Mini Everest Update


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone! This morning, I just found out from my Dad a little update for Everest. A new CM that transferred from Kali in AK to work at Y&BC, told my Dad that they are ahead of shecule. Hence that:

* The person says that track should be completed around mid to late November,

* And that vehicle testing (JUST vehicle[sp?] testing, not people) should begin by the end of the year.

The motuntain will not be complete by the end of the year of course, but they are looking at a April or May opening. :sohappy: Just wanted to share that with you guys! :cool:


Well-Known Member
April or May 2005? That seems a little soon. Wasn't it originally slated for opening sometime in 2006? I could be/probably am wrong, but it just seems odd that they're over a year ahead of schedule. But, that would be awesome if it did/does open in 2005.


Well-Known Member
t3techcom18 said:
Hey everyone! This morning, I just found out from my Dad a little update for Everest. A new CM that transferred from Kali in AK to work at Y&BC, told my Dad that they are ahead of shecule. Hence that:

* The person says that track should be completed around mid to late November,

* And that vehicle testing (JUST vehicle[sp?] testing, not people) should begin by the end of the year.

The motuntain will not be complete by the end of the year of course, but they are looking at a April or May opening. :sohappy: Just wanted to share that with you guys! :cool:

In what year? It is not supposed to open till 2006. They might be ahead of schedule, but not a year.


April 2006. If anyone EVER tells you it is opening in April or May 2005, they are either lying, or have no idea what they are talking about.

As for the track being finished by mid-November...maybe. There is still quite a bit left to install.
Vehicle testing this year...doubt it. MAYBE some sort of test train could be pulled through just to make sure that the layout is working properly, but the majority of train testing won't be possible until at least the rockwork is complete, the electrical systems are up and running, the station is complete, etc.


Well-Known Member
they could run vehicle testing and then finnish the rock work and run more testing and then install the effects...

(installing track is fast... the rockwork is whats taking alot of time...)
(track can be installed fast or slow... 6 months tops i think... dependong on the amount of time..)

Snapper Bean

Active Member
Lee said:
April 2006. If anyone EVER tells you it is opening in April or May 2005, they are either lying, or have no idea what they are talking about.

As for the track being finished by mid-November...maybe. There is still quite a bit left to install.
Vehicle testing this year...doubt it. MAYBE some sort of test train could be pulled through just to make sure that the layout is working properly, but the majority of train testing won't be possible until at least the rockwork is complete, the electrical systems are up and running, the station is complete, etc.

How long of a ride are we looking at in Expedition:Everest? Is it comparable in length to Big Thunder and RnRC? Most of the complaints regarding the Mummy Coaster is that it is very short in length? Its tough to tell from looking at the mountain is it is currently constructed but there doesn't appear to be alot of track in the mountain.

Snapper Bean


Premium Member
Snapper Bean said:
How long of a ride are we looking at in Expedition:Everest? Is it comparable in length to Big Thunder and RnRC?
Snapper Bean
Yes it is comparable to BTMR and RnRC. It's no endurance record though, somewhere in the region of 2 to 3 minutes ride time.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry about the confusion people. It's supoosed to be finished in April or May of 2006. Again, sorry for the confusion.


Well-Known Member
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Figment1986 said:
they could run vehicle testing and then finnish the rock work and run more testing and then install the effects...

(installing track is fast... the rockwork is whats taking alot of time...)
(track can be installed fast or slow... 6 months tops i think... dependong on the amount of time..)

That's what I was saying. It looks like most general roller coasters have to go through a track test to AT LEAST to make sure, that it doens't stop on the tracks, bad g's, etc. That's what happened with JTA in SeaWorld San Diego. They tested it before, AND after with and without the water, just to check the coaster parts. I would say about what Lee said, I agree with him. There is still a lot more track to get in. I would say that IF there were really pushing it, it would be done by the end of the year. Late February or early March at best.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Snapper Bean said:
How long of a ride are we looking at in Expedition:Everest? Is it comparable in length to Big Thunder and RnRC? Most of the complaints regarding the Mummy Coaster is that it is very short in length? Its tough to tell from looking at the mountain is it is currently constructed but there doesn't appear to be alot of track in the mountain.

Snapper Bean

Trust me, there IS a LOT of tracks installed already. I live next to AK, and I go past it everyday. Yeah, the Mummy coaster has been complaints because of length. Simple issure with that?: Because it is in a soundstage, and does not have a lot of leg room to grow. However with Everest, since it is an entirely new building, it can grow tremndously. The only the speeds up the time in Everest is the speed of how the vehicles are going, and the length and angles of the tracks. I expect it to be clocking in around 3 to 4 1/2 minutes.


Once you get into the mountain, it will go fairly quickly, even with a couple stops on the switch-tracks.
Fortunately, you take the scenic route to get to the lift, which will add a bit of time.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Lee said:
Once you get into the mountain, it will go fairly quickly, even with a couple stops on the switch-tracks.
Fortunately, you take the scenic route to get to the lift, which will add a bit of time.

Cool.....calm before the storm.... :cool:


Premium Member
Snapper Bean said:
Most of the complaints regarding the Mummy Coaster is that it is very short in length?

It clocks in around 2:30-2:45, not THAT short....don't see why everyone complains about that one.

Thanks for the update on Matterhorn v2. :lol: :wave:


Premium Member
Time doesn't mean anything. TTD at CP clocks in at a whopping 10 seconds and that was one heckuva ride.

If the theming is done right and the track provides plenty of re-rideability I'll be happy no matter how long it takes to get through it.


Active Member
wdwmagic said:
Yes it is comparable to BTMR and RnRC. It's no endurance record though, somewhere in the region of 2 to 3 minutes ride time.

But which "ride" are we talking about? the "thrill" part of it, or the whole ride including the slow zones?? Looking at the models, it seems that the beginning, until the lift, is pretty long, and assuming the train will past slowly there, it should take a bit of time even before arriving at the top of the Mountain.

I can't imagine it will take less than 4 min (total time from load to unload). Looks more like a BTM than a RRC to me (which clocks at 1min10 sec from the launch on).


New Member
The time for one complete cycle will be 4 min 1 sec.
So one train will do 15 cycles in one hour.
Each train will hold 34 passengers.
One train = 34x15=510 passengers per hour
4 trains = 4x510=2040 total passengers per hour.

That is if the operators do a good job loading and unloading.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Lee said:
April 2006. If anyone EVER tells you it is opening in April or May 2005, they are either lying, or have no idea what they are talking about.

it could be that they just got kicked in the head by a horse, or they just got through smoking so crack, or the Y2K bug really did affect thier PC and they really think it is 03 right now, or they didnt factor in the last leap year so they are all messed up. LOL

sorry, turning off smart- mood right now for the day.................

but i do agree, pure craziness to say those dates.


New Member

i notice some people don't really know the layout that i decided to post this ......and to compare with wat has already been done

plus...about the early 2005 stuff....they have to get the mountain covered before they can even get the yeti inside....and then they will have to program it and all install all the electrical lines to operate it and the yeti then rout it to the main console and then wire up the braking systems betweein stations and the emergency brakes on the lift...oh and installing the actual lift and detail on the city....thses are just some things i think will push the project to the earliest i think would be Nov./ Dec. 2005....maybe....i geuss they could advertise as mickeys christmas gift but i don't know

i would not get my hopes up when april/may comes around

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