Mickey, Harry Potter, and Shamu Walk Into a Bar

Welcome, y’all, to my trip report. Now some of you may be disappointed in the (somewhat distasteful) name that I chose for this particular trip report, while others may be upset in the lack of actual bars in the trip report. However, you will not be disappointed in the amount of photos, fun, and new adventures that my family went on during our 10 day stay from May 5- 15. I won’t waste too much time on the introductions because I plan on getting into more detail as the report continues.

The cast again, in case you forgot, included: myself (Rachel); husband, Jordan; mom, Disneybird; pops; grandmother; sister, Amanda; brother-in-law, John; nephew, Victor; niece, Julia. Yep, that’s a big ‘ole party to travel with.

Now on with the show.

May 5, 2012

I’m including this day for one very special reason: my husband graduated from college on this day! Three years after returning to school I was very proud to watch my husband walk across the stage to receive his Bachelor’s in Bible and Theology. Many people often ask if I am older than my husband considering that I have my Master’s. He is actually three years older than me, but he lived a much cooler life than I did before he went back to school. He backpacked through Scotland, traveled the country playing music, and traveled to different parts of the world doing missions work. On the other hand, I went to school…fun.

Still, I was very proud to see him receive his diploma, and this entire trip was planned to celebrate his graduation, as well as his new position at the church where we attend. He worked very hard leading right up to graduation. Trust me, writing exegetical papers, memorizing hundreds of years of history from the Nicean Councils, and debating Calvinism vs. Arminianism made for a very exhausting last semester. So, I was excited to spend a relaxing 10 days with a stress free husband.

We were hoping to have an additional reason to celebrate while we were in WDW, as well. Last July I received my Masters of Arts in Teaching. I am certified to teach History 7-12, with an add-on in Language Arts. For the past year I have worked at the high school where I did my year long internship in the testing department and as a tutor in English and U.S. History. Unfortunately, the school did not have a teaching position for me, but I was blessed to have a job regardless. Honestly, the best way to get a job in a school is to stay in the school. Rumors started circulating about three months ago that a position would be opening in the Social Studies Department. The department rallied behind me to be the person to fill the position in case it came open. I even had several meetings with members of the administration to discuss job opportunities. However, as it got closer and closer to our trip it seemed less and less likely that there would be a position open. The week before we left for vacation two different people on two different occasions approached me and suggested that I start looking at other schools for jobs. They were both looking out for my best interests and wanted to make sure that I could find employment. While I appreciated it talk about a devastating blow. On top of it all this came during my busiest week of the year, the week of End of Course testing (I was able to take off the entire next week because my job is based on hours, which I built up enough of during the week of testing.). So, I was so ready to just get out of town and away from the craziness for awhile. I planned on using these 10 days not having to or wanting to think about jobs.

The day and a half leading up to Jordan’s graduation were very hectic in our little household as Jordan’s mother and brother came down from Maryland to stay with us. Packing and resting beforehand became a little rushed. Still, Saturday morning I was ready to pop out of bed and get going with everything. Fortunately, Jordan’s graduation was early in the morning because we had a very long drive ahead of us.


Blurry but this was the best I could do.


All smiles afterwards



Once graduation was over, my parents met us over at our place for lunch before hitting the road. We hit the road around 1:30 for a long journey ahead. The ride down was uneventful, and traffic wasn’t bad at all. We stayed off-site for the night at a Comfort Suites. My mom was nice enough to get Jordan and me our own room for the night. Once we got there we were so excited to be starting our vacation that we literally jumped up and down on the bed.






I think all 4 of us just wanted to enjoy the quiet for a few minutes. That was broken pretty quickly when a woman and her young son came over and jumped in. They sat on opposite ends of the hot tub and continued to talk loudly to one another across the hot tub. Considering the situation it was annoying but it soon became amplified when her son continued to go back and forth between the hot tub and the pool. Eventually a friend that he made at the pool came over with him, stuck one foot into the hot tub, and proceeded to yell and jump around that it was hot. So much for a quiet night. We left soon after.

