Mission: Space


Originally posted by BrerFox28
The whole time I was at WDW, the wait for Mission: Space at Epcot was no more than 10 minutes (that's what the standby sign said), and it only took about 5 minutes to go through. I mean, come on, most people dont like this ride, you can really only ride it once on your trip, because you know exactly whats going to happen if u ride it again (it says your going to go into manual control, but when all 4 people have their hands off the joystick, it still goes by itself) I mean, is this ride not just money down the toilet? And even when they advertise it on the little parking ticket and TV, that doesn't even help! People just get sick on it! (I think it is the only ride thta has barf bags in Walt Disney World, so if that tells you anything) I know SOME people like it, but the majority doesn't. I dont know, it just seems like they could make another ride with that money... :D

I'm confused, where is the news and/or rumor in this? :brick:


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest flaw in M:S is the pre and post "shows". You'd think that an attraction like that would just beg for an interactive space oriented post show, something that lives up the the standards that EPCOT used to have....

Er, when did I grizz take over my typing fingers? :lookaroun


I personally love Mission:Space. I rode it atleast 12 times when I was there last August. I think it is a fun ride which is innovative, just like Walt would want.:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
I think the biggest flaw in M:S is the pre and post "shows". You'd think that an attraction like that would just beg for an interactive space oriented post show, something that lives up the the standards that EPCOT used to have....

Er, when did I grizz take over my typing fingers? :lookaroun

I think they should have a "digsite" like at DinoLand...where you can play in Mars Mud :lookaroun

Kids: Hey look momma...I think there was water here at one time!

But seriously, the preshow could be better...maybe if you didn't need to "ride" the ride to enter through the main "entrance" to the pavilion. (Kinda like "The Land" you walk in...and there's a large open area...the ride is off to the side...some other interactive kiosks (the space race game could go hear)...Have a themed restaurant where you could "eat on Mars" or in some "out of this world" restaurant...and then have a film based on the history of space exploration and a family attraction maybe riding on the surface of the moon in a rover.)


Well-Known Member
When I was just there just two weekends ago, Mission:Space easily had 40-50 minute wait for most of the day while Test Track had 60-70 minute wait. MS is a people-eating machine, which really helps with the wait times. In comparison, Test Track, coupled with its freqeunt down times, does not load people nearly as fast as MS. So to compare wait times does not reflect the popularity of the ride.

No offense, but I completely disagree with Brer Fox. It is his opinion that he does not like the ride, but I disagree that it is not popular among the masses. MS is my favorite ride at any park and is likewise the favorite of many of my friends. Everytime I ride (which is a lot), there is always that excitement or buzz from other riders that can be heard, indicating it entertains a lot of other people too. I have ridden MS countless times, usually several time in one trip to Epcot if possible, and love it more everytime. You can't get that experience anywhere else in the world.

MS's re-rideability is no different than any other ride in the world. With the exception of TOT and to a lesser extent Indiana Jones at DL, every ride you ride through does exactly the same thing everytime. Also, MS is interactive to an extent. Sure, if you sit back and do nothing, the "computer" will take over...but you do have some control. Try hitting your assigment buttons a little sooner than when CapCom says NOW, it will trigger the effect before its ready and your pod does little things like tremble a little longer and make other sound effects, etc. It is not huge, but once you've been on it a lot and play around with things, you do realize that its more interactive than it let's on. Not to mention audio cues can change if you don't press your buttons (Computer Over-ride audio, for instance). Also, I just love pushing all the buttons and levers that do nothing than to switch on and off lights, especially during the high G moments. The joysticks do nothing other than enhance the believability that you are steering the ship....use your imagination a little. The joysticks also play another role...the shaking of it goes through your arms thereby simulating a rocky landing when the pod itself isn't doing much. Unfortunately, this effect is most noticed when the joysticks do not become "active" like they should.

Please understand that your opinion does not represent necessarily the majority. I respect your opinion and don't want to change your mind on your view of the ride, but I know of a lot more people who love MS than don't, so from my reference point I'd say its quite popular. Not to mention that it is attributed as part of the reason for Epcot's continously increasing attendance.


I really enjoyed M:S even though it's not interactive (If you don't push the buttons when it says it goes to automatic) I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't go on it twice. My wife and I went on it about half an hour after going on it the first time and we had to sit down after we got off (Or we would have fallen down!) It was then that we talked to a couple of CMs who said they estimated at least 2 people a day who ride M:S vomit on the ride or shortly after getting off. :eek: We were both feeling nauseous for a few hours after riding.

I will go on it again, but never ever twice in one day.


Originally posted by andre85
at least one caused a sound effect of some kind. I grew fond of that switch.

You and me both.
I also liked the Mission Space Race right after the ride, I think the highest I got was 98%


New Member
Add me to the list of people who liked it more the second time than the first time. First time I rode it was February and liked it alright, but was not blown away by it. The second time was about two weeks ago and the ride was much more enjoyable, and while still not mind boggling amazing, was much more impressive to me.

And not to stir up old rumors, but the first time was in the yellow centrifuge and the second time was in the green. So, if there was any truth to that rumor, maybe that had something to do with it. I dunno.

