Millionaire Memories From The Hot Seat


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I started a thread about the closing of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Play It and it became a thread where many began bashing the attraction.

I would hate that the last thread on here about the attraction would be full of so much negativity, so I'd like for this thread to be devoted ONLY to the great memories that those of us who LOVED the show would like to share and save on these boards for future generations to read and know what the phrase "FINAL ANSWER" means to us!


New Member
I like the sound of that. I got to the Hot Seat in November of 2005! The bummer was that none of family were in the audience. It was almost as if the questions were made for me! I got all the way the million point question, and failed to answer correctly :(

The final question was:

"What is the number you use on a phone for emergency services in Brazil?"

The entire crowd groaned, and one person said in a not so quiet voice "OH PLEASE!"

Well needless to say I got it wrong but did walk away with a bunch of pins, a shirt, lanyard, and hat. Plus a great memory.

Great attraction, but I'm sure Disney will use the space wisely!

76 more days till Disney 2007!


Well-Known Member
i enjoyed the attraction. i thought it was great that there was audience participation however i am very glad that i never got into the hot seat.
the last time i was there in the audience these brothers where sitting infront of me and 2 of them got to go into the hot seat. they where funny. they got pretty far answering the questions and when asked if they would share/include each other in their winnings they all said no.
i think it was good entertainment and it had a good atmosphere when everyone had settled into it. :)

even though im not into star wars i would of like to of watched the star wars editions as i think they would of been really good.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could've seen the star wars editions too.. but besides that I didn't really want to go back to see it, because of memories.

The first time I got in the hot seat (yes, I said first), everything was great, I was horribly nervous, but did alright. I got in out of luck though, the person in front of me missed the 100 point question, something like, 'What is the villian from Aladdin' He said his granddaughter would be disappointed if he got it wrong, and said Ursula. Good for me at least. I missed the question for 64,000: Where does The Sixth Sense take place. I think I was twelve, so I couldn't see the pg-13 movie (or didn't want to enough).

The second time was not so good. I was doing poorly in the questions, and the host was trying to give me subtle hints that I never paid attention to because I was so nervous. It was kind of embarrassing. ..Anyways, those are my memories. I can't remember what question i finally ended on.


Well-Known Member
Been on the board many times, number 1 at the worst times, such as the endoing of the show. Led to many arguments with family about the correct answer.

Second to last show, last one in. Number #9. That is how I bow out. :D
I'm so freakin sad that Millionaire is closed but I do have one good last memory.

I had just gotten off work and I was meeting a couple friends for Fantasmic so I was just hanging around in the park. I stopped by the Tip Board and I saw that Millionaire was about to start so I hot footed it over and got in just before the show started.

I sat up toward the top on the aisle so that I was able to leave if my friends called me and the show started. The host comes out and we do the fastest finger. I always pick a combination of letters and then just punch them in as fast as I can. Anyways I pick B, A, C, D. I forget what question it was but as soon as the answers came up I punched them in. So the host starts reading the answers, B, A, C, and D. So the seat numbers start coming up and I don't see mine, sure enough, Number 1 in less than a second. Oops...

So the lights pop up on me and they focus the camera on me and i'm just kinda sitting there. The host trys to wave me down and I just wave and yell "I'm a cast member" Everybody goes awwww LOL The lady next to me pats me on the knee and says "Thats too bad, that's silly you can't play". I just smiled and said "I'm just here cause I love the show" :D

So they go to the next person and its a 14 year old girl and she ends up leaving with 32,000 Points. It felt pretty good since she got the chance to play.


New Member
My family is totally bummed that Millionaire is no more. It was a must do for us everytime we went to MGM. Sept '06 my son ended up on the hot seat. He was 1o at the time. We were all so proud of him and the audience was really pulling for him. He was SOOOO nervous when he was up there but after it was said and done he thought it was really cool to have been in the hot seat.