Your pictures of the sunset are wonderful! So artsy :)
Whenever I see pictures of Italy, I'm always reminded of the scene in New Moon where Bella runs across to save Edward... I know, I know. I don't like that reminder, it was such a terrible film.
I'm on the fence about Via Napoli, I've heard great reviews.. but, isn't it expensive for pizza? That pizza does look delish though. It's on the "maybe" list of ADR's I have! Haha :)
And boy, I HATE people/kids like that. The mother should have told the kid to stay in the pool or stay in the tub, I would have had to hold my tongue in that situation. Just gets on my nerves *grrr*


great report so far and that pizza looks amazing. May have to try to get in there next week. And the man function episode was so funny. Definately burst out laughing at work with all kinds of people looking at me strange


Well-Known Member
loving your trip report! isn't the beach club wonderful?! being able to walk to epcot is amazing. thanks for posting about wwohp. i love harry potter and wwohp is the only reason i want to go to universal but i wish the tickets for one day weren't so expensive. can't wait to read more!


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Great trip report!
Thank you!
Your pictures of the sunset are wonderful! So artsy :)
Whenever I see pictures of Italy, I'm always reminded of the scene in New Moon where Bella runs across to save Edward... I know, I know. I don't like that reminder, it was such a terrible film.
I'm on the fence about Via Napoli, I've heard great reviews.. but, isn't it expensive for pizza? That pizza does look delish though. It's on the "maybe" list of ADR's I have! Haha :)
And boy, I HATE people/kids like that. The mother should have told the kid to stay in the pool or stay in the tub, I would have had to hold my tongue in that situation. Just gets on my nerves *grrr*
Thanks! I just decided to switch over to the sunset settings and see what would happen. The pizza at Via Napoli is pretty expensive, but it is definitely meant to be shared, which means the cost is shared too. We were definitely holding our tongues that night. It just seemed like common courtesy was out of the question.
great report so far and that pizza looks amazing. May have to try to get in there next week. And the man function episode was so funny. Definately burst out laughing at work with all kinds of people looking at me strange
It was really good pizza, and I can't wait to try some of the others there. The man function episode kept us laughing about it for a long time afterwards. He wasn't ashamed to retell the story later either.
loving your trip report! isn't the beach club wonderful?! being able to walk to epcot is amazing. thanks for posting about wwohp. i love harry potter and wwohp is the only reason i want to go to universal but i wish the tickets for one day weren't so expensive. can't wait to read more!
Thanks! I absolutely love the Beach Club! One day tickets at Universal are really expensive. We even thought about trying to do both parks in one day, but that was just way too much money for us. We were glad that we saw WWOHP. It gets really crowded over there because everything just gets bottlenecked, but Universal did a great job with the area.


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May 9, 2012

It was a beautiful, if not humid, morning. We were pretty much alone on our way into World Showcase this morning to head over to Epcot.









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I had Victor and Jordan pose for me in Canada. If you look in the top left you will see Jordan’s shoe filling in for the third person.





Our first stop of the day was Soarin’ where we took advantage of the child swap again for Julia.



During Amanda and John’s trip on Soarin’ we took Julia on the Land. Her favorite thing to do now is point at anything and everything and ask, "What's that?" This trip was no exception. So, whenever Jordan was holding her he would just point along with her. She was a good sport.




She did manage to channel her inner Nick Nolte mug shot look while we were on the ride.



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Tired of waiting Jordan and I decided to head over to the Living Seas.
I couldn’t get a good picture at all of this fish, but I really liked the coloring.






While we were there the rest of the family arrived. Mom took Victor into Turtle Talk, and he even got to ask Crush a question. Apparently he asked one about his shell, but mom said that her first thought when they called on him was ‘oh no, what is he going to ask?’ No filter with that one.


I liked this one, too.


We had lunch reservations that day at Le Cellier. My mom went back to the Beach Club to collect my grandmother. Amanda and John took the kids elsewhere for the afternoon, and Jordan and I headed the long way to Canada by walking through World Showcase.



The Japanese pavilion was really the only place that we spent any amount of time in before our reservation time.



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Jordan really wants a koi pond some day. That’s fine as long as he is willing to put the work in to a giant goldfish bowl.




We saw this floating in the water. It looked like half of a snake.



With our reservations approaching we went to Canada.

