See, after riding both now within the span of a year, I just don’t think MK’s space holds a candle to Disneyland’s. The vehicles are far more comfortable in Anaheim, the track while yes being a big spiral is way more fun and feels faster because of it’s shape and tightness. Even it’s dips even feel more exciting. The whole experience over is just far more pleasant and thrilling.
I don’t think MK’s Space is quite to the level of uncomfortable as something like Matterhorn but it is most definitely an uncomfortable ride through the cosmos, and this is coming from someone who generally likes rough rides. If a single track means the comfortability and fun factor of Disneyland’s then bring it on.
Whatever they do, we just gotta get rid of the bobsleds and go for the train style of DL at the very least. Those bobsleds are a nightmare for people who’re tall or who have hip and knee issues.