I didnt want to have to go to WDW using some cheesy toss away camera so I bought me a Sony HD camcorder. Only thing is, stupid me didnt read that the thing uses mini dvd and I was thinking regular dvds... but looking at the cost for the little suckers is enough to give me an ulcer.
I looked at Sonys site and see quite a few options from -RW +RW -R +R and DL (Dual Layer) but not sure what would be the best... for some reason (probably just to make more money) they have a new DL that says its meant for HD recording but thought it best to have a look around and see if anyone on here ownes a HD camcorder and what media they use for a reference. My biggest concern is being sure I have enough dvd's for 7 days. It also can take pics so luckly I own a 2Gig memory card that will work with it.
Also, are there any places in WDW that I can have transfer my pictures from my memory stick to a dvd so I can erase and reuse it?
And one last question... do any resorts offer internet access? Figuring maybe I could bring my laptop and upload the pics to my webspace in the event of going to a retail location was with not available or too expensive.
I looked at Sonys site and see quite a few options from -RW +RW -R +R and DL (Dual Layer) but not sure what would be the best... for some reason (probably just to make more money) they have a new DL that says its meant for HD recording but thought it best to have a look around and see if anyone on here ownes a HD camcorder and what media they use for a reference. My biggest concern is being sure I have enough dvd's for 7 days. It also can take pics so luckly I own a 2Gig memory card that will work with it.
Also, are there any places in WDW that I can have transfer my pictures from my memory stick to a dvd so I can erase and reuse it?
And one last question... do any resorts offer internet access? Figuring maybe I could bring my laptop and upload the pics to my webspace in the event of going to a retail location was with not available or too expensive.