First up for the meal was our bread presentation. I know that the servers have a job to do, but it seems like our poor waitress spent more time explaining to us the significance of the bread and the region that it represented. I was glad to see that we got an actual basket of bread now instead of the cone of bread.


For lunch Jordan ordered the Le Cellier House Burger. It was a giant of a burger and tasty, too.

I ordered the BLT Salmon Sliders. It came with heirloom tomatoes, smoked bacon, and an herbed rémoulade. I wanted to try something different and this was different for the lunch menu. I must say that I wished that I had ordered something else. I liked the idea of the sliders, but they were dry. The rémoulade did not add enough flavor to it either. Since we didn’t do the dining plan on this trip, and we had nine reservations, we decided to order things that we wouldn’t normally order because we are always ordering the most expensive dishes to make the dining plan worth it. This was one instance that I should have literally gone with my gut and ordered the filet.



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Jordan had a tee time with John at the Magnolia Golf Course for 3:30 that afternoon. After lunch our plan was to go back to the Beach Club to enjoy our last day to use the pool here since we were checking in at POR the next day. Once we got back to our room the daily afternoon downpour began, so we decided that a nap was a better idea.

About an hour before his tee time Jordan left to catch a cab over to the golf course. John met him at the lobby so they could go over together. We did not have dinner plans for that night, but we had some other big plans to go and see Cirque du Soleil at 9:00. I figured nearly 6 hours would be enough time to play a round of golf. While he was out I did everyone’s laundry. I’m such a good child. Mom was still out at the parks with my grandmother while I was in the room. They returned just before it was time to head out to DTD. My parents also had tickets to Cirque. My dad was going to have to meet us over there because he was out in Tampa again.

Mom and I arrived at West Side around 7:30 and picked up our tickets. We were able to get a nice discount using our Tables in Wonderland cards. We got Category 2 seats for just over $60 a ticket.

After we picked up our tickets we walked over to Earl of Sandwich for dinner. I ordered the ham and cheese, and mom and I split a peanut butter brownie. The ham and cheese is my favorite sandwich at Earl of Sandwich. They really took something so simple and made it amazing. The mustard and cheese really make the sandwich. I only ate half of the sandwich and saved the other half for Jordan.

Mom and I were getting pretty anxious at this point considering that neither my dad nor Jordan had made it to DTD yet. Less than an hour before the show Jordan told me that he was finished playing. He was in a cab, and the driver would not drop him off at DTD because the voucher was for the resort only. I told him to tell the guy that he would pay him to take him to DTD, but I don’t know if he actually did. I called my dad to see where he was and he was just outside of Tampa.

Mom and I walked back over to West Side and tried to wait patiently.





With 30 minutes left until show time Jordan called to let me know that he was at the resort and was at the bus stop. When I got off of the phone with him I looked at my mom and said, “You know, I would hate to go and see his graduation present without him but I will.” He texted me just a few minutes later and let me know that he is going to grab a cab. At ten ‘til both Jordan and my dad showed up just in time. Jordan was still wearing his golf clothes. He happened to have another pair of shoes with him, but we walked in to the show with his golf shoes in a plastic bag.

I kept my camera put away during the show. They made an announcement for no flash photography, but there was no way that I was going to try and take any pictures during the show. I wanted to enjoy it for all it was worth.

The show began with a trumpet player walking across the main floor of the auditorium. Spotlights were placed strategically throughout and several of the featured performers walked around to each of the spotlights. The last performer that walked through we affectionately dubbed as ‘Igor.’ Igor was in a too tight for comfort unitard and based off of his awkward movements I would have thought that he was going to be a body contortionist.

I really can’t say what my favorite part of the show was. Every part of it was phenomenal. Jordan and I were mesmerized from the moment that it began. The live music was incredible, and the two singers were spot on. One singer was elevated throughout the entire show and sang an operatic soprano. The outfit for this singer was a very flashy evening gown. I thought during the show that it would make a good outfit for a drag queen. The other singer moved around more during the show and sang alto. The music that this singer sang is the music that you typically hear in the promos for the show. There was always something happening on the stage, even behind the featured performers. I even enjoyed the clowns, and I hate clowns. Honestly, there was no way to take it all in during one show. Igor kept doing creepy things in the background. Finally during the final performance we found out what Igor was there for; he was one of the trampoline artists. I really did not want this show to end. We all sat and talked about it on the way back to the resort. I said that I was glad to finally find out what Igor’s part in the show was.

