Michelle Obama will speak at WDW on Nov 14th.

Pixie VaVoom

Well-Known Member
I'm just thankful it's at a resort and not a park...that's our AK day!

I think ANY parent, even a presidential one, would catch "H-E-double hockey sticks" if they didn't take the kids along when going to WDW. All politics aside - it can't be fun for kids living under the microscope. I hope the Obama girls get to go'. They should have some fun!!!
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Well-Known Member
So, perhaps not....

And as a CM, maybe you could provide insight as how best to avoid the logistical mess around this event....
Just stay away from so said areas they will occupy(this goes for all of these types of events) and enjoy other areas of property. Just don't go to Epcot on Saturdays unless you are pro food and wine.


Well-Known Member
She had lunch at a diner across the street from my office a few years ago when Richard Blumenthal was running for senator. Got a glimpse of her walking out of the diner to her car. Now there are very many nices places to eat in Stamford, so why this diner was chosen is beyond me ... I guess because it is sort of across the street from the police station???


Well-Known Member
I do hate the way cities shut down roads when these people come to town, but I really give Disney credit. They do a better job than most places.

They do not let people into wherever Presidents and Vice Presidents visit (I'm assuming this goes for First Ladies, too) unless those people are staying there. So don't plan on visiting! :)


Premium Member
Politics aside - I live and work in Washington DC where we deal with this every day. The movements of the President, First Family, Vice President, Cabinet Members, key members of Congress, etc, really aren't that bad.

My daily commute takes my right by the Naval Observatory, where the VP lives. I sometimes get caught in the stopped traffic when VP Biden (and previously VP Cheney) is on his way out/in. I used to get caught by Secretary Clinton's small motorcade too. The Presidential motorcade sometimes travels by my apartment, as we live between the White House and the school the Obama girls attend. I often see the HUD Secretary's 2-car motorcade...which doesn't let me pass while on the road at the same time.

As frustrating as it is to get delayed by the security, it is unfortunately necessary in the world in which we all live. No one wants to see something happen to the chain of command, regardless of political leanings. . The security ensures that the will of the voters is what chooses our leaders, not an assassins bullet.
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Hot Lava

Well-Known Member
Politics aside - I live and work in Washington DC where we deal with this every day. The movements of the President, First Family, Vice President, Cabinet Members, key members of Congress, etc, really aren't that bad.

My daily commute takes my right by the Naval Observatory, where the VP lives. I sometimes get caught in the stopped traffic when VP Biden (and previously VP Cheney) is on his way out/in. I used to get caught by Secretary Clinton's small motorcade too. The Presidential motorcade sometimes travels by my apartment, as we live between the White House and the school the Obama girls attend. I often see the HUD Secretary's 2-car motorcade...which doesn't let me pass while on the road at the same time.

As frustrating as it is to get delayed by the security, it is unfortunately necessary in the world in which we all live. No one wants to see something happen to the chain of command, regardless of political leanings. . The security ensures that the will of the voters is what chooses our leaders, not an assassins bullet.

I do not know how you will avoid this if you are down there at that time, or work there. Even the motorcades shut down all roads in a certain radius for at least 15 minutes. And that was years ago, so I am sure it is even worse now. And you never know if they will decide that a photo op in one of the parks is a good idea.
Be prepared for the worst, possibly a complete disruption of your day, and parts of the park shut down if they go on the move. Driving around where she is making the speech will be impossible. Expect all security all around WDW to be tightened up (so bag checks more extensive). If you are an employee, you might want to think about leaving at least an hour earlier. More if you think this will have impact on the employee parking areas (I don't know layout there very well). And earlier if you work there at the ESPN area. And most of all, pack your patience!
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