My wife just returned from a trip w/ her mother and they attended MNSSHP on a weekday (Tuesday). My wife and I have attended MNSSHP many times over the years and it has always been enjoyable with crowd levels and wait times for attractions that were very tolerable. This year....not so much. She said the crowd was absolutely insane. Way more crowded than any normal day they visited MK. Walking from Frontierland to Liberty Square, she said the crowd was so thick that people were taking a few steps at a time then coming to a complete stop and waiting for the crowd to move. She said it was claustrophobic and quite dangerous had their been a panic and the crowd tried to rush out.
The line for Haunted Mansion stretched all the way to Liberty Square Riverboat entrance. They returned a few times and the line had not gotten much shorter. Long waits for the M&G's and most attractions and 80+ minute waits for the mountains and Peter Pan throughout the night, with the exception of BTMRR which they were able to ride. They also rode Pirates and IASW and that was it. And please keep in mind we understand MNSSHP is not about walking onto attractions by any means. And my wife is far from a complainer, but she has attended the party enough over the years to know the difference when its more crowded than normal. She said crowd levels matched a busy day during Spring Break or a Holiday. She said it was the type of crowd where you get to MK and just decide to leave and come back later or another day.
They did get half decent spot in near Frontierland to see the parade but no headless horseman. They had fun with the candy stations and seeing some really nice costumes but aside from that she said it was miserable. The only thing I could guess is that they are over selling the event or selling way more tickets than normal on some nights. Has anybody else attended the party this year and noticed a difference compared to years past? Or did they just pick a bad night to go? My wife absolutely loves MNSSHP but she said after this experience, she may be done with it.
The line for Haunted Mansion stretched all the way to Liberty Square Riverboat entrance. They returned a few times and the line had not gotten much shorter. Long waits for the M&G's and most attractions and 80+ minute waits for the mountains and Peter Pan throughout the night, with the exception of BTMRR which they were able to ride. They also rode Pirates and IASW and that was it. And please keep in mind we understand MNSSHP is not about walking onto attractions by any means. And my wife is far from a complainer, but she has attended the party enough over the years to know the difference when its more crowded than normal. She said crowd levels matched a busy day during Spring Break or a Holiday. She said it was the type of crowd where you get to MK and just decide to leave and come back later or another day.
They did get half decent spot in near Frontierland to see the parade but no headless horseman. They had fun with the candy stations and seeing some really nice costumes but aside from that she said it was miserable. The only thing I could guess is that they are over selling the event or selling way more tickets than normal on some nights. Has anybody else attended the party this year and noticed a difference compared to years past? Or did they just pick a bad night to go? My wife absolutely loves MNSSHP but she said after this experience, she may be done with it.