Mom said, “Well, that person in the red outfit didn’t do anything throughout the whole show.”

I said, “That was one of the trampoline artists.”

Mom, “Oh that must have been when I fell asleep.”

Jordan, “What?! You fell asleep? I didn’t blink for an hour and a half!”

It was honestly worth every penny we paid and more. I told Jordan that we will have to go out to Vegas now so we can see some of the other shows. We loved it, and if he had tried hard enough we probably would have talked ourselves in to seeing it again while we were down there.

Once we got back to the resort we found this guy hanging out.



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I always love seeing animals like that little frog on property. Can't help but give them a character association. Lol!

Great report so far (except the whole cab vs. voucher)!


Well-Known Member
Loving your trip report, Rachel! I seriously laughed out loud as I read your Evil Stepfather Jordan story. So funny!

And it sounds like you really made the most of your day at IOA. When we were there it was freezing cold so we didn't get to really enjoy the park fully. I think the Popeye ride may be my favorite ride there - it absolutely puts Kali River to shame. There's no way to ride it and not laugh your head off at the fact that you are being completely drenched.

Your review of Cirque has me even more excited to check it out - it's something we've always wanted to do but never taken the time for or wanted to spend the money on. I love that TiW offered a discount code for it. Hopefully, that will be around for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Cirque sounds amazing!! We went to Vegas in 2010 but we didn't get to see any of the Cirque shows out there. This makes me want to check out the one in Disney though.

IOA is definitely a nice change of pace from Disney. I love the thrill rides over there. As Holly said, the Popeye rafts definitely put Kali to shame. We always have the funniest experience on those rafts because you know no matter what you're going to get DRENCHED!! :)

That sandwich from Earl looks DELICOUS!! We've only eaten there once. I don't know why we don't eat there more often!!


Active Member
I'm really glad you went to Le Cellier and ordered the Salmon BLT sliders, In August we are going to Le Cellier for my first time, for lunch and I was considering ordering the sliders, I was having trouble deciding between the sliders and the mushroom filet, but now I'm thinking filet, so thanks for that :)

Cirque sounds amazing! I went to a special winter one in NYC and I really liked it and that was one of the ones that aren't as good, sometime I'd love to go to the one in Disney, the Tables in Wonderland card sounds amazing, hopefully in the future I will be able to be an Annual Passholder!


Well-Known Member
Ok- that is too funny w/your mom falling asleep in the show. It reminds me of my own mother. I think she did something very similar when I paid for them to see Mystere. We haven't seen the show in DTD, but we have done some of the Vegas shows...just INCREDIBLE!

Also liked seeing the pic of the Le Cellier burger. Thinking about ordering that on our trip if we don't switch out for Via Napoli. Speaking of which, your pic definitely answered the question I was having...would the largest size be too much for us...and the answer is Yes :)

Oh, and love the Nick Nolte face! She is such a CUTIE!!! Can't wait to read more!


New Member
Rachel, I am SO with you--Cirque was unbelievable, and I lived in NYC for 8 years doing theatre. HollyBelle, after we saw it on our honeymoon, I was sold--from then on I swore I would happily buy tickets for most amounts of money to see these artists and athletes do the unfathomable (yeah 5 syllables, lol!). Love the trip report, and congrats to your husband on his grad!!


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I always love seeing animals like that little frog on property. Can't help but give them a character association. Lol!

Great report so far (except the whole cab vs. voucher)!

I really wanted to pick up the frog. Not to sound odd but it was a really cute frog. I'm so glad the cab situation worked out even though he had to go all the way back to the resort to get one. I understand that the voucher system is probably pretty strict for them, but Jordan offered to pay the guy. I'm just thankful that I didn't have to enjoy his present without him.

Loving your trip report, Rachel! I seriously laughed out loud as I read your Evil Stepfather Jordan story. So funny!

And it sounds like you really made the most of your day at IOA. When we were there it was freezing cold so we didn't get to really enjoy the park fully. I think the Popeye ride may be my favorite ride there - it absolutely puts Kali River to shame. There's no way to ride it and not laugh your head off at the fact that you are being completely drenched.

