I'm done penny pinching. Thought Pop-Century and All-Star Movies had nice rooms (at least for 2), my g/friend and I aren't satisfied with the level of, for lack of a better made-up word, "commonness" of the people we interacted with who were also staying there. I'm not elitist, by far, but I don't believe small children should be out running around and being loud, be it in the pool or outside their room, after 9pm. Plus, we had problems with folks talking on their phones or to each other outside our room at night.
We're upgrading. It might mean that we don't visit as often (usually 4 or so nights per year), but I think it will be a better experience. Trust me, I don't think everything will be perfect at the other, higher priced resorts, just a little more private.
I'm glad Disney offers a value resort to folks who want to experience the Greatest Place on Earth, we've just decided to upgrade. Obviously, this post is not meant to offend anyone.