Mission Space 'Green' vs. 'Orange' Question


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now that M:S has had the 2 versions up and running for a few months, I assume that there are several of you who can share your wisdom with me regarding the following questions.

1. Do people still get ill on the 'Green' version and if so, is it nearly as often as the original?

2. Are the 2 experiences really that similar? I know that the spinning centrifuge gives the g's for the launch on the 'Orange', but does it spin several more times during the voyage? What do you feel during the launch on 'Green' if no g's?

3. My plan is to try 'Green' and then, if it goes well, go on 'Orange'. This seems to make sense to me, but is this wise. Is 'Orange' so much more intense that a successful ride on 'Green' means nothing?

Thanks in advance for your help. :)


Orange is amazing. Literally nothing like it anywhere else. I've never done green, so I can't tell you what it's like. But orange is definately an experiance.


New Member
...an experience of dying!!! lol

....it's hard to hear yourself or anyone else, you can't move... you will feel claustraphobic regardless if you are or not. The throw up bags in front of you when you get in make you feel real great.

I'm not tryin to bash the ride, I think it was a great idea.. but it's just so intense for a lot of people...


Well-Known Member
You'll get different opinions on this, so here's mine.

The g's on Orange never bothered me. I thought it was a good simulation. The only thing my wife didn't like about it was it made her contacts shift on her eyes (gives you an idea of the g-force). My sons (both teens) had no problem with it. In fact, if the wait was short enough, we'd ride it a second time.

I can't ride the g's anymore due to being a heart patient. My cardiologist advised me that regular coasters are okay, but the sustained g's on MS may not be good for my ticker. I choose to follow his advice.

So, on our last trip, I rode Green. Green was okay. There are no g's like on Orange. The pod tips side to side and forward to back, to correspond what is happening on the screen. You feel the shift, but it's just your own body weight leaning left, right, forward, and back.

Hope that helps. Have fun whichever one you choose!:)


New Member
Now that M:S has had the 2 versions up and running for a few months, I assume that there are several of you who can share your wisdom with me regarding the following questions.

1. Do people still get ill on the 'Green' version and if so, is it nearly as often as the original?

2. Are the 2 experiences really that similar? I know that the spinning centrifuge gives the g's for the launch on the 'Orange', but does it spin several more times during the voyage? What do you feel during the launch on 'Green' if no g's?

3. My plan is to try 'Green' and then, if it goes well, go on 'Orange'. This seems to make sense to me, but is this wise. Is 'Orange' so much more intense that a successful ride on 'Green' means nothing?

Thanks in advance for your help. :)

1.) I have never heard of anyone getting sick on the "Green" version of the ride, I don't see how you could. In my opinion, If you can handle Soarin', you can handle Mission: Space Green Team.

2.) Tricky question. It is the same video and storyline, and goes through many of the same movements... in that sense, the rides are very similar. The only major difference being the forces you feel on Orange Team.

With that said, the forces you feel on Orange Team make the experience incredibly realistic and make it unlike any other attraction in the world... Which in turn makes it very different from Green Team--which is pretty much a basic simulator ride.

3.) For someone who is extremely nervous or knows they can't ride Orange Team for certain health reasons, Green Team is an awesome alternative. For the people who are too nervous to try Orange Team, but want to know what the ride is all about (based on your questions, you come across as one of these) I think trying Green Team is a great introduction to the ride. Just imagine the same ride but with forces pushing you back into your seat, and you've got Orange Team. If you think you can handle it, I highly recommend giving Orange Team a try.

In conclusion, I am a huge fan of Orange Team and was somewhat upset when I first heard about Green Team. I felt that it was going to be a lame, stationary ride that would not give people a proper feel of what Mission: Space was all about, and leave them unsatisfied at the end of the ride. Thank goodness I was proven wrong. While Green Team lacks the intense forces felt on Orange Team, the Imagineers did a great job at still making Green a very fun ride. They very creatively found ways to still give you some of the feelings from Orange Team minus the actual forces (i.e. during lift-off, Green Team leans you further and further back to produce the feeling of being pushed back into your seat instead of Orange Team's use of spinning.)

