Mission Space tamed down?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Thats because some kid actually thought he was going into space and died. I think his blood pressure went up so high he had an aneurism, or at least something related to blood pressure.

Umm... I think you got your facts mixed up. He simply died because of the extreme G-forces, not because he thought he was going into space. :lol:

Isn't it obvious though that you are not going into Space? Epcot isn't a Space Port. The Training Center story certainly makes more sense. And does it really matter? The feeling of Space Flight, which is really what defines MS, would be the same regardless of which direction the story went in.

But it takes so much drama out of the experience. Its like going on the Haunted Mansion with the Ghost Host telling you "Oh there's really no such things as ghosts. The ones here are just reflections on glass, its all fake."

Like at the end, you're about to fall off a cliff. So what? Its just a fake simulation right? Who cares?

Dont' get me wrong, I really like M:S.


Well-Known Member
Which were caused by the G-forces right?

Re-read the phrase "previously undiagnosed". It means "pre-existing heart condition that noone knew about". (And if they'd known about it, it would have precluded him from going on the attraction, as it warns you not to ride with a heart condition)

People with that condition are succeptible to sudden attack/death pretty much all their lives. He very well could have sneezed while walking down the street and it could've killed him.


Mickey is King

New Member
It's an internet myth that Mission Space was toned down. The designers spent years working on the optimal G load for the attraction, and it was done prior to installation at Epcot. Once installed it was not changed. The non-spinning version was introduced, but the original spinning version remains the same today. It was determined back in the design phase that a slight reduction in G made no difference to guests getting sick, so there really was/is no point in tweeking it.

Any feeling that the G's have changed is down to your physical condition and perception at the time of riding.

The source of my info on the G's was a member of WDI who worked on the installation of Mission Space.

Sorry, but I disagree with the internet rumor thing on the tone down. I know two different people that have worked on or in the attraction and yes, it was toned down after the deaths. It's not about people getting sick on the ride, it's about public relations when a guest or two dies on an attraction. And I do personally think that the ever so slight tone down did help, alot of people were scared to ride it after the incident(s), even if it wasn't Disney's fault so to speak, they still have to take some sort of action. people died, the state & local govenment takes that stuff kinda serious at theme parks.

If i am wrong you'll never hear me say it was toned down again. anyone out there have the "offical Disney " answer to the tone down question?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Sorry, but I disagree with the internet rumor thing on the tone down. I know two different people that have worked on or in the attraction and yes, it was toned down after the deaths. It's not about people getting sick on the ride, it's about public relations when a guest or two dies on an attraction. And I do personally think that the ever so slight tone down did help, alot of people were scared to ride it after the incident(s), even if it wasn't Disney's fault so to speak, they still have to take some sort of action. people died, the state & local govenment takes that stuff kinda serious at theme parks.

If i am wrong you'll never hear me say it was toned down again. anyone out there have the "offical Disney " answer to the tone down question?
I have heard both that it has and has not been toned down but I tend to side with Steve on this one for 3 reasons. First of all the people that are telling me that it hasn't been toned down are fairly high up on the information food chain and those that are telling me it has....well not so much. Second with all the bad press M:S got you would have thought that Disney would have publicly stated that they backed off on the effects a bit to calm peoples fears. Lastly I have been riding M:S 10-20 times per year since it opened and it feels the exactly the same to me as the first time I rode it. Reason 3 is not what I would call solid proof but I am on that attraction quite a bit and a g-force junkie and I have not noticed one iota of difference.


Well-Known Member
Actually... it was ever so slightly. When the attraction first opened it was just Mission: SPACE and only had one version (Orange) which produced 3 G-Forces. That proved to be a bit too much for many guests, so when the Green Team was introduced, they also slightly toned down the Orange to 2.5 G-Forces. It's a minuscule change, but it was toned down very slightly. It has remained the same since.

Rumor, not fact.


Premium Member
Sorry, but I disagree with the internet rumor thing on the tone down. I know two different people that have worked on or in the attraction and yes, it was toned down after the deaths. It's not about people getting sick on the ride, it's about public relations when a guest or two dies on an attraction. And I do personally think that the ever so slight tone down did help, alot of people were scared to ride it after the incident(s), even if it wasn't Disney's fault so to speak, they still have to take some sort of action. people died, the state & local govenment takes that stuff kinda serious at theme parks.

If i am wrong you'll never hear me say it was toned down again. anyone out there have the "offical Disney " answer to the tone down question?

There was no change to the ride system after the death because there was no fault in the attraction. If Disney made changes it would be an admittance there was something wrong, which there was not.

The only change that has ever taken place was the introduction of the no-spin version.

Mickey is King

New Member
uhhh....we could all go back and fourth on this one all day long...... until anyone can produce an offical answer, I'm out on tone down.

Although, I do put stock in what one poster wrote, I do think time of day and how long you have been out in the hot sun makes a difference to some people on how the ride affects you.

I for one can't ride it after noon time, gives me a headache. i only ride it once a day when there, and have tried it at all times of day/early evening. Morning works best for my body.

It is a great ride though..maybe in a few years they can change up the misson for a different ride experience- that would be cool....


Active Member
Considering I worked there and that's what I was told by my trainer, yeah I'd say that's a fact.

That's probably true. Ride operators responsible for checking safety harnesses and cleaning up motion sickness are usually my go-to source for internal engineering operations at Fortune 100 companies.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Considering I worked there and that's what I was told by my trainer, yeah I'd say that's a fact.
While it does add to the credibility it does not make it a fact.

A CM at the Contemporary told me that the rooms would slide out for them to work on them. That does not make it a fact

A boat captain at the Yacht Club told me the monorail was designed to go through the S&D. That does not make it a fact.

Unless your trainer was directly involved in the design of the ride it is just as likely that his information is just as accurate as the other two examples I have given.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
While it does add to the credibility it does not make it a fact.

A CM at the Contemporary told me that the rooms would slide out for them to work on them. That does not make it a fact

A boat captain at the Yacht Club told me the monorail was designed to go through the S&D. That does not make it a fact.

Unless your trainer was directly involved in the design of the ride it is just as likely that his information is just as accurate as the other two examples I have given.

I've heard that from a number of people who have worked at Mission: SPACE. Whether you choose to believe me or not is your decision. I'm standing by what I was told.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that from a number of people who have worked at Mission: SPACE. Whether you choose to believe me or not is your decision. I'm standing by what I was told.

Trainers at WDW are like trainers anywhere else... their slightly "elevated" status/title makes those below them think that they know more about certain things....which may or maynot be the case. That "reverence" can also make the trainer alittle "egotistic" about what they may or may not actually know...

now all I know is that I do not recall a single instance in my 3.5 years on this site where Steve has provided us incorrect information about something of this nature.


Beta Return
Argh! I'm torn!

We either believe Steve, who's known for posting "facts" only to boost his post-count, and who merely got his information from some guy at WDI who worked on M:S...

...or we believe a significant number of actual M:S Cast Members, who literally started the ride thousands of times and provided expert sanitation engineering.


On a more serious note, perhaps the OP ended up on the "green" side, thinking he was on the "orange" side. :shrug:


Premium Member
Considering I worked there and that's what I was told by my trainer, yeah I'd say that's a fact.

I don't know who your trainer was, but bays 3 and 4 spin just as fast now as they did before the green side was introduced, at least according to the readouts in tower, the maintenance bay and the EER.

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