My family and I just came back from WDW, we went in the middle of March. My father, Husband and I waited in line to ride the Rockin Roller Coaster for over an hour. Since it only rides 2 to a row, we got split up. My husband and I got to ride in the very last row. When it was our turn next, they announced over the intercom that the first 6 rows are taken. So we were able to get on since we were in the back. Once we sat down, we heard everyone in line start screaming and freaking out. We didn't think anything of it and were just excited to go. So we went on the ride and screamed our heads off- it was the best ride ever!!! Well as we are pulling up to exit, there were about 5 Disney police and body guards standing there. My mom was standing at the exit and sees us in the back and it pointing to the front of the train. We get off and look forward to see Steven Tyler getting off the ride!
We asked if we could take a picture with him, but they said no since he's on vacation. Well he went on the ride again and my dad got to ride with him also (since he was a single rider and had to wait longer) We were waiting for my dad in the giftshop at the exit and I start seeing the police kinda guard off a path for Steven to walk through. So I lept through them and took his picture, put my camera down and said "HI!!!" and he tapped my shoulder and said 'Hey'. That was the highlight of our trip. How crazy is that, that we rode with Aerosmith on the Aerosmith Ride. I do have the pictures, but can't upload them cause I'm at work.. hehe... So I'll upload them for all of you to see later!