I think Green Team is the perfect solution for children too young, elderly people too old, people with certain health conditions, or people simply too scared to try Orange Team. Creating Green Team has opened this ride up to a whole new group of people who were originally missing out on this awesome attraction! :D

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Surprisingly the green side is quite a nice ride. I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. G's are simulated on the green side by leaning the compartment on its back. There is absolutely no spinning on the green side.

With the orange side the trick is to keep your head back and straight with your eyes open. Do not lean forward, turn your head of close your eyes. The scientific explanation of what is happening is as such. You inner ear is in line with the rotational arc of the centrifuge this along with the images you see fools your brain into thinking you are moving forward. When you move your head your ears are no longer in line with the rotational arc so you brain gets a very abrupt signal that you are tumbling. This results in motion sickness and the inevitable protein spill.

The other issue is that many people have never experienced sustained G forces. The G-forces make you feel like you have a weight on your chest. When some people experience this they think that they can't breath and quite often have a panic attack which causes them to move their head and then everything I previously described happens.

If I am not mistaken the maximum g-forces experienced om M:S is 1.89 for around 10 seconds. By comparison some of the turns on Space Mountain exert slightly over 4 g's but it for less than a second.

Your idea of trying green before orange is a very good one. You will be more familiar with the ride and less likely to have a bad experience on orange if you try green first.


New Member
I love me some Green team MS. Even though it doesn't spin, it's a lot better than you'd think it would be. In some cases, the effects are more intense on Green than on Orange (liftoff is not one of them)


New Member
...an experience of dying!!! lol

....it's hard to hear yourself or anyone else, you can't move... you will feel claustrophobic regardless if you are or not. The throw up bags in front of you when you get in make you feel real great.

I'm not trying to bash the ride, I think it was a great idea.. but it's just so intense for a lot of people...

Generalizations are never good things to make. While this is how YOU felt, I have NEVER felt such effects.

The fact of the matter is that different people handle the ride differently. And, while it's impossible to say for sure how anybody would feel, it's important to realize that the ride is not a death trap--just not suitable for some.


New Member
I have been Orange twice but never green. I think it is a superb ride and definately easier to do than a coaster, although one of my party was ill after being on it and another bottled it, both of whom can do coasters in their sleep.

I think people just get over worked up to be honest. It has a great fear factor. Blast off is all there is to be scared off. Not one for heart conditions though.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Now that M:S has had the 2 versions up and running for a few months, I assume that there are several of you who can share your wisdom with me regarding the following questions.

1. Do people still get ill on the 'Green' version and if so, is it nearly as often as the original?

2. Are the 2 experiences really that similar? I know that the spinning centrifuge gives the g's for the launch on the 'Orange', but does it spin several more times during the voyage? What do you feel during the launch on 'Green' if no g's?

3. My plan is to try 'Green' and then, if it goes well, go on 'Orange'. This seems to make sense to me, but is this wise. Is 'Orange' so much more intense that a successful ride on 'Green' means nothing?

Thanks in advance for your help. :)

1 - I dunno about actually getting :hurl: But my stomach didn't appreciate Green any more than Orange...it still made me woozy.
2 - I think Green feels very similar to Orange, the only difference I noticed between the 2 was you don't feel like you're landing on Mars as much as you do on Orange.
3 - Good decision...see if you can stomach Green...then try Orange.


New Member
Surprisingly the green side is quite a nice ride. I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. G's are simulated on the green side by leaning the compartment on its back. There is absolutely no spinning on the green side.

