Mission: SPACE vs IOA's Spiderman


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Original Poster
Sorry if this isn't posted in the right spot. But, just seeing what you guys think. Will Mission: SPACE eclipse IOA's Spiderman attraction? It will have to be pretty darn amazing to do so, but I think Disney (and a whole lot of money) can pull it off. What do ya think?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bryy2001
Sorry if this isn't posted in the right spot. But, just seeing what you guys think. Will Mission: SPACE eclipse IOA's Spiderman attraction? It will have to be pretty darn amazing to do so, but I think Disney (and a whole lot of money) can pull it off. What do ya think?

Yep..wrong section..but i'll answer anyway (this should have gone in general discussion)..

Spiderman ..although impressive..isnt that innovative. Mission:Space (from what the rumors are saying at least) is going to use things NEVER used before..thats going to be quite amazing if its true.


New Member
What can I say... the name SPIDER-MAN = QUALITY at least for now, the movie and the ride have set new heights on many different levels. Makes you think, how much would people brag about IOA if Spider-man wasn't there. I think it would still stand as a very good park, but the fact that Spider-man is there makes it the best competetion Disney has ever felt (even if it was just a nudge). Anyway, I think you really can't compare the rides based on what they are, but as far as crowd pleasers, I think SPACE will do so. But, I have never felt as Amazed as I was the first time I rode Spider-man, it has raised a new bar that will be hard to meet. For those who have never rode anything at that level maybe they would ride SPACE and feel that experience as well, but for those of us that have experienced it with Spider-man, it will now be that much harder to impress us again. This hurts Universal in that sense as well... how can they top Spider-man?

As far as innovation versus impressiveness. I vote innovation every time. That has always been what makes Disney stand out from other parks, it has been lacking in recent years, but with Test Track and SPACE I think we are seeing new techniques emerge once again from the mouse. But you have to give credit to Universal, to take the best of several rides and make the best combined ride is their trump card to keep riding. All I can say is good luck to them.

Just a side note, I have used the screen name of Spider-man for about seven years now, so I didn't jump on the band wagon because of the movie or the ride, I was a fan from childhood, I'm just happy to see the franchise getting it's due after all these years.


New Member
Spiderman will be VERY hard to beat. I don't think I, or anyone else can judge what will be better. We don't even know that much about MS. So, I can't really say.


Well-Known Member
Who knows what Mission: Space is? Yep, I thought so.

For all we know it could be worse then JIYI (knock on wood). So until someone has been on it (and I mean the full ride, and one of us. Not just some test by Mikey), then there should be no posts like this.


New Member
Originally posted by Rider
Who knows what Mission: Space is? Yep, I thought so.

For all we know it could be worse then JIYI (knock on wood). So until someone has been on it (and I mean the full ride, and one of us. Not just some test by Mikey), then there should be no posts like this.



Well-Known Member
Personally, I think it's gonna be hard to top Spidey. He already had a HUGE fan base, and the movie just helped improving it. Seriously, I'm not saying I only go to IoA because of Spidey, but sure is because of the Marvel Island. :D

I really hope M: S is cool, but as NowInc says, it's not a comparison, their themes are different, and I don't think M: S is gonna be a simulator ride like Spidey, BTTF or Star Tours.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Personally, I think it's gonna be hard to top Spidey. He already had a HUGE fan base, and the movie just helped improving it. Seriously, I'm not saying I only go to IoA because of Spidey, but sure is because of the Marvel Island. :D

I really hope M: S is cool, but as NowInc says, it's not a comparison, their themes are different, and I don't think M: S is gonna be a simulator ride like Spidey, BTTF or Star Tours.

Enough is known about the ride technology to know that it will be a simulator. Read the wdwmagic MS info page.. lots of good info there including links to the company behind the ride technology.

But I think it will all come down to the story in the end. Spiderman does a pretty good job at putting you right in the middle of the story. I really hope that MS will be a trip into outerspace ala Star Tours or Mission to Mars and not a visit to an space flight training center ala Test Track. That to me will make a huge difference between an enjoyable ride and an unbelievable attraction!


Unfortunately, I believe Mission: Space's storyline is that you are Training to be the next Mars astronauts. Look on the bright side, though, finally a new addition to Future World that actually takes place in the future (for the time being-cough-tomorrowland)


Active Member
I'd have to agree, right now it' mostly speculation and until the ride is built and operational (which if it follows its neighbor, TT, who knows HOW long that will be), we can't say for sure. Hopefully by this time next year it will be open.


New Member
Let's just say that IOA's Spiderman and Epcot's Mission Space will be top of the line attractions in the indusrty... Each will have its own unique, and amazing, qualities... People go to IOA to ride Spiderman, and soon people will go to Epcot to experience Mission Space! As to say one will be better than the other, you really can't... Hmm.. It kinda fun reading all the rumors :)


Well-Known Member
All I can say is the thrill industry always has a way to outdo itself. Will Mission: SPACE do that...as you have said, we have no way of knowing...but don't play this off as a simple simulator...disney obviously thinks this attraction will be a major hit, and disney doesn't usually screw up when they pick which attractions will be major and which will be filler attractions (i.e. Dino-Rama)...I can't remember the last time disney pushed an attraction anywhere near as much as they are pushing this attraction without the attraction being an amazing success. Anyone have any of the latest pictures? I've heard that disney has really started working on the outside now that the ride system is in place (and in testing, I pressume).


Well-Known Member
Hidden Simulators

How is it that we (the public and fans) know so little about Mission Space? I knew very much about one of the newer Universal attractions while it was in its earlier stages of construction. Is Disney just more about keeping secrets? Even the new Eminem album was kept under tight wraps - with reviewers being required to go to listening stations, instead of being supplied with a copy, as used to be the norm. And now the entire album is available online - before its release. If such a tightly gaurded album is made so public prior to its release, surely someone can acquire general info as to the workings of Mission Space...?



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Hidden Simulators

Originally posted by Timekeeper
How is it that we (the public and fans) know so little about Mission Space? I knew very much about one of the newer Universal attractions while it was in its earlier stages of construction. Is Disney just more about keeping secrets?

Yes, they are very ""...lol ...

Well, think about it...its there stuff...and if eveybody knew about it early enough...other theme parks would try and beat them to the punch. So they are very smart keeping it under tight wraps. I would not want somebody to steal my stuff....and then take it to the market first....claiming it as there own ideas...when they actually stole it.:)


New Member
hard to follow plot!!

As in all universal rides
The plot of Spiderman is hard to follow [understatement]

I really hope that m: s will not be a simulator



New Member
Re: hard to follow plot!!

Originally posted by jp3raptor
As in all universal rides
The plot of Spiderman is hard to follow [understatement]

I really hope that m: s will not be a simulator

No it isn't. There are no universal rides where the plot is "hard to follow", especially Spiderman.


New Member
Oh, come on.... King Kong, Jurassic Park River Adventure, Spider-man, Terminator 2, Jaws, Back to the Future, E.T., and even Ripsaw Falls all have very straight forward, easy to follow plots, what's a matter with you people. They may not be as elaborate as something like Tower of Terror or Pirates or Dinosaur, but surely the Winnie the Pooh ride at MK has just as much of a plot as the Cat in the Hat Ride. Now if you are unfamilar with the characters, like Terminator, then I can see it being less familiar to you, but it is still straight forward what's going on. Universal definetly has some story elements to their rides, wheter they are strong ones or not... ex. Big Thunder vs. Hulk, but to say they don't exist is just not true. Most of their rides are based on movies so they have to have some kind of background to them anyway.

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