time and a specific meeting place and buzz him if he's late.

Good luck and have fun.
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Boo's Mom

New Member
I know right by Tower of Terror, there are companion bathrooms. I was coming out the ladies room and this lady was dragging her son in the ladies bathroom. He had to be about 10 or so. He clearly did not want to go in there but she dragged him in there anyways. There was the companion bathroom right next to the ladies bathroom and he mentioned it to her but she didn't listen. Poor boy was embarrassed, face turning red. Felt kinda sorry for him.
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New Member
The companion bathrooms are intended for wheelchair users who require assistance or find the extra room more convenient to their needs.

More than once I have seen a wheelchair user waiting to get into one of these bathrooms as it was engaged only to see the door open and an able bodied person who could not be arsed to walk the extra five feet to the regular bathroom emerge.
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New Member
Boo's Mom said:
I know right by Tower of Terror, there are companion bathrooms. I was coming out the ladies room and this lady was dragging her son in the ladies bathroom. He had to be about 10 or so....Poor boy was embarrassed, face turning red. Felt kinda sorry for him.
That poor child is going to grow up with "issues".
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Well-Known Member
Well I would think that the companion restrooms would be a good option. I know that someone mentioned they are for disabled guests only, but I know that the disabled stalls in the womens restrooms get used by non disabled guests all of the time, other wise that oh so long line would be even longer :) I would certainly go for the companion restroom if it was a father with daughters over the age of say 5 or 6, thats too old to be in the mens room, yet too young to go alone, as the womens restrooms tend to have messy seats from squaters, so the little girls need the extra help.
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Well-Known Member
My husband ran into the same problem when he would take our girls out for a special "daddy & daughter day". He never felt comfortable letting them go into the ladie's room alone, but he really had no choice. He always made sure he stayed near the door so they could find him when they came out. I see no problem with using the companion bathrooms if it would make you both comfortable, but I suspect he would rather use the men's room alone. Just point out where you will wait for him.
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New Member
I have read that some of the park restrooms have 2 doors, and kids can get turned around and lost.

It might be easier to find out which restrooms have two doors by which he could get lost. Then you could avoid those. I can't even think of one. :wave: Maybe those that are restroom experts can list the problematic ones here!

btw...I think one half of the men's restrooms should be converted for additional space for the ladies. I feel sorry for the gals waiting in line and more sorry for the guys waiting for the gals. :lol:
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New Member
raven said:
Please don't do that. I have been in the restroom many times when mother's come wondering in and it's VERY embaressing for the men in there and the child as well.

Next time just tell her to hold "this" while you go look for the kid! :lol:
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