Okay...okay...enough with the "hounding a celebrity on vacation". When I asked for a picture, I just said it outloud. I didn't go up to him and beg for a picture. A guard there said he won't pose for pictures. I was totally cool for that.. I was not the only person who took a picture of him walking by either. I totally respect that he didn't want to pose with pictures. I have met a few celebrities in my day :animwink: .... and it's just kinda mixed with what they feel like I guess. Some don't mind anything, some are completely annoyed to be even looked at. There were 2 police guards there, 2 workers for the ride and 2 other people. I don't remember seeing any cameras there though. He rode it twice and then the police just kinda stood throughout the gift shops while he walked through to this side door. He was very nice, shaking peoples hands and he was smiling and looked to have a good time. A group of people took his picture and he smiled and waved to them. My picture looks very close up, but theres a thing on the camera called "Zoom".... I had to zoomed in a bit and didn't realize until the picture was developed. Even after I took his picture he still smiled at me, tapped my shoulder and said Hi. If he was angry with me taking a picture, then I highly doubt he would have done that. What do you expect? He's Aerosmith at the Aerosmith ride??!?!? Of course people are going to freak out. Everything is's just a fun, exciting story I wanted to share, not to start fights.