Well-Known Member
I was .01 seconds away from being in the hot seat. That's the closest I've ever been...except that time I sat front row, that was a bit closer. :lol:


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A Surprise During The Surprise Lifeline!

The funniest moment I can remember at Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Play It was about 2 years ago when a hot seat contestant chose to use "surprise number 1" Phone A Complete Stranger. They call out to Mickey Avenue, the host tells the "stranger" they'll have thirty seconds to help the contestant in the hot seat, and your time starts now...

The contestant reads the question and as soon as he gets to that fourth possible answer, the "stranger" says "OH ____*T!"

With the connection being 100% LIVE...there was no bleeping to be of course everyone in the house burst into laughter and the host exclaimed "Now that's not Disney language!" LOL :zipit:


New Member
I loved it! And Im Elmo!!

I Loved that Before a few months ago there was a 2 year old in the Hot seat thats was cool I Was Like What!! But I Won Some disney Pins :) I Almost went to the hot seat and one of the staff kept On winning but could not win anything :) Thats Kinda sad.


New Member
The funniest moment I can remember at Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Play It was about 2 years ago when a hot seat contestant chose to use "surprise number 1" Phone A Complete Stranger. They call out to Mickey Avenue, the host tells the "stranger" they'll have thirty seconds to help the contestant in the hot seat, and your time starts now...

The contestant reads the question and as soon as he gets to that fourth possible answer, the "stranger" says "OH ____*T!"

With the connection being 100% LIVE...there was no bleeping to be of course everyone in the house burst into laughter and the host exclaimed "Now that's not Disney language!" LOL :zipit:

I Remember that It was funny .. I Wish I Saw You there It was Like Haha I Was laughing after I Went out of that game It was Like BEEP!



New Member
sadly i was never in the hotseat, it sucked but oh well, anyway, one day, i dont know if the crowd was not into it but the hot was explaining the prizes and he was expecting some applause when he said the prizes and no one was cheering, well i decided somebody had to, and just started cheering, the only one in there cheering for the prizes. well the "Regis" said thanks for one person wanting the prizes.


New Member
I never got to go in the Disney-MGM Studios one, but since the one at California Adventure was killed off first, I'll share my experiences. I did get into the hot seat more than once. The first time was an embarassment I probably shouldn't share, but everyone I know already knows it (I was dumb enough to tell them, and none of them were even there. I could have easily lied and said I got to $64K), so I'll let a bunch of people I don't know in on my brain loss. The first question in the hot seat was so sadly simple everyone was laughing...including me: "What is 2 + 2?" Duh, right? Well, my brain decided to click off right at that moment, and though I did say the right answer (4, in case your brain just froze up, too), I said the wrong letter before it - ie. "The answer is B. 4, final answer." I immediately realized 4 was actually "A.", but it was too late. They had to accept that answer and I left humiliated. But I got the lanyard and the "I was in the hot seat" pin.
Luckily, I got into the hot seat two more times before it closed (no, I wasn't one of those who played constantly. I just got really lucky), and while I still didn't make it to the million point question, both times I made it to the 125000 point question before I botched it.
I always wanted one more shot at it, and was hoping I'd get it at Disney-MGM. Sigh. It did take up quite a bit of time, but it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
On our honeymoon, my wife and I were strolling through MGM looking for Millionaire. We entered what we thought was the entrance, but instead found a couple of cast members, and a handful of confused-looking guests seated there.

One CM informed us that we had come in through the *exit* of the attraction, so we hightailed it out of there. We immediately saw that there was a *long* line to get into Millionaire, so we were about to change our minds and do something else. Before we could do that, the same CM who we had spoken to before caught up and said that they had "special" seats for us. The only requirement was we *had* to keep the bride and groom Mickey ears that we were wearing on.

My wife and I were confused, but we complied. The CM sat us next to the other guests whom we had seen sitting in the Exit foyer earlier. One of the guests whispered to me "We went in through the wrong door too!"

