Yeah.... I can't tell you how many all nighters I've pulled... last year I woke up on a Monday (no monday day classes at the time) at like 2:30 p.m. and didn't go to sleep until Wednesday night... and took two exams and wrote two papers in that time... got all Bs and B+s on those assignments... but I've also failed exams from all-nighters
Anywho... onto my raging ventilation:
So... things just aren't going my way. I went to talk to the professor about the final and how to better prepare since I was doing so poorly... he said "go over the midterms, go over the quizzes, take the online quizzes, do the online identifications, and the only definitions." SOUNDS GOOD... I do just that, memorize literally 500 MC questions... learn 100 definitions... learn 100 identifications... I AM SET... put in a solid 15 hours of studying total for this thing... feeling GREAT
well... three of the 500 MCs i memorized was on the exam... 1 definitely, and nont a single indentification... meaning... of the 100 MC final we just got, I only knew 4 answers and guessed on 96 of them...
I just failed a class... AND... somehow while I was failing this class, my powercord for my laptop stopped working... and my batter is about to die... THIS IS FUN!!!!!