Message Board Gripe


New Member
Original Poster
I would just like to take a moment and tell everyone how I sick I am of the pointless negativity of the forum. People of all ages and from all over the country are free to say whatever is on their minds. It makes for interesting facts and awesome ideas when those interested in Disney are free to articulate their opinions. That being said it really annoys me when someone just makes a post to bash someone else’s fresh and innovative idea no matter how far-fetched it may be. It “rattles my cage” even more when someone takes time out of their busy day to point out spelling and grammar inaccuracies of others. I mean seriously, gimme (give me) break! Everyone knows when someone spelled something incorrectly; you’re not receiving an accolade or little goodie when you take time to critique another’s fault. Please people lets try and keep the posts positive.


I would just like to take a moment and tell everyone how I sick I am of the pointless negativity of the forum. People of all ages and from all over the country are free to say whatever is on their minds. It makes for interesting facts and awesome ideas when those interested in Disney are free to articulate their opinions. That being said it really annoys me when someone just makes a post to bash someone else’s fresh and innovative idea no matter how far-fetched it may be. It “rattles my cage” even more when someone takes time out of their busy day to point out spelling and grammar inaccuracies of others. I mean seriously, gimme (give me) break! Everyone knows when someone spelled something incorrectly; you’re not receiving an accolade or little goodie when you take time to critique another’s fault. Please people lets try and keep the posts positive.
See the highlighted/bold area. You forgot the letter "a" in between gimme (give me) and break...Please proofread before posting because this will not be tolerated. :hammer: In all seriousness, you are 100 percent correct, and I am sorry that someone who is new to the boards has to be subject to the negativity so early on. Continue to post, and ask questions, and make grammatical imperfections. Don't let it get to you, I am a member of the HookedOnPhonicsMagic board and everyone is far more lenient there.


Well-Known Member
It's sad that this topic has been posted on here once a week or so for as long as I've been visiting. Perhaps it should be a sticky?

"Play nice folks. We're here to have fun."


Well-Known Member
I would just like to take a moment and tell everyone how I sick I am of the pointless negativity of the forum. People of all ages and from all over the country are free to say whatever is on their minds. It makes for interesting facts and awesome ideas when those interested in Disney are free to articulate their opinions. That being said it really annoys me when someone just makes a post to bash someone else’s fresh and innovative idea no matter how far-fetched it may be. It “rattles my cage” even more when someone takes time out of their busy day to point out spelling and grammar inaccuracies of others. I mean seriously, gimme (give me) break! Everyone knows when someone spelled something incorrectly; you’re not receiving an accolade or little goodie when you take time to critique another’s fault. Please people lets try and keep the posts positive.

Its been this way for years.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to take a moment and tell everyone how I sick I am of the pointless negativity of the forum. People of all ages and from all over the country are free to say whatever is on their minds. It makes for interesting facts and awesome ideas when those interested in Disney are free to articulate their opinions. That being said it really annoys me when someone just makes a post to bash someone else’s fresh and innovative idea no matter how far-fetched it may be. It “rattles my cage” even more when someone takes time out of their busy day to point out spelling and grammar inaccuracies of others. I mean seriously, gimme (give me) break! Everyone knows when someone spelled something incorrectly; you’re not receiving an accolade or little goodie when you take time to critique another’s fault. Please people lets try and keep the posts positive.

One person's "bash" is another person's "constructive criticism". Maybe if you posted some specific examples I would see your point. I apologize, but your first sentence does not make sense. :shrug:


New Member
The board will always have its negative moments, but for the most part, I think people are pretty positive. I've either visited or posted on this board for years, and it always has been the same: mostly good, a few bad eggs, a lot of spirited debate that occasionally gets a bit overheated. Sure, the usernames filling those roles change from time to time, but depending on what threads you read depends on how heated the debate gets.

I really don't think people bash new and innovative ideas either. A lot of times people get bashed when they come on here just openly dismissing or hating attractions or policies. Chronic complainers have no place on discussion boards, that certainly does add to the negativity, I agree with you on that one.


Well-Known Member
Its been this way for years.

And more than likely will be for years to come.

The thing is, this is a very large community comprised of many different types of people. You will always come across somebody who is a bit grouchy, can't spell or has poor grammar. There is no way for anyone to judge tone so you have to rely on your knowledge of the poster and if its somebody new, well then what? :shrug: There will always be the person who is not happy unless they are arguing or the returning troublemaker out for more.

We will never all get along so here is my suggestion (take it anyway you will)...

Find a subject that interests you and follow that thread. Give the best info you can and be truthful when answering questions. If you have something positive to add do so, if not then just move along. Report posts you feel are way out of line or are abusive (to you or others), the mods have a lot of threads/posts to cover and can't be everywhere all the time. Be patient.

Learn to let the little things slide (like spelt and spelled :lookaroun ) and when that fails, put the person who drives you insane on IGNORE then you don't have to deal with them. :lol:

When all else fails, shut off the computer and walk away. :cool:


Well-Known Member
And more than likely will be for years to come.