Your review of Cirque has me even more excited to check it out - it's something we've always wanted to do but never taken the time for or wanted to spend the money on. I love that TiW offered a discount code for it. Hopefully, that will be around for awhile.

Thanks, Holly! Popeye is one of my favorites and definitely my favorite of that type of ride. We were riding with some older Italian men who were dressed very nicely even for a theme park, and I ended up laughing at them most of the time.

Holly, Cirque is absolutely worth the money. The discount was nice, but I would have paid full price for it in a heart beat. It really pleased the entire family, and I can't wait to see more shows.

Cirque sounds amazing!! We went to Vegas in 2010 but we didn't get to see any of the Cirque shows out there. This makes me want to check out the one in Disney though.

IOA is definitely a nice change of pace from Disney. I love the thrill rides over there. As Holly said, the Popeye rafts definitely put Kali to shame. We always have the funniest experience on those rafts because you know no matter what you're going to get DRENCHED!! :)

That sandwich from Earl looks DELICOUS!! We've only eaten there once. I don't know why we don't eat there more often!!

Definitely check out Cirque! We are talking about going to Vegas next summer and that is my top priority out there.

I love thrill rides, and I think that IOA is probably the best place in Orlando to go for them. I wish Disney would have stepped up its game with Kali, but it gives us all a reason to visit IOA.

I don't know why Earl can make a ham and cheese so good but they do! There are so many different kinds that I want to try there, but I keep going back to that one sandwich.

I'm really glad you went to Le Cellier and ordered the Salmon BLT sliders, In August we are going to Le Cellier for my first time, for lunch and I was considering ordering the sliders, I was having trouble deciding between the sliders and the mushroom filet, but now I'm thinking filet, so thanks for that :)

Cirque sounds amazing! I went to a special winter one in NYC and I really liked it and that was one of the ones that aren't as good, sometime I'd love to go to the one in Disney, the Tables in Wonderland card sounds amazing, hopefully in the future I will be able to be an Annual Passholder!

Filet! Filet! Filet! Go for the filet! It is delicious and worth the price. I wanted to like the Salmon BLT sliders, but they were just so dry.

A few years back when I was living in Nashville a traveling Cirque came through. I didn't go see it, but after seeing the one in Orlando I wish that I had. I would see any of them. I don't care if they aren't as "good" as the others. I really enjoyed our Tables in Wonderland card. A nice perk of it is that since we got our cards in May they are good until next May even though our APs are up in October. I was surprised that the Cirque discount was through Tables in Wonderland, but I won't complain.

Ok- that is too funny w/your mom falling asleep in the show. It reminds me of my own mother. I think she did something very similar when I paid for them to see Mystere. We haven't seen the show in DTD, but we have done some of the Vegas shows...just INCREDIBLE!

Also liked seeing the pic of the Le Cellier burger. Thinking about ordering that on our trip if we don't switch out for Via Napoli. Speaking of which, your pic definitely answered the question I was having...would the largest size be too much for us...and the answer is Yes :)

Oh, and love the Nick Nolte face! She is such a CUTIE!!! Can't wait to read more!

I couldn't believe that she fell asleep but at the same time I can knowing her. I think Jordan was actually offended! What shows have you seen in Vegas? I think "O" looks really interesting. I can't wait for the opportunity to see more.

The Le Cellier burger was really good and ginormous! The large pizza at Via Napoli easily fed five adults who take their pizza seriously. Honestly, when I saw them wheeling our dinner out I knew we were in trouble.

Rachel, I am SO with you--Cirque was unbelievable, and I lived in NYC for 8 years doing theatre. HollyBelle, after we saw it on our honeymoon, I was sold--from then on I swore I would happily buy tickets for most amounts of money to see these artists and athletes do the unfathomable (yeah 5 syllables, lol!). Love the trip report, and congrats to your husband on his grad!!

Thank you! I agree I would have easily paid double per ticket what we paid. My dad, who can be pretty cheap, said that he would gladly pay to see it again. It is such a unique experience


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I am so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile! Jordan was out of town for work on two separate trips back to back, so when he came back I put the computer away for a few days.

