Mission Space Soft Openings?


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Does anyone have any ideas about when Mission Space will be opening? With the look of the outside and how finished it is looking, soft openings would seem close. Anyone got the inside word here?


My personal feeling on this is that it we'll probably see soft openings before any of us expect. From what we've all heard, these are probably closed-environment simulators, meaning that they are based on a movie, rather than what is in the building. With that knowledge, you can imagine that WDI was able to do a lot of the ride development and design in a mockup in Glendale or at the manufacturer's plant. They wouldn't spend all the money building the ride, then do the programming and risk being disappointed with the results.

If the operations test and adjust team has moved in, that means that at least some parts of the ride are functional. I'm sure WDI still has a long way to go on actually building and testing all the components, but the whole fact that operations is now involved means that they are farther along than was thought. When I was on the Animal Kingdom test and adjust crew, we moved in about 4 months before park opening.

Barring a Test Track type technical fiasco (which I'm sure was accounted for in the posted opening date), I'm calling for soft openings in the slow season of mid January, if not sooner.


Well-Known Member
I thought the actual pavilion was supposed to open earlier, with a gift shop, etc., with the ride opening later.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by disneyprep50321
I thought the actual pavilion was supposed to open earlier, with a gift shop, etc., with the ride opening later.

That is what I thought as well...

you know...they take down the black wall and stuff....so you could get a better look at the building...and wander around the planets and stuff :) I hope that is what happens at least ;)


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Originally posted by mbro2002

Barring a Test Track type technical fiasco (which I'm sure was accounted for in the posted opening date), I'm calling for soft openings in the slow season of mid January, if not sooner.

Mid-January? Since you seem to have experience with this, any chance Disney could try to squeeze it in for the week before Christmas??


Barring a Test Track type technical fiasco (which I'm sure was accounted for in the posted opening date), I'm calling for soft openings in the slow season of mid January, if not sooner.

While I do have some experience with this, what I said is purely speculation. I based it off of two things:

1. The Test and Adjust crew has been selected, which implies a specific phase of ride development. Disney isn't going to pay these folks to sit around and do nothing for months, so obviously they are ready to do some serious testing. If the ride isn't significantly built up, Imagineering could do a lot of the testing themselves.

2. Every Imagineer I've ever known wants nothing more than to get back to California. Working on a ride in Florida basically means being away from home and living out of a suitcase for extended periods of time, so they do all the work they can out of California. If they were able to do the ride movie and effects programming ahead of time out there, by all means they did it.


New Member
Well, it looks like Mission Space would open soon, IM guessing that it might be sooner than March....... But i have heard its going to be a (AH i forgot the name of what its called) someone please remind me, Like where The Land and stuff is called, so they r probably working on the activitie events and all, Even though Mission Space is done. I think.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Justin
Well, it looks like Mission Space would open soon, IM guessing that it might be sooner than March....... But i have heard its going to be a (AH i forgot the name of what its called) someone please remind me, Like where The Land and stuff is called, so they r probably working on the activitie events and all, Even though Mission Space is done. I think.

We know that it will be entering the test and adjust period real soon. However, they can accomplish this without the interior being completed yet.

I believe the next few months will be spent decorating the interior and putting in the pre / post show elements.

Since it cannot open to guests without this being done, I do not think it will soft open until early 2003. Putting it exactly on target for a Spring 2003 opening as planned.


Well-Known Member
I expect it to be like TT, they'll open it in December for a bit, then close for adjustments, open again, close for adjustments, untill opening.


Active Member
Originally posted by Mag1575
Hi Cymbaldiva,

I have to agree with you completely! I truly miss Horizons and wish they had not gotten rid of it.


Hello Mag1575!

Welcome to the board! Thanks for agreeing with me...I really loved Horizons :( I'm not sure if I'll ever care much for Mission Space just because it is what replaced my ride!


Well-Known Member
What's the deal?

Is Mission: Space going to be a "throw-up" ride where they spin you around in circles at high speeds or is it going to be where you sit in "pod" of sorts and watch a movie to feel like you're actually in space? I've heard different things, does anyone have a definitive answer?


New Member
No one Knows yet,some Mission:Space Freaks(Like me) Are going nuts to find out! It looks to small to be a rollercoaster,It may be a simulator,G-ride,Who knows? Maybe something totaly differant!
P.S. I liked Horizzens to! And worse,I never got to ride it! :cry: WAHHHHHHHH!!!!! :cry: I Think I have another reason why they tore it down,Horizens was about the 20th century,now we are IN
The 20th Century.And who wants to ride it when it's about today?

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