The thing is, this is a very large community comprised of many different types of people. You will always come across somebody who is a bit grouchy, can't spell or has poor grammar. There is no way for anyone to judge tone so you have to rely on your knowledge of the poster and if its somebody new, well then what? :shrug: There will always be the person who is not happy unless they are arguing or the returning troublemaker out for more.

We will never all get along so here is my suggestion (take it anyway you will)...

Find a subject that interests you and follow that thread. Give the best info you can and be truthful when answering questions. If you have something positive to add do so, if not then just move along. Report posts you feel are way out of line or are abusive (to you or others), the mods have a lot of threads/posts to cover and can't be everywhere all the time. Be patient.

Learn to let the little things slide (like spelt and spelled :lookaroun ) and when all else fails, put the person who drives you insane on IGNORE then you don't have to deal with them. :lol:

When all else fails, shut off the computer and walk away. :cool:
Great post!


Well-Known Member
...and how is this supposed to have anything to do w/ WDW general discussion again? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
And more than likely will be for years to come.

The thing is, this is a very large community comprised of many different types of people. You will always come across somebody who is a bit grouchy, can't spell or has poor grammar. There is no way for anyone to judge tone so you have to rely on your knowledge of the poster and if its somebody new, well then what? :shrug: There will always be the person who is not happy unless they are arguing or the returning troublemaker out for more.

We will never all get along so here is my suggestion (take it anyway you will)...

Find a subject that interests you and follow that thread. Give the best info you can and be truthful when answering questions. If you have something positive to add do so, if not then just move along. Report posts you feel are way out of line or are abusive (to you or others), the mods have a lot of threads/posts to cover and can't be everywhere all the time. Be patient.

Learn to let the little things slide (like spelt and spelled :lookaroun ) and when that fails, put the person who drives you insane on IGNORE then you don't have to deal with them. :lol:

When all else fails, shut off the computer and walk away. :cool:

Well put...

Can't please everyone here...

But I admit sometimes a little scuffle is a good time to read..:D

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Well, I'd like to take a moment to point out how sick I am of posts pointing out other people being sick of the negativity in the threads. You think someone's behaving poorly? Tell them then and there! I'm not saying resort to personal attacks or let things devolve into cyber Yo-Momma fights. I'm saying have the cojones to tell someone "you're out of line." Let them either apologize and rephrase their position (once in a while people don't even know they're acting like loads unless it's pointed out), OR let them defend their position (maybe, JUST maybe, they have every right to have the position they have and you're just being thin-skinned), OR let them spin further downward in their own negativity so everyone knows to ignore them (you point out someone for being obnoxious, they say "eff you, you're stupid," or something of that ilk, you and everyone else hopefully knows not to bother responding to their posts again).

It always sucks when things go too far and feelings get hurt, but honestly, I'd rather have that happen once in a while than this be a forum of nothing but unanimous agreement where every opinion is sterilized and homogenized to the point of being utterly worthless. If I wanted to be in an enivironment where every single person feels the exact same way as every one else and there's never any friction or debate or dust-ups, I'd join a Heaven's Gate-esque cult. There's a balance between the two extremes, but that means the extremes are explored once in a while. Someone acts like a jackhole, someone else gets their pecs in a twist and wants things to be Pollyanna-ish and everyone else falls in the mushy middle. You want the jackholes to stop, you tell them then and there you're offended and why, put them on the spot and let them prove they can play nice, that they can either make amends or prove you're wrong. And if they can't do that without continuing to be jerks, chances are, they'll be banned before long, either way, you get what you want without coming across as whining that some people are just so gosh-darned mean.


Well-Known Member
Since I'm not going to rewrite a response each week when something like this comes up, from now on I will repost my statement from a previous post regarding this; some of it may not be completely relevant here, but most is relevant.

Myself said:
I think it's important that people be courteous to one another while posting on a forum. However, when mutual courteous ceases, I don't believe one party has some inherent obligation to uphold courteousness. Then other members come along, see the second person (who was 'harmed' in the first place) and without knowing the first poster's past history, defend that individual despite lacking knowledge of the scope of the situation.

Personally, I don't like this whole mentality of cutting someone slack simply because they are new to a forum. If you're new, lurk for a bit, gain an understanding of the culture on the board, then post. If I go to England, drive on the wrong side of the road, and hit another car and injure or kill another individual, am I going to be cut slack because I didn't know the rules of the road? Certainly not, and while that's an extreme example, I think people should understand what they're doing, before they do it.

