Uponastar said:
(I'm right here, sorry about that.)
(Mary: No, it wasn't the food. :lol: )
It's just that I've been thinking... I don't fear the conclusion of life, I fear the brevity of it.
Someone from our school died last week, as a result of a fire in their garage. He saved a girl from the inferno, but unfortunately couldn't save himself. Now, I didn't know him, but this has been the second death within our school in less than 1/2 a year.
One of the saddest things hapened when our school gathered on the front lawn to pay our respects to the procession passing by this morning. There were only three cars. Three. Three cars for a teenager who gave his life to save another.
The thing I fear the most about death, is the brevity of life. Given willingly, and taken away in an instant. Sometimes I wonder why I sit in the classroom, day after day, copying some seemingly menial work down, when I could be breaking free from society, standing out, and making something of myself
before it's too late. Alas, the shackles of fate are too tightly bound to the legs of society, and so I must commit myself to menial tasks to get anywhere else.
That, combined with the weather, my horde of final projects, and a few other deaths in the community (including a police officer slain in the line of duty), it's just been a really depressing few days for me.