Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party !


New Member
My friends and I are all going on the 30th, we tried to get tickets for halloween but were sold out by the time we got our act together. I was working it last year with my good buddy Tigger but this year get a chance to show it off to friends who haven't been in the parks since they were like 8. One will be dorothy, one a 50's sock hopper, and me and the other aren't sure yet what we'll be doing. Seeing the parade is a must. It's one of my favorite parades all year. It's great to wander around and see all the halloween decorations and the rides really aren't that crowded. Hope you have a wonderful time and maybe we'll see you there.:wave:

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Curse!

Originally posted by mkymaus
Um, no he wasnt...you didnt get his evil emails from ebay...I DID! He is serious....I remember him and its simply NOT NICE. You really dont know how peoples feelings are regarding things like this..some people are VERY supersitious and to say something as selfish like that...well, its uncalled for.

Perhaps he should of kept it to himself or PM'd me...instead he choose to go public with it.

Please, he wasnt joking. He meant it and his emails were also uncalled for.

Thank you....for your concern though...I am sure he appreciates it.

PS...read his original post...

Well I read the original post, and although I still think it was a joke (or maybe it is Jack Sparrow :animwink: ) let's calm down.... These things never end well!
And by the way, enjoy halloween!!! I had a blast and I hope you enjoy it aswell!!! (0 min. for Philarmagic!!!!)
And another thing: what is PM?


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Curse!

And by the way, enjoy halloween!!! I had a blast and I hope you enjoy it aswell!!! (0 min. for Philarmagic!!!!)
And another thing: what is PM? [/B]

Thanks, I will enjoy....I wont let this bother me.... :)

I was just publicly offended that is all.....

And PM's are "private messages" you can send to other members on this site. :p Only the author and the recipient can view it.

Take care and Happy Haunting Halloween!

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Curse!

Originally posted by mkymaus
And PM's are "private messages" you can send to other members on this site. :p Only the author and the recipient can view it.

Thanks man!!! I had a hard time figuring it out!:brick:

Originally posted by mkymaus

Take care and Happy Haunting Halloween! [/B]

You too!


Active Member
Ummm...it was a movie

mikymaus...I seriously hope you didn't take offense to the whole curse thing.

I guess that's the problem with internet communications, you can't tell when a person is joking and is not.

The 'curse' thing was reference to 'my' movie...The Curse of the Black Pearl.

I don't believe in curses, they're something used in movies to entertain us and to make a plot more exciting. Again...I hope you don't take it to heart.

As far as the whole e-bay thing...I just think it sucked that JUST because I am a resident of FL, I wasn't being allowed to out-bid you. But w/e...I really don't care. There's still a few days for me to find 2 tickets, and if I don't...then it just wasn't meant to be.

I hope you have a great time either way and don't forget to smile! Oh and just in case...I'll have the blood repayed so that the curse will be broken and you won't have to live as the un-dead for all eternity!


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Original Poster

Guess what...My tickets are lost in FED EX heaven!!! Yup, you got it!! See, see what I mean....I know you were joking, really I do, but you can also see how things work out.....I too will not be going and I am out a lot of cash cause FED EX has chosen to misplace my envelope. :lol:

Really I should be laughing at this point..but now that your curse is lifted (agian joking)...it should work out somehow. :p

I hope you find your tickets, and I can understand your pain when you cant bid on an item simply because you live in that state....its not fair.

Good Luck to you and Have a Wonderful Halloween!

I will keep you posted on where my tickets are....so far, they are still lost.....ugh:hammer:


Active Member

That really sucks!!!

I'm sure they'll turn up though! If they don't...e-mail me at Kuzco2000@aol.com, I'm still trying and if I find a few extra, I'll be happy to send them you're way!

Well...take care for now everyone! Going to see Scary Movie 3 a week before I go see Mickey's NOT SO SCARY Halloween Party (I hope!)

Happy sailin'!


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Original Poster
yes they are still lost. I cant belive this happened!! OH MY GOSH, I am not going now. How terrible can that be....telling my child that she can not go now is going to break her heart.

I even told them at Fed Ex, that I know they no longer sponser Space Mountain, but if they still have any pull with Disney, they should use it now....and get us NEW tickets to the party.

:fork: :fork: :fork: :cry: :cry: :cry:


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Original Poster
yes, but at this point, its not about the money anymore...its about the tickets.:cry:

its sad....but we'll manage somehow.

It also takes Fed Ex 4 weeks to process a claim. GRRR


Active Member
A Light On The Horizon...

Don't fret mate...everything will work out I'm sure of it!

And like I said in my previous post, if you don't end up finding the tickets, e-mail me at Kuzco2000@aol.com and let me know. Promise to keep an eye out for extra tickets for you!

Good luck to 'ya mate!

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