May 10, 2012

This morning we had late breakfast reservations at Tusker House. We woke up that morning and headed over to POR to check-in. Jordan and I finally had our own room. Both rooms were in the Mansion section in the Acadia House. They were nowhere near each other, but they were both refurbished! I didn’t take pictures though (boo on me). Mom’s room was ready so we went inside to check it out. Her room had a door leading to the entire bathroom instead of the curtain (ours still had the curtain). So, the actual bathroom was huge, but there was no way to close off the toilet and shower part. It was pretty though, if a bathroom can be pretty.

That took up most of our morning until we arrived at AK and booked it over to Tusker House. My sister was already in line to check-in for us and said that she had been in line for 20 minutes. Once we checked-in we had just enough time to get our picture with Donald before being called back.

Look at the happy face on the baby.


My plate from Tusker House


Even if you aren’t an adventurous eater, Tusker House is a great place for breakfast. As you can see they have your standard breakfast potatoes and biscuits and gravy, but they also offer a unique variety of foods. The sweet potato dish on the left side of the plate is definitely my favorite dish there. It has just the right amount of sweetness to it.

Goofy was in our room for the song and dance that the characters do with the children. This Goofy was working the room. I was impressed with his mixture of Latin style, disco infused, “Single Ladies” dance that he danced around the room. To be honest, I was surprised that no children were hurt in the process.

Julia was really warming up to the characters. She wanted to give them all hugs, but I think that she would have let them carry her around if they could.



The attendant with Mickey came around and got our cameras to take group photos of whoever wanted one. Mickey avoided Julia for a few minutes. She kept holding her arms out in a way that looked like she wanted to go with him. Being near both of them I asked really loud, “Julia do you want to give Mickey a hug?” I think the hug settled everything down, and it was ok then.


After being really full from breakfast the group inadvertently split up. Jordan and I were volunteered to go get fastpasses for everyone to KS. We were supposed to meet up with the group outside of EE. So, we grabbed the fastpasses, got to EE, and discovered that no one was there. I called mom and she said that she took the kids to the Flights of Wonder show. Amanda and John were nowhere to be found though. So, Jordan and I just went ahead and got in line only to see them about 30 people ahead of us. Don’t worry, we didn’t cut ahead.




We waited about 15 minutes in line, which was the longest that I’ve waited for that ride since it opened I believe. There was a young guy behind Jordan, maybe late teens, and throughout the entire line he was either trying to stand beside Jordan or was right on his heels. There was no personal space with him. Well, Jordan and I were put in the very back row, and this guy was seated in front of us and placed with a single rider. This poor girl was around 13 or 14, and we felt so bad for her. I have to admit that Jordan and I were laughing the entire ride at this guy. His arms were up and he was having the time of his life. He kept falling over onto her and was practically sitting on top of her. Once we got off of the ride we saw him bolt for the entrance again.


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After EE the family reunited again and headed over to Dinoland. We walked up to Primeval Whirl and Victor said that he wanted to ride it. He was just short of the height requirement. I felt so bad for him because he isn’t the type to march right up to a thrill ride so confidently. John and dad took him and Julia over to ride TricerTop Spin, while mom, Amanda, Jordan, and I rode Primeval Whirl.



Dinosaur was next on our list, while everyone else went to the Boneyard.



Finally it was time for our safari. I’m honestly glad that they took out the poacher storyline. It made the actual safari flow so much better. They mentioned the danger of poachers in the ride spiel, but not having to worry about Little Red seemed to make for more time to view the animals.





Somehow Julia managed to pass out during the ride.



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Amanda and John took Julia back to the room since she was out of it. Victor stayed with us, and we went to Pangani Forest Exploration Trail.




Dung beetle doing his thing








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I couldn’t get a better view but this hippo had his mouth wide open.




Although he wanted to stay at the park with us, Victor was getting tired and needed to go rest at the room as well. Jordan and I planned on staying a bit longer. We drove to the park this morning, and my parents couldn’t drive him back because they did not have a car seat with them. So, they handed the keys to me, and they took off on a bus. Jordan and I headed off to Asia to the Maharajah Jungle Trek.





This tiger had beautiful coloring.

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