May Crowds


Hi, everyone! My family and I are pre-planning our trip to Disney World next year, and we are fairly new to the Disney trip-planning. As of now, our plans are to go during the first two weeks of May. My question is, how are the crowds at that time of the year? We're hoping to miss the spring breakers and get out before the Memorial Day and summer rush starts. It sounds like it would work to us, but since we've never been out there at that time of the year before, I thought I'd get opinions from people who have.

Thanks for you input!


Hi, everyone! My family and I are pre-planning our trip to Disney World next year, and we are fairly new to the Disney trip-planning. As of now, our plans are to go during the first two weeks of May. My question is, how are the crowds at that time of the year? We're hoping to miss the spring breakers and get out before the Memorial Day and summer rush starts. It sounds like it would work to us, but since we've never been out there at that time of the year before, I thought I'd get opinions from people who have.

Thanks for you input!

Its not the slowest time of the year but its typically not near as bad as spring break or summer. Your right in that it is the last break before summer. Touringplans shows 5-7's for the crowd calender this year, I would assume that next year would be the same. We leave in 4 days and planned it for this time of year for that very reason.
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New Member
Last year we went May 5-11. It wasn't bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. At certain times of the day we could walk right onto a ride, but at peak times for, say, Soarin' the line did get up to 1.75 hours. The weather was perfect though!
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Well-Known Member
The first two weeks of May is my favorite time to go to WDW. The last time we were able to go was 2001, and now that my daughters in college, we can start going at that time of year again:) We had great weather and the crowds were manageable. The worst crowds we experienced was the MK on Saturday & Sunday.
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Well-Known Member
I have to agree, the first 2 weeks in May are great! The crowds aren't too bad and the weather is beautiful... Don't miss the Flower and Garden Festival at EPCOT. It's truely amazing what Disney can do with some flowers! Enjoy your trip!
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New Member
We haven't been in May for 3 years but I love to go that time of year. The weather is great, the crowds are not too bad, and the F&G Fest is so beautiful.
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Original Poster
Thanks to everyone who responded - you've been so helpful! I have another question for those who have been in May before - I read something about May being "love bug" season. Are they really bad that time of year? Just curious - I'm not at all familiar with even what love bugs are, so I thought I'd ask :)
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Active Member
we were there the 1st 2 weeks of May this year,love bugs were out but not bad yet I think it gets worse at the end of the month.....o they dont bite
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We are thinking of the third week of May. The week before Mermorial Day weekend (ending our trip Sat of Mem. Day weekend). Anyone know how the crowd levels are them? I know the actual holiday weekend will be busy, but what about the preceding week? Love bugs bad then also?
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Active Member
we were there the 1st 2 weeks of May this year,love bugs were out but not bad yet I think it gets worse at the end of the month.....o they dont bite


May is probably one of the best time to go! (Of course, imo) Our last trip was planned over April vacation week (my neices couldn't miss any school) and it was a good thing I prepared myself for it to be busy because it was CRAZY! The first 2 weeks in May is perfect in all ways if you compare it to April vacation week. I was blown away at the crowds everywhere, everyday!
I'm not too sure what love bugs are but they seem to like eachother a lot! :lookaroun They seem harmless enough. I've never had or heard of anyone having a terrible experience with them.
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New Member
We were there the first 2 weeks in May of this year 08. The first week seemed a little more crowded than the second. Over all we love going at this time of the year, next year will be our third year during May. The weather is great, a bit hot during mid day, that is when we head back to our favorite resort, WL and hit the pool. Pretty much all the lines at the MK where short except the rides geared toward small children, I think everyone with small children have the same idea, to miss the spring break crowds and get in before school lets out.

We have been during different times of the year, and my vote is the first of May. We have never experienced the love bugs everyone speaks of.
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I last went to DisneyWorld 2nd week of May 06. The only thing I would add to everyone above would be on Saturday you start to see more local school groups. On the weekends it seemed that local schools/youth groups visited Magic Kingdom as I did not see them at the other parks.
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New Member
We were there this past May 10-17 and the crowds were very small IMO. We walked right on most rides and only FP'd a few. The longest we waited was 30 mins to ride Dumbo and the Orbiter. The weather was hot but not sweltering. I didn't even notice the love bugs until we saw the front of our vehicle... ALL over the grill. Eww!

We hope to go again next May! =)

Oh, I will say our last day was spent at AK and it was extremely busy. There were at least 10 school groups there with elementary aged kids. Other than that, I didn't notice any big groups at any of the other parks.
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We've been lots of different times of the year and during the early part of May. It's a really nice time to go. I live in North Florida and the love bugs are only a nuisance. I have never experienced them at Disney though. We've had so much rain this year, I haven't seen more than two or three at home. We've always gone back to the resort in early afternoon anyway to take a break or swim and if you're not used to the heat, this is a good idea. The mornings will be nice as will the evenings.
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Well-Known Member
Concerning the love bugs... just do a search on these forums and I'm sure you'll come up with a couple of threads on the topic. From what I've read you don't really know when they're going to be on the go - it differs from year to year. But that being said, May is a typical time for the love bugs to fly. The only real problem I've heard of that the love bugs create is when they get plastered all over your car (while driving). Apparently they can damage the paint on your car or something!?!
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