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Originally posted by BigNorm
Yes Lucas Film owns the movie franchises, I didn't say they didn't, I said they did. What I did say was they were distributed by 20th Century Fox and Paramount respectively meaning those are the companies that put the movies in your local theaters, while Lucas Film is the company which creates the movies.
somewhat correct. Actually Lucasfilms does not own Star Wars exclusively. 20th Century Fox does own part of it - I mean Star Wars Episode IV : A New Hope. Lucasfilm owns all the other Star Wars movies. This is why you see Star Wars on TV all the time but never do you see The Empire Strikes Back or Any of the others. This was part of the agreement when Lucas made the movie - so Fox would help finance it. As a result this is the one movie Lucas does not completely own. He owns all the NEW parts in the Special Edition, but because Fox has some ownership in the other portions of the movie they are able to distribute it out to whoever pays to show it.