Missing the Gold


Original Poster
Is anyone else a little disapointed that all the gold is gone?
Personaly, I like most of the gold. the gold statues where not my favorite and neither was the mirror in the middle. But I pretty much liked the gold rapping up the spires and towers. It added a little flare that the castle doesn't usualy get. plus it mad it more atractive. I think they could maybe go back now and add a few gold touches here and there on the castle to better show off her detail.


Well-Known Member
at least that gold stuff wasn't as bad as that stupid birthday cake, me personally I prefer the caste o'natural so goodbye gold you haven't out lived your novelty, unlike a certain stupid wand, that just won't go away.


Well-Known Member
While I didn't hate the gold, I'm glad it's gone. The castle doesn't need to be pimped out. I liked it in connection with the big celebration, but I wouldn't want it there all the time. To me there's just something warming about the castle in its normal looking mode. I can't wait to see it after it gets repainted however.


Well-Known Member
A while ago we had a fun poll on here somewhere inquiring about everyone's favorite castle "look".

I'm sure I chose the gold trimmed castle as my favorite. I think the gold adds some "classy whimsical-ness" to the old gal. What I never liked was the oversized and under-engineered mirror that is so out of scale that it seems as if it could pull the whole front of the castle off if it leaned forward! :eek:

The gold trim was perfect for a fictinal castle that serves as the gateway to a land of fantasy. The light playing off the gold trim added a whole other dimension to the bulding.

I shall miss it. It was certainly one of the more acceptable things they have done to he castle over the years when you compare it to the cakes and toilet paper....



Active Member
Let me think about this. OK now I have thought about it and I don't miss it. You know what I think is that they should put some new paint on it. If you look at the castle there are fad marks on it.


New Member
I will miss the gold too, however seeing the castle now without the decorations will be great after so long being covered by the mirror. :D


Well-Known Member
I really liked the gold. But then again, I only saw the castle with the gold! :D I think if (when!) I go back, the castle to me would probably look bare and empty. But pictures I've seen of the castle without the gold are nice too. I like both.

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