With the orange side the trick is to keep your head back and straight with your eyes open. Do not lean forward, turn your head of close your eyes. The scientific explanation of what is happening is as such. You inner ear is in line with the rotational arc of the centrifuge this along with the images you see fools your brain into thinking you are moving forward. When you move your head your ears are no longer in line with the rotational arc so you brain gets a very abrupt signal that you are tumbling. This results in motion sickness and the inevitable protein spill.

The other issue is that many people have never experienced sustained G forces. The G-forces make you feel like you have a weight on your chest. When some people experience this they think that they can't breath and quite often have a panic attack which causes them to move their head and then everything I previously described happens.

If I am not mistaken the maximum g-forces experienced om M:S is 1.89 for around 10 seconds. By comparison some of the turns on Space Mountain exert slightly over 4 g's but it for less than a second.

Your idea of trying green before orange is a very good one. You will be more familiar with the ride and less likely to have a bad experience on orange if you try green first.

Do you pull negative G's (weightless) on the Orange version? I have only ridden the Green. I was lucky enough once to ride in a F-16 and unfortunately got sick when we went weightless. I'm a little nervous to try the Orange version because of that.

mighty mouse

New Member
There is a feeling of weightlessness after you leave the Earth, but it only lasts for a fraction of a second. From what I understand, its caused by tilting the cab in a certain direction.


Active Member
In all seriousness, are females are more susceptible to nausea?

I've taken my past 3 girlfriends to Epcot, and every single one of them got queasy after M:S. I've never had a problem. Coincidence?


Active Member
Do you still have to be 44 inches to ride green? Also my son is almost 4 would it be to intense for him? He's not a dare devil like his sister who rode the original version in 2004.


Premium Member
Do you still have to be 44 inches to ride green? Also my son is almost 4 would it be to intense for him?

Yes, the height requirement still applies.

I'd hesitate to bring someone that young on, but every child is different. You know him better than anyone here, so it's up to you to read the signs, maybe try out the ride beforehand, and then make your decision.

And yes, people do still get sick on Green. It's rare, but it does happen (We had a nice one today, as a matter of fact).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you all so much for your answers thus far. It really sounds like to Imagineers did a great job modifying the ride. I've read a few references to being smooth like Soarin'. Although it is a simulator, is it accurate to say it's smoother than Body Wars and/or Star Tours? I can do coasters, TOT and Soarin' no problem, but Body Wars made me a bit queasy.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Surprisingly the green side is quite a nice ride. I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. G's are simulated on the green side by leaning the compartment on its back. There is absolutely no spinning on the green side.

With the orange side the trick is to keep your head back and straight with your eyes open. Do not lean forward, turn your head of close your eyes. The scientific explanation of what is happening is as such. You inner ear is in line with the rotational arc of the centrifuge this along with the images you see fools your brain into thinking you are moving forward. When you move your head your ears are no longer in line with the rotational arc so you brain gets a very abrupt signal that you are tumbling. This results in motion sickness and the inevitable protein spill.

The other issue is that many people have never experienced sustained G forces. The G-forces make you feel like you have a weight on your chest. When some people experience this they think that they can't breath and quite often have a panic attack which causes them to move their head and then everything I previously described happens.

If I am not mistaken the maximum g-forces experienced om M:S is 1.89 for around 10 seconds. By comparison some of the turns on Space Mountain exert slightly over 4 g's but it for less than a second.

Your idea of trying green before orange is a very good one. You will be more familiar with the ride and less likely to have a bad experience on orange if you try green first.
I know I'm not the only one, but I have no problem leaning forward and looking around the cab during the Orange Team ride. Like you said, it definitely ruins the effect of travelling forward, but I like to watch others faces in the cab, and just generally try to make it feel different.


New Member
Although I've never ridden Orange I would like to caution you that although trying green first is a great way to become accustomed to the ride it does not really predict how you will react to orange. It's much more intense and the centrifuge will make for a very different experience. I sometimes wish I was brave enough to try orange but if you're not up to it then green is a fantastic alternative.

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