No! No! No! No! I don't care how many negative points I get for disagreeing with you on this one! I have heard this argument bandied about often and I take this moment to kindly disagree with you on this one.
I am going to offer you an equivalent hypoethetical. And it's only that. Hypothetical. I am only making a comparison. If I were a battered wife, and I had suffered years of battery, and I kept saying, "Oh, it's better to stay in this battered relationship because I don't know what it's like outside of this relationship. The next one might be worse." I would be ignoring the fact that the NEXT ONE COULD BE BETTER!!! How do you know if you don't try???
One of our greatest presidents, President Roosevelt, once said, "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself." And that's the point. Do you allow this fear, based on no conceptual evidence whatsoever, deter you from making the brave leap to bring in the kind of leadership that Disney so richly deserves?
Disney is more than just a company or business as so many believe. It is an idea, as Polyanna as other may think it to be, of a place where people can come to live their childhood wish. A place where we can be children again. Disney is, was, and always shall be an American icon. And it is my belief that we have long passed the point of bringing in new leadership that will not only protect the Disney icon and heritage, but promote it and give it room to grow. It is time for people to overcome that fear and face the many positive possiblities out there.
My two cents. That's all.