And Press Buttons in Space sounds like an awesome ride! That should go in the 20,000 Leagues Lagoon! :p

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
About Mission: Space getting old, I completely disagree. I admit that the first time I went on it I walked in with impossibly high expectations. The massive number of pre-show warnings only reinforced this perception. After that ride was done, I was frankly a little disappointed. But, the singles line was still short, so I gave it another try. I'm glad I did! This time I simply relaxed and let myself enjoy the ride experience. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I ended up riding Mission: Space four times that trip.

I did notice that the wait times were always shorter for MiS than Test Track, but think about it...TT has one loading area that accomidates about 18 people loading at any one time (assuming 3 cars in the loading area). MiS has 4 identical ride systems that accomidate 40 people (I think) riding each at a time. This has a much higher capacity than MiS, and therefore a shorter line. Don't forget that after the line, there are two holding areas where riders are kept; the briefing room and the pre-flight holding area. Thus, three cycles of riders (including those experiencing the attraction) are in each of the four ride sections at any one time. That's a lot of people. Thus, the comparitive wait times are very deceptive.

As for the interactivity, the ride is as interactive as it can be, considering the ride structure. All of the pods in each circle need to accelerate at the same time, and the screen needs to reflect this, otherwise people would really get sick. Now, the buttons really do cue sound and light effects, but this is really about it. It would have been nice, though, if the joystics really did have an effect on the simulator motion. Oh well.

Don't make vast generalizations about people's opinions unless you have all the facts. Also, believe me, Mission Space is a worthwhile attraction. Just relax and enjoy it.


Active Member
M:S is the most interactive ride at WDW after Buzz. You have an effect on the ride, not on the pod but on lights, sounds and visual effects. It helps telling the story, it is much more immersive than any ride at WDW. Pirates is gorgeous but you're watching passively, you're not part of the action. At M:S, you are the hero.

And when the average mark for the attraction is 8/10 on themeparkinsider.com, I don't think we can conclude that guests don't like the attraction.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
I'll ride it if there's no wait. . . but it's never a must-see.

I agree...the most I'd wait is 15 minutes...but then again that applies to any ride at WDW for me...except the Safaris and RnRC...

The pavilion as a whole has so much more potential than what was created. I agree with Christy and Brian on this...I'd also bet, than in the original plans...there was a huge pavilion in the works...but then the project got cut...and it shrunk into what it is today....but then again, what else can be expected nowadays...oh well...

The ride is good and thrilling, and I not at all more boring with each ride...one thing that did catch my attention was, that the last two times I've been to Epcot and have been on M:S its broken down...perhaps we will have another Test Track on our hands in the future...

The good thing about M:S is that updating will be relatively easier and shorter than on a ride like Small World, SSE or even Dinosaur...becuase its a video...just change the video forget the effects of the pod (which would be a plus if also changed) and you got yourself a new ride...

Is M:S a ride like Horizons...NO...but it sure is unique...nothing like it anywhere else...which does in some way go along with what Disney is or was, which ever you prefer....anyway just my opinion...

:lookaroun :D


Well-Known Member
We rode M:S last week for the first time. My daughter did great, for some reason I thought she would panic. The "takeoff" was ok. I don't like enclosed spaces but it did feel enclosed. My problem came with the "landing" That is when my stomach did flips. I didn't need to be rushed to the hospital or anything and it only lasted for about 1/2 hour. The guy in the ship with us had ridden it over 20 times. It's a cool ride, but I don't know if I would go on it again.


New Member
Aren't the only attractions at WDW that have higher capacity than MS peoplemovers?

I remember when I went on in testing the CM told me the attraction can run 1800 people per hour but I am not sure if it was for the 2 pods running or the whole ride.

But MS is perfect in everything except the Preshow and Post show. But at least the line was very highly detailed. The Post show planned also would have doubled the attractions cost.

But people who complain about the preshow. At least it is detailed compared to many other Epcot attractions. Many waiting rooms at epcot are just Carpet filled rooms and the carpet on the walls makes your skin itch.

Also about Re-ride ability. I rode it 8 times when it was testing. I didn't ride more because there was other stuff I wanted to do.

Now, when I return to WDW in 10 days, I hope to ride Mission Space at least another 8 times.


Well-Known Member
1.) I liked M:S as much as the first time as I did the 32nd time, same for ToT and Indiana Jones.

2.) No ride can be totally interactive. If you want total interactivity, go to DisneyQuest.

3.) Yes, I've seen NO WAIT, and I've seen 30+ min waits.

4.) M:S is efficent and fast, but not the most.


Premium Member
Originally posted by objr

The good thing about M:S is that updating will be relatively easier and shorter than on a ride like Small World, SSE or even Dinosaur...becuase its a video...just change the video forget the effects of the pod (which would be a plus if also changed) and you got yourself a new ride...

:lookaroun :D

Just like Star Tours and Body Wars! and how many video changes have we had on that so far? ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
Just like Star Tours and Body Wars! and how many video changes have we had on that so far? ;)

Hold on...can I get out my calculator to add this up? :lookaroun

Mr. Owl can count higher! :lol:

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