Master of the Parks: Challenge 3 - "Destroying" DinoLand


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You guys may sadly be getting critiques tomorrow. I have heard nothing from Tip Top Club, Matt7187 is busy and I'm still typing here and I'm about to pass out.

Don't worry though! They will for sure come tomorrow, or maybe from mine will come tonight!


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@WED99 - While you put a lot of thought, time and detail into this proposal, and it's great on its own, it has some major flaws being located in Disney's Animal Kingdom. Take a look at the park's dedication; "Welcome to a kingdom of animals... real, ancient and imagined: a kingdom ruled by lions, dinosaurs and dragons; a kingdom of balance, harmony and survival; a kingdom we enter to share in the wonder, gaze at the beauty, thrill at the drama, and learn." While you certainly had the dinosaurs, the land as whole did nothing to fulfill the purpose of Animal Kingdom. One of the major reasons of the hate for Chester & Hester's is that a tacky carnival doesn't fit in with the beautiful lands of Asia, Discovery Island, Africa, etc. It just doesn't capture the beauty of the rest of the lands, just like the city you are replacing it with. Don't get me wrong, you really did an amazing job creating this land, but it is something I can see more at Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's California Adventure. Another major flaw is basing it off an un-released movie. I'm sure that by the time the land is done that the movie would have already been released, but it seems like it's such a risk to take. We don't know how great of a film it will be or how much the audience will love it. The live atmosphere was great, but you said it hadn't been done before. Disney's Hollywood Studios is famous for its street actors and performers, as is Magic Kingdom, Islands of Adventure, etc. It's a great concept though and it would fit this land very well. I think every good park has a healthy amount of "live atmosphere"! I do like the concept of the pterodactyl. It is reminiscent of the Pteranodon Flyers at Islands of Adventure, but this seems much more interactive. The re-theme of Primeval Whirl was really awesome, but a bit too scary. The DINOSAUR attraction down the path is already scary enough, but this takes it to a whole new level. The storyline was interesting, but it seemed too... Typical for a dinosaur attraction. Everything is normal, then boom, raptors are all over you. The special effects do sound amazing though, and the scene with the strobe lights and raptors flashing all around you reminds me of a house at Halloween Horror Nights, hahaha. The re-do of the ride vehicles was a smart choice. This really increased capacity and allowed guests to be more comfortable and safe while also allowing the spinning to be more controlled for the show scenes. The Triassic Bus Transit was honestly my favorite ride this week. You managed to incorporate that simple layout into an amazing simulator. The experience seems completely immersive, with the bus picking you up at the stop, the real driver, the LCD screens, etc. The ride experience was even better, which you described very, very well. The story was perfect. It had a great balance of humor, action, scariness, etc. I would love for this ride to exist, as it sounds absolutely stunning. I really enjoy the Dino Cabs. It seems like such a fun and creative way to give guests a short little ride while also interacting with the environment! Very cool! I don't know how I feel about The Triassic Story... You're replacing a popular show with a show about slavery? That's where I feel you messed up... Slavery. Lots of little kids are going to leave this jabbering about slaves. While I do see what you were trying to do (educate kids on slavery) I don't think a Disney park is the best place to do it. The sets and dialogue are very well thought out, I just think that slavery was a bold choice. I like the restaurants and shops. The Herbway was a fun way to help give vegetarian guests a place to actually enjoy, instead of eating cheese pizza all day. The Wells Dino idea was very cute. All in all, you had produced my favorite ride this week (The Triassic Bus Transit), provided a very detailed land, really turned around a wild mouse coaster, and thought of some very fun details other contestants missed out on. However, this proposal is really held back by the theming in general. While it is honestly superbly themed, it really does nothing for Animal Kingdom and doesn't fit it in with the rest of the park.

