Triassic City…I struggle to say this in a way that doesn’t stifle your creativity. But this whole proposal simply didn't do it for me. Animal Kingdom is about nature and going on an adventure, and neither of those things are at the forefront here. I mean it’s certainly an interesting idea but I think the whole idea is fundamentally flawed and simply wouldn't work in Animal Kingdom.
Ugh…That was hard to write, I feel mean. But I do actually have a lot to say about this. I have to say that I love the idea of live atmosphere, and it does also seem to be the wave the future, I think we are headed that way with New Fantasyland especially at MK. And I love all the ideas here. I especially like the Pterodactyl, small things like this are what can make or break the parks.
The Triassic Metro line is an interesting idea, it seems like enclosing the building was a good choice, but I just can’t see that façade fitting into Disney’s Animal Kingdom. At one point you even describe it as plain to the point, and to me that is the complete opposite of what Animal Kingdom is about. I’m also not sure about the logistical aspects and quite frankly the safety of changing the ride vehicles. Doing this would change the heartline, and since it’s a roller coaster, it seems almost impossible to have them rotate based on show scenes. And while I appreciate the detailed script, the descriptions of where things are seem to be….impossible. You have animatronics and show scenes where tracks are…There’s not a lot of room to breathe with this ride.
Over at Bus Transit, I Once again have a problem with the façade, it’s so UN-Animal Kingdom. And while it’s an interesting idea to have a live actor for the host of this ride, I don’t think it would work. It’s a simulator and constantly bumping and rolling would be killer on a person’s back and quite frankly have to act here would be extremely difficult as well. It would also make the attraction very expensive to operate. It just doesn’t seem feasible to me.
I like the idea of the cabs, they are great atmosphere, and add kinetic energy to the area (not only that but they also expand the attraction count!) I have to say thought that the Triassic Story was a bit much for me. Finding Nemo is a spectacular attraction, so if you’re going to replace it you have to replace it with something spectacular, and while shows are good for drawing in crowds, I don’t think I quite GOT this whole concept. Finally while I like the IDEA for the shops inspired by real life places I just once again find it to be too disheartening inside Animal Kingdom.
Ultimately there are a lot of good things here, but Animal Kingdom is just not the place for this. It’s a rough transition from the rest of the park and even to the existing Dinosaur Ride…they would take place in two entirely different worlds with no explanation. I’m sorry, I’ve been a big fan of yours throughout this competition so it’s difficult to say, but for me, this proposal was not up to your standards, and not up to the standards of Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
For me personally, you nailed this right on the head. Right off the bat the idea of making Dinoland More Cohesive and fitting the vibe of Animal Kingdom is exactly what I was looking for when Bryce posted this challenge.
The Dinosaur changes are great, exactly what the ride needs, one thing though, I would have considered bringing a new Dinosaur to the front Pool, instead of going back to the styracasaurus, that way visually we know right away that it’s not the same old ride, and you’ve ushered it into a new age of technology.
I absolutely adore your mountains, not only do they give a majestic and cohesive feel to the land, but the whole park as well, whether intentionally or not you’ve given the park a mountain range, so to have the park be mountainous on one end (Dinoland and Asia) and flat on the other end (Savanna of Africa, CMM, and Discovery Island) is perfect. And it obviously fits the theme as well, most of America’s Dinosaur fossils are from the west where there are mountains and tectonic activity.
I really love the idea of a Plesiosaur, it’s a different type of Dinosaur than the rest of the park so it would give this ride an identity of its own, it also is a nice family attraction that would be very high throughput and the kinetic energy of it going through the lagoon before entering the show building would be fantastic. Don’t worry about it being rushed, because I completely understand where you’re coming from here. And it’s great. It also manages to tie in with the existing Dinoland story while having another ride featuring Dinosaurs. Well done.
I want to keep writing, but I honestly have very little else to say. I love the Iguanadon encounter, I love the Beginning of Time (The perfect show for Dinoland, Although I’m not keen on getting rid of Finding Nemo: The Musical), I love the Age of the Dinosaurs, and the Nesting grounds, and while I wish you’d have gone more original, I don’t mind you keeping the Chester and Hester Dinostore as a tribure to the past area, and let’s face it one would pop up anyway. Since it’s contained I think it would be charming, just like street merchants setting up in Harambe and Anandapur, Street merchants would set up shoppe here as well.
Overall, I thought this was spectacular, a great addition. I wished you would have touched on some live animals for the area though, I wonder what would be the fate of the American Crocodile who lives there now, or perhaps included an aviary of birds operated by the Dino Institute whom they think are closely related to Dinosaurs. Just thoughts, no points lost.
Dino Institute's Navigation Observatory, Laboratory, And Nautical Dynamics….
I love it, but it’s so cheesy!!! HAHA, I love it though.
I definitely like the idea of adding another mountain to this side of the park, creating a kind of mountain range with The Forbidden Mountain, but I’m not sure I like the idea of it being surrounded by Barb wire, It doesn’t seem very welcoming, and almost seems like it would detract from the show a bit.
I appreciate the idea of D.I.N.O, but it seems like it would just cause crowd flow issues, why would you go into this pre-show, when you can just walk into the area from the other side? It doesn’t seem to be very repeatable either. I also appreciate the idea of the new ride system, it’s certainly used to its potential here, I’m not sure how I feel about the Indiana Jones Tie In, I maybe would have gone with an original character. I like it though.
I’m not sure how I feel about the name Battle of the Dinos, and while I like the idea of careening around the mountain, I’m not sure how you would solve the show problems here, the cars, the supports, I wish you would have gone into more details here.
I definitely wish you would have gone into more detail about the Pterodactyls. It also seems like you might have made this into more of an E-Ticket. People are already going to be scared of the dangling feeling, and it would surely have a height requirement, so I maybe would have considered making this more of a thrill ride, even if it wasn’t directly dinosaur related, just zipping around the jungle on the day off from the dig.
The boat ride is an interesting idea, but ultimately I’m not a fan. It would be very low throughput and seems a little bit kitschy compared to the rest of your land. I love all your small things though, Lucky and the other animatronics and your walkthrough as well. Well done.
You didn’t put much effort into your proposal so I didn’t put much effort into your critique. The Whole point of the challenge was to change up the area and make it better and you didn’t. You barely changed anything. You put in one spinner in place of another, and kept Primeval whirl mostly the same. Primeval Whirl shares the highest height requirement at Walt Disney World, it’s already not kid friendly. This was fundamentally flawed.