Mission Space Question


Active Member
PBarton said:
I always get the feeling that I am going cross-eyed during the ride, it must be something to do with the constant spinning - does anyone else feel the same??
That's the affect of the high G-forces on your eyeballs.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
PBarton said:
I always make a point of looking dead ahead at all times, as soon as the ride starts, but it is soooo tempting to look to the side!! :zipit:
its kind of like when you taste something really bad and your buddy just has to try it....... *gulp, gulp* "aaahhhhh, DUDE, this taste like ****, OMG its terrible.............. here try it"


New Member
After riding MS more than 15 times... several times twice in a row... i can GIVE one statement--- LOOK AHEAD AT ALL TIMES DURING THE EXPERIENCE!!

I would recommend checking out the attraction no matter what... go through the line and all if u decide that u wish not to par-take in the experience it is possible to exit the ride and wait in the post-show.

That is what i would recommend and have seen numorous guests do this.
Personally this is my favorite ride at WDW! For some reason i can do MS and love it but cant/wont do RnR or ToT?!?!?

Before i came to WDW i hated rollar costars or anything that made my stomach become displaced.. and will ride Splash, BTMRR, SM... LOVE to Death now~~
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in~



I get motion sickness, I try not to go on the spinny rides, but I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to ride. The ride seemed pretty quick. Just when I felt like I was approaching that "I'm going to get sick feeling", the pace of the ride seemed to change. That seemed to happen a couple of times. I think it helps if you look straight ahead into your monitor instead of looking off to your sides at the people you're riding with. Before I knew it, the ride was over. I was glad I went.


New Member
PBarton said:
The G force is quite strong, it makes your feet stick to the floor (try lifting them up during the ride!!).

The thing that's the unqiue part about M:S is that these forces are for a sustained period of time. Most of us have been on normal rides where the G-Forces can be high, but are only for a fraction of a second while you go through a loop or on the starting track of RocknRoller Coaster. But on M:S space they just don't let up. You feel the force of 2 and a half Gs but it lasts for several seconds, much longer than your used to.

The closest thing it's like is that old ride Six Flags over Mid America had called Tom's Twister. You stood with your back against the wall of a round cylinder. The cylinder spun up and you stuck to the wall as the floor dropped out from under you. M:S is the same way with much better effects.

I've ridden it many times with no problems. But Body Wars and Star Tours makes me sick every time. So, take dramamine for motion sickness this first time you ride M:S. Follow all the directions about looking forward with your head back. Both really will help your first time.


Active Member
gniko21 said:
I get motion sickness, I try not to go on the spinny rides, but I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to ride. The ride seemed pretty quick. Just when I felt like I was approaching that "I'm going to get sick feeling", the pace of the ride seemed to change. That seemed to happen a couple of times. I think it helps if you look straight ahead into your monitor instead of looking off to your sides at the people you're riding with. Before I knew it, the ride was over. I was glad I went.
Welcome to the boards gniko and thanks for bringing up another point. The programmers of this ride push your senses to the point of normal human tolerance then change the tempo just in time to keep you from blacking out! Doesn't that sound fun! Dude, you gotta try it!



New Member
I've only been once...which was plenty. I enjoyed the first part with the G-forces...but after that, no fun at all. I don't like the Body Wars or Star Wars rides either. The second part reminds me of those.

Now I just sit and play games while my husband rides. Love the games.


New Member
I have ridden Mission: Space around 40 times or so now (Yes I'm a passholder). I really like this ride. I think its probably Walt Disney World's most "physically" intense ride due to the duration of the G-forces on the Body. Yes this ride is more intense than Rock N Roller Coaster. I am one who gets car sick easily, but I am able to do this ride. (teacups make me sick if I don't stare at the handle in the middle of the cup). As mentioned before its very important to stare ahead and not close your eyes during the duration of the ride. Also I DO NOT recommend that you relax your body while riding (which I tried to see what it feels like) because your body will be sore afterwards. (though its fun to try to lift your legs). The ride really has 3 parts that are more intense than other segements of the ride (The launch, slingshot around the moon, and Mars decent). While the ride is about 3 minutes long or so, the real intense sections last between 15-25 seconds. For some reason my head always feels a little woozy when they put you to sleep for 3 months. I still feel a little wierd after getting off the ride (even after 40+ times)---but I really like it. Give it a try but like the Warning sign says---Even those who do not get motion sickness, may get sick while riding this ride. Make sure you dont do it on a full stomach---though make sure you are hydrated and such.


