Well-Known Member
Unless you feel like FOP is “almost exactly like Soarin” then I wouldn’t call this ride “almost exactly like Star Tours.”
They have invested a ton of cash into this ride system which would be a total waste if all we are really getting experience-wise is a warmed over Star Tours (which is 35 year old technology at its core). Media reports from people who have actually ridden the mock up (yes, a functioning prototype exists) called it beyond dazzling.... the same kind of reports preceded FOP (where are prototype also was built)...
I should have clarified that I was only talking about the movement that the ride vehicle is doing. Of course the content of the ride and interactive elements are vastly superior to Star Tours, but the basic concept of the simulator is more in line with how Star Tours functions than Mission Space or FOP.
And yes I knew about the prototype and read all of the media reports. I have been following this project very closely.