A few minutes later, we found ourselves being led into the empty Millionaire studio, where another CM led us to the stage seats (usually, the fastest finger seats on the TV show)! Soon afterward, the rest of the guests were let in. When the show started, the camera focused specifically on my wife and me with our newlywed Mickey ears on, which elicited an "Awwwww" from the audience.

It was a great example of CM service, and definitely one of the highlights of our honeymoon!


New Member
sadly i was never in the hotseat, it sucked but oh well, anyway, one day, i dont know if the crowd was not into it but the hot was explaining the prizes and he was expecting some applause when he said the prizes and no one was cheering, well i decided somebody had to, and just started cheering, the only one in there cheering for the prizes. well the "Regis" said thanks for one person wanting the prizes.

its always fun to do crazy stuff like that at disney. the most fun you have before fantasmic is starting the wave! your at DISNEY, people there will probably never see you again (unless your like me and you know the cast members because you go too often:D )


Me and my gf had been going to these ever since I started going to WDW with her (2003) I finally made it to the hot seat in May of 05. It was raining so I beat a full crowd :) I lost to "What greek apparatif is most popular in the licorice variety" Got my hat, lanyard, pins etc. That was THE queston to get to the shirt. It was Ouzo. Sure enough the next day, me and my gf were waiting for the bus at the AKL and this guy next to us had a red shirt with big white letters OUZO. She thought it was hilarious...

October 05 I made it to Number 1 on the leaderboard (But time ran out) kinda glad I didn't make it up since it hadn't been 6 months since I was in the hot seat.

May 06 Went to the first SWW edition of the entire year and saw the 15 year old get the cruise, without using a lifeline, and being cocky the WHOLE TIME.

Later that day went to a regular one, was Number 1 again when time ran out.

I'll miss it.


DW & I always loved the audience participation aspect of this game. We both always ended high up on the board flirting with a trip to the hotseat.

Then the unthinkable happened, I peaked too soon and zoomed to the top of the board and the guy in the hotseat missed an early, easy question and I finally got a turn "In The Seat"!

My heart was trying to pop out my forehead @ first until I answered the few easy questions that helped settle me down. I finally got stumped on the 9th question asking what some obscure, (to me at least), rap artist's real name was. I hadn't used any lifelines yet so I polled the audience. Over 85% of them missed it, along with me! :^)

My miss ended the show and DW waited patiently for me to return from the backstage room with my hat, lanyard and pins. I was a little disappointed that they wouldn't allow her to take a pic of me standing near the stage area since everyone else was already gone. Oh well, there were some proprietary issues and it wasn't that big a deal.

The strange thing was, that after having been in "The Seat" we went back and played a few times on subsequent visits and always ended up really close to the top again.

We both got to the point that we had such high anxiety at the idea of going into the seat again that it quit being fun and we quit going and hadn't been inside the past 2 years.


Ultra Magnus

New Member
I've managed to get into the Hot Seat once. A young girl was ploughing away through the first few questions, but unluckily for her (and luckily for me), she tripped up on the 5th question by answering incorrectly and saying "final answer" before she could retract. After the (very) audible groans rung out, I was selected to go to the Hot Seat :D

I too started to plough through the first 5 questions, and managed to reach the 1000 point barrier. The 2000 point question, however, was:

"What national landmark is on the back of a 2005 nickel?"

Considering I'm from the UK, I did not have a clue what it was. Avoiding the temptation to start fishing in my pockets for a nickel :p , I used the 50/50 to leave the Hoover Dam and the other answer (which I've forgotten :lookaroun ). With the intention of saving the other 2 lifelines for later, I answered the Hoover Dam. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony, and the audible groans immediately after my "final answer" meant that I had it all horribly wrong :). Anyway, I still left with the pins and the cap, which is all good!

I was actually there for the very last show of the California Millionaire, and I was kinda hoping I could go back to Orlando for the last show (to complete the circle and so forth). However, work got in the way, so unfortunately all I have are fond memories :sohappy:

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