Since I strayed from my off-hand rant with that paragraph, I'll stray a little more with this one. Debate isn't always friendly; while it should be, and we should try to be respectful for one another as much as possible, sometimes people conflate another's refutation of their opinion as an insult on them as a person. There is not always a clear line with this type of conversation, and sometimes we need to slow down and blow some steam off another way, before we respond to a post here that we find offensive or so wrong, it's stupid/insulting/offensive. But, insults invariably happen. I have insulted others here, and for that I apologize; others have insulted me, and for that, I forgive. I think understanding the heated nature of debate helps understand why things aren't always completely friendly (debate about anything, don't use the excuse that this shouldn't be heated debate since it's "only" Disney. People have strong opinions about every conceivable subject), and helps us realize we might want to shrug off unpleasantness and move on.

I don't know if there was a cohesive point to all this rambling, but if there was one, it's this: WDWMagic is still a great place to be--what some people consider as a sign that the forums are deteriorating is just a sign to me that debate is taking place. And honestly, isn't spirited debate better than docile and uninteresting banter, even if we personally are offended now and again?


Active Member
Well, I'd like to take a moment to point out how sick I am of posts pointing out other people being sick of the negativity in the threads. You think someone's behaving poorly? Tell them then and there! I'm not saying resort to personal attacks or let things devolve into cyber Yo-Momma fights. I'm saying have the cojones to tell someone "you're out of line." Let them either apologize and rephrase their position (once in a while people don't even know they're acting like loads unless it's pointed out), OR let them defend their position (maybe, JUST maybe, they have every right to have the position they have and you're just being thin-skinned), OR let them spin further downward in their own negativity so everyone knows to ignore them (you point out someone for being obnoxious, they say "eff you, you're stupid," or something of that ilk, you and everyone else hopefully knows not to bother responding to their posts again).

It always sucks when things go too far and feelings get hurt, but honestly, I'd rather have that happen once in a while than this be a forum of nothing but unanimous agreement where every opinion is sterilized and homogenized to the point of being utterly worthless. If I wanted to be in an enivironment where every single person feels the exact same way as every one else and there's never any friction or debate or dust-ups, I'd join a Heaven's Gate-esque cult. There's a balance between the two extremes, but that means the extremes are explored once in a while. Someone acts like a jackhole, someone else gets their pecs in a twist and wants things to be Pollyanna-ish and everyone else falls in the mushy middle. You want the jackholes to stop, you tell them then and there you're offended and why, put them on the spot and let them prove they can play nice, that they can either make amends or prove you're wrong. And if they can't do that without continuing to be jerks, chances are, they'll be banned before long, either way, you get what you want without coming across as whining that some people are just so gosh-darned mean.
Yeah Baby!:D


Well-Known Member
Well, I'd like to take a moment to point out how sick I am of posts pointing out other people being sick of the negativity in the threads. You think someone's behaving poorly? Tell them then and there! I'm not saying resort to personal attacks or let things devolve into cyber Yo-Momma fights. I'm saying have the cojones to tell someone "you're out of line." Let them either apologize and rephrase their position (once in a while people don't even know they're acting like loads unless it's pointed out), OR let them defend their position (maybe, JUST maybe, they have every right to have the position they have and you're just being thin-skinned), OR let them spin further downward in their own negativity so everyone knows to ignore them (you point out someone for being obnoxious, they say "eff you, you're stupid," or something of that ilk, you and everyone else hopefully knows not to bother responding to their posts again).

It always sucks when things go too far and feelings get hurt, but honestly, I'd rather have that happen once in a while than this be a forum of nothing but unanimous agreement where every opinion is sterilized and homogenized to the point of being utterly worthless. If I wanted to be in an enivironment where every single person feels the exact same way as every one else and there's never any friction or debate or dust-ups, I'd join a Heaven's Gate-esque cult. There's a balance between the two extremes, but that means the extremes are explored once in a while. Someone acts like a jackhole, someone else gets their pecs in a twist and wants things to be Pollyanna-ish and everyone else falls in the mushy middle. You want the jackholes to stop, you tell them then and there you're offended and why, put them on the spot and let them prove they can play nice, that they can either make amends or prove you're wrong. And if they can't do that without continuing to be jerks, chances are, they'll be banned before long, either way, you get what you want without coming across as whining that some people are just so gosh-darned mean.

You're one smart chimpanzee!


Active Member
Seriously, I have to agree with the other posters on this. Just let the stupid $h*t go. Sometimes people are just in a bad mood and need to vent and some people just like to find the negative in everything. Personally, I like a good fight once in a while, it makes life a little more interesting.:animwink:


Active Member
I would just like to take a moment and tell everyone how I sick I am of the pointless negativity of the forum. People of all ages and from all over the country are free to say whatever is on their minds. It makes for interesting facts and awesome ideas when those interested in Disney are free to articulate their opinions. That being said it really annoys me when someone just makes a post to bash someone else’s fresh and innovative idea no matter how far-fetched it may be. It “rattles my cage” even more when someone takes time out of their busy day to point out spelling and grammar inaccuracies of others. I mean seriously, gimme (give me) break! Everyone knows when someone spelled something incorrectly; you’re not receiving an accolade or little goodie when you take time to critique another’s fault. Please people lets try and keep the posts positive.

I couldn't agree more.

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