Mission Space 'Green' vs. 'Orange' Question


Well-Known Member
Like Teacups?

Okay, I confess, I have avoided this ride for the fear of getting of ________ and not enjoying the rest of my day. Is the Orange like riding the teacups, or is it like that G-Force ride you sometimes see at carnivals and fairs? I can do the G-Force carnival ride, but absolutely turn green when my DS wants to go on the teacups.


Active Member
I have never had a problem on Orange before. In fact, I actually got more dizzy on the Green version as my body has become so used to the ride that it was expecting the G's.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Okay, I confess, I have avoided this ride for the fear of getting of ________ and not enjoying the rest of my day. Is the Orange like riding the teacups, or is it like that G-Force ride you sometimes see at carnivals and fairs? I can do the G-Force carnival ride, but absolutely turn green when my DS wants to go on the teacups.
I turn green on the tea cups but can ride M:S orange all day long. The trigger for motion sickness for me are the visual cues of spinning of which M:S has none. M:S is like the g-force carnival ride Gravitron. The key with M:S is to keep your head back eyes forward and open and you can avoid many of the problems people experience.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies. I'm convinced that I can do 'Green' and the decision about 'Orange' will be made after that ride. I can be claustrophbic in some situations, and I know that might be an issue, but a few 'posters' on this thread who tend to not like enclosed spaces stated that they did okay. That's encouraging.

Any thoughts on the enclosed spaces concern?

I think it depends on what bothers you about them. If you don't like the idea of having things close to you or touching you, it could be bothersome. If you don't like dark spaces and the locked in feeling, I think you will be okay. I know those sound similar, but let me try this explanation. Version 1: would you feel very uncomfortable if your roller coaster car stopped safely on the brakes and just sat there, you in the restraints still for 4 minutes? If that would bother you, M:S may not be great. Version 2: If you got locked in a dark closet and couldn't get out, would that bother you? You will probably be okay (I am in group two).

A few tips:

1. One key to M:S is getting into the simulation. The projection system is good, so you really do feel like you are moving around and in the helm of a ship. Therefore, the "smallness" of the space is downplayed.

2. You also are in there with multiple people, so the loneliness factor isn't that bad.

3. Keep your head back (like you should). That can give you an extra few inches but, more importantly, it puts your line of periferal vision down the cabin, so you get the maximum space.

4. When you are in there, look around. There are a ton of buttons to play with. That way, before the simulation starts, you can keep yourself occupied flipping things and what not.


New Member
I agree with the tea cups comment... I get sick in those and even in a car sometimes, but I'm totally fine on M:S because you don't feel the spin! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Leaving for 'The World' tomorrow and I'm pumped to try the only 2 things I've never tried yet: TOT and M:S (Green). I'm excited that I can try M:S now that there's a 'green' version. I've avoided TOT since I don't like regular elevators (after getting stuck in 1 for quite a while), but after reading all the posts in favor of it, I have to try it.

Away we go...


Well-Known Member
Does either go upside down?

No! It bumps up, down and around in classic simulator fashion and tilts forward at times, and if you're on the orange version, spins so that you feel centrifugal force (much like on a playground merry-go-round spinner, only faster, for some people nauseatingly so). However, it does not go upside-down (or even approach a 90-degree tilt, by my recollection).


Well-Known Member
If you are prone to motion sickness, do not do Green (and definitely not orange!). Although the ride is supposed to be less intense, if simulators make you queasy, this certainly will.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of intense coasters and other rides, and having ridden both orange and green I don't think there's that much of a difference between them.
Green does all the swinging side-to-side that orange does, so you get the sensation of "flying".
The only thing orange does that green doesn't is the spinning for the launch and orbiting segments, which gets talked up a lot but really just feels like having a large person sit on your lap for a few seconds.

BTW, when they tell you not to look to the side on Orange, listen to them. I did that once just to see what would happen and while I didn't throw up I my head and stomach felt like crap for about an hour afterwards. Felt kind of like the tail-end of a bad hangover.
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Well-Known Member
Holy old post!!!! hahaha

I dislike the ride because I am super prone to motion sickness. Mostly just get a migraine from it and feel dizzy the rest of the day. This ride definitely provided that feeling for me. LOL I'll be sipping a coke on the benches waiting for my party to ride it next time. LOL


Well-Known Member
I am not I repeat Not good on spinning rides. Sorry Tea Cups but if it wasn't for my kids wanting to me to take them on you I would walk on by. But...with Orange I have to mentally block out how the G's are actually being achieved and focus on the screen and when the time comes the controls throwing myself into the experience even further. But if I start to think about being spun around to make me feel the G's that would not bode well for the three others in the cabin with me.

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