Here’s my logic:
I was considering a BCV contract for $135 per point at 200 points for a total cost of $27000. The contract expires in 2042 so it has roughly 22 years of useful life. The annual dues are roughly $1400 per year. So here’s where I started to analyze the cost per year of the contract.... $27000 divided by 22 years is $1227 per year plus the annual dues of $1400 comes to a total of $2627 per year of cost. At that cost I could just as easily book a deluxe hotel every year for 5-7 nights at either equal or lesser cost than the DVC contract. Oh and that’s assuming the dues don’t rise (which they will).
1: As others pointed out, if you're buying 200 points, and if you're staying in a studio villa (which would be comfortable to a standard hotel room in the non-DVC portion of the Beach Club) that will get you a longer trip than just 5-7 nights. If you had to go during the summer (amongst the busiest, hardest-to-book times) 200 points could get you as long as a 10 night stay. So you'd have to adjust the money you'd spend for a hotel room accordingly.
Assuming you could get 7 night accommodations at a BCV studio for your estimated annual outlay of $2627, that works out to 333 a night before tax,* you're looking at spending about $3750 to get the comparable 10 nights in a Beach Club hotel room.
So based on this one scenario, getting those points and paying the fees will save you $1100 a year. That's assuming you could get a Beach Club room for 333 a night. Now if they're offering a promotion, you could very well get a room at BCV for 333 a night, I suppose, it's possible.* For now. Because...
2: Dues WILL go up, that's true. But so will the price of hotel rooms. Difference being, technically, legally, the price of maintenance fees are only allowed to go up to match what it costs to maintain the property and no more than 15% a year, whichever is
lesser. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of ways Disney makes money on DVC properties but they can't just jack up prices on maintenance without proving the money is actually going to maintenance, whereas with standard hotel rooms, if there's a demand, they can jack the price up as much as they want...and then offer people a promotional price that makes them think they're getting a tremendous value.
Maintenance fees per point at Beach Club this year are $6.44. Last year, $6.27. So they went up a little under 3%. What are the odds the price for a standard hotel room at Beach Club didn't go up an average of 3%?
*I went on the WDW website to get a price for Beach Club rooms in the first half of August, to compare it to my estimate of "200 points getting you 10 nights in a studio at Beach Club during one of the busier seasons." That room would be $343 a night, which would be $386 with tax. So already, the best attempt to compare "apples to apples" you're already paying more out of pocket for the room than you would if you bought points. Now look at early December, which is one of the periods where DVC points stretch out the most. A Beach Club out of pocket is currently going for $400 and that's with a current promotional price, rack rate is over $500. So plus tax, it's $450 a night. Whereas 200 points would get you THIRTEEN nights in a studio. Now, for your outlay average of $2627 a night, you're getting a 13 night stay, which for a Beach Club room at a promotional price direct from Disney, would cost you $5850. And yes, maintenance fees will go up, but so will rack rates.
It's all a YMMV situation. The bottom can drop out of the economy and suddenly Disney will be offering crazy promotions to keep people going to Orlando. Hurricanes could decimate BCV necessitating the biggest possible maintenance fee increases for the foreseeable future. Anything can happen. But based on the math you originally offered, and the A-B choice of "DVC points or booking direct from Disney," you're better off getting points. You can also opt to always rent points through David's, which will likely get more expensive every year or at least every other year, but still be cheaper than booking direct from Disney without any of the headaches associates with owning a timeshare.