Active Member
jmaxwell007 said:
its kind of like when you taste something really bad and your buddy just has to try it....... *gulp, gulp* "aaahhhhh, DUDE, this taste like ****, OMG its terrible.............. here try it"
That is 100% correct!! Just like when you take a sip of Beverley over at Ice Station Cool.... As soon as you say "that is disgusting", everyone around you gives it a try! :hammer: :hurl:


Active Member
K&K said:
I've only been once...which was plenty. I enjoyed the first part with the G-forces...but after that, no fun at all. I don't like the Body Wars or Star Wars rides either. The second part reminds me of those.

Now I just sit and play games while my husband rides. Love the games.
I don't really like Body Wars or Startours either.. I always feel like it is FAR too hot inside the simulator towards the end of the ride. Although the ride lasts for maybe 2 minutes, it seems like much longer - I can't wait to get out at the end, I don't feel sick, it just feels like sitting in an oven!!

Mission Space is a very smooth ride though (well, apart from the crash landing at the end). I live in England and can only get to WDW once a year at best, so to me it would be a waste to not go on the ride. It is highly recomended, It must be experienced!


New Member
nemo77 said:
I ride almost every ride there is including upside down rollercoasters and for some reason this one ride has me very nervous ever since it opened. I normally don't get sick on spinning rides, but I know now that I will not be getting on this ride. Me and my group will just have to skip this ride and not worry about it. Thanks
That's different, if you are fit enough for upside down coasters then you will love Mission Space. Just remember to obay all the instructions. As long as you look at the screen your eyes will trick you into thinking you are going forwards at great speed. If you close your eyes, or turn away from the screen then your other senses take over and tell you that you are at the end of and arm that is rotating at speed.


Well-Known Member
I loved it! There is a lot of pressure on you, but I think if you hold your head up and straight it isn't that bad.


New Member
I was like, deathly scared of going on at first, but if you keep your eyes on the screen and head straight you can't really tell, you feel like your actually taking off and what not, its really cool! But, I do know a few who got sick..(they cloesd their eyes and could feel the spinning)..but its a great ride !


Premium Member
I can't believe how many of you have gotten sick on this ride.

I get really bad motion sickness - I can't even play "ring around the rosie" with my kids because walking in a circle for 5 seconds makes me dizzy and nauseous. But I can handle Mission Space fine! I have to really let my imagination run wild and force myself to believe for a few minutes that I am going really fast straight ahead, and totally block out the fact that I'm spinning. If for a second I start to think about spinning while I'm riding then I start to get dizzy, so I just go back to pretending I'm going forward and I feel better instantly. I also make sure to look straight ahead at the screen at all times and not move my head. I don't even move my eyes when it's time to push the button in front of me because doing so makes me start to feel ill.

As long as I focus straight ahead and pretend I'm not spinning I feel 100% fine after riding. On top of being easily sickened by spinning I am also someone who blacks out and faints ALL the time. So it's very surprising to me that I can handle this ride. I LOVE it though! It's probably my favorite thrill ride!


New Member
Just do what I did, eat a double cheese burger, drink 3 beers, then give it a go. The only thing that wasn't fun about it was the pressure on my blater.


New Member
I agree with you Laura22. I can't believe how many people got sick either. I was

so nervous the first time I went on with all the hype. I let my DH & DS go on first then my other DS & I joined them the 2nd time. As long as you look straight
ahead & pay attention to the screen in front of you you should be fine. I didn't feel all the so called "spinning" probably because I was paying attention to the
screen. I came out fine. No dizziness, no sickness then I wondered what all the
hype was about. I did feel the G forces but like I said "Keep your eyes on the screen & you should be fine. :)


New Member
Ugh. The very thought of this ride stresses me out. I almost wish it was never built so I didn't have to worry so much about it. I really want to ride it because I try to ride everything if possible but I don't think I'll be able to do it. The gravatron (exhibitition ride that spins while you stick to wall) makes me sick and I hate that feeling of being sick on a ride and just praying for it to be over. For me I don't know if it is worth the stress.:cry:


New Member
PamelaNiebergal said:
The gravatron (exhibitition ride that spins while you stick to wall) makes me sick and I hate that feeling of being sick on a ride and just praying for it to be over. For me I don't know if it is worth the stress.:cry:
Part of what makes you sick on rides such as the graviton is what you see. In Mission Space as long as you look at the screen you are not conscious of that you are in a centrifuge. Nobody can guarantee whether you will feel ill or not, some folk just won't be able to handle it and others will not obey the rules and pay the price.

I'd think that if you can handle roller coasters and simulators like Star Tours you will have a good chance of being able to enjoy Mission Space.

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