@ctxak98 - I really like how you immediately jumped in by saying that you wanted DinoLand to be more cohesive, while still retaining a natural and wild look. That's exactly what I think Animal Kingdom needs. I'm really happy you changed "DINOSAUR" to "Countdown to Extinction". That first name is a million times better. I'm also glad you removed the random movie tie-ins and fixed up the ride. Nice work! I loved how you split the land up into 3 different and new sections. The different sub-lands sounded wonderful and beautiful. Definitely awe-inspiring, just as the rest of Animal Kingdom is. Your drawings of the lagoon and the mountain really cleared things up in my head and gave me a very good mental image of what the land will look like. Having these drawings definitely helped you out a lot. Mesozoic Miners sounded like a really neat re-theme of Primeval Whirl. Your description, however, left me wanting more. Is there a story behind this attraction? You really didn't make this clear. However, I can only imagine how beautiful it will be in the interior with all of the different minerals and crystals. The description of this ride was lacking. Prehistoric Caverns sounded really interesting, and I love how you tied it in with the Dino Institute. The Dino Institute is currently just alone, but you really made sure you had some cohesiveness with it. The special effects and thrills in this ride were just enough to make this a fun and thrilling family ride. The Iguanodon Encounter sounded interesting, but definitely a filler attraction. I do believe it would still be very popular, as guests would be drawn to the mysterious island in the center of the lake. The addition to The Boneyard sounds really interactive, something Disney does well and it works. Age of the Dinosaurs seems interesting and like a quick diversion from the crowds. The show sounds like a perfect replacement for Nemo. I've seen Walking with Dinosaurs and it was amazing! Something like this with a character that kids will love (Terry) would be perfect. I can already see the little Terry plush dolls around the park. Your proposal this week was fantastic. Excellent work.

@jdmdisney99 - Immediately I was very intrigued that you added an actual story to the land... And a good one at that! The story was very interesting and cool, much better than the current story for Chester & Hester's. I can see where you were going with the entrance to the land, but I don't think a pre-show is necessary. This would create some heavy traffic around that entrance with the people waiting to just see the pre-show to enter the land. It does seem like an interesting way to enhance the experience, but the only other way to enter the land without the pre-show would be walking all the way around the park. I just don't think it works, for crowd control purposes. Indiana Jones and the Living Fossil sounds like an awesome attraction, but the Indiana Jones part just sounds like an after thought and a way to force Indiana Jones into the park. With that being said, the actual ride sounds awesome! The technology is very cool, as is the story itself! This seems like it could be a real contender for Revenge of the Mummy. This is also a bonafide E-Ticket roller coaster, something that Animal Kingdom needs to take the pressure off of Expedition Everest. The re-theme of Primeval Whirl seemed the most ambitious this week, but it fell short of expectations. I was hoping that the two sides would actually "battle". This would offer a very unique experience for both sides. Instead, the two courses are completely different and don't interact at all. This could be a good thing, though, because it would make guests want to re-ride the side that they haven't ridden, because it's a completely different experience. Triassic Pterodactyls sounds like a very fun and much needed family experience. It sounds like a combination of Pteranodon Flyers, E.T. Adventure and Peter Pan's Flight. However, this would suffer a major flaw that Pteranodon Flyers has... Capacity. I do realize that these vehicles hold twice as much as Pteranodon Flyers, but this an indoor family attraction... Something that Animal Kingdom needs. I fear it will suffer the curse of Toy Story Midway Mania and constantly have 100 minute waits. Though it does sound like an amazing attraction, capacity is something that needs to be taken into consideration. Swim with the Plesiosaurs sounds really fun! I know how praised Aquatopia is, and I know that this ride would be just as great. Cave of the Past seems like a fun little place to explore, much like Camp Jurassic. I know that this attraction would be popular with parents who want to take a little break from the chaos and enjoy a nice walk through attraction. Your restaurants/shops seem very pleasing and would fulfill guest's needs just fine. This was also a great proposal, it had a few flaws but those can easily be overlooked. Great job!


Well-Known Member
@BryceM If you don't want to go through the little preshow you can go through an open, wide gateway to the left of it. Or if you feel like it you could come from Asia. Thanks for the critique! Rankings coming tonight?


Well-Known Member
Here are my critiques!

@WED99 Triassic City
First off, I think you had the best ride in the the whole challenge with the Triassic bus transit! I love how there is a live actor as the bus driver, and having the whole script is phenomenal! The live atmosphere is a very creative idea! The metro line ride, however, is good but has some things I would change. The queue is the main thing. I know it is just a metro station, but just having some posters on the wall for guests to enjoy isn't really enough in my eyes. Maybe you could add some extra things like some humorous stuff over the inter com like jokes! The ride, though, is fine. The Dino cabs are very imaginative and would be fun to do. The Triassic story is pretty much my least favorite thing in your land. I really, really, really don't think you should even go anywhere near the topic of slavery in disney world. It is so sensitive to many people in the USA, and I just think it wouldn't be good for disney's image. The rest of the show is fine. Also, I think the Herbway and CFC are funny and good. But I saved my least favorite thing of all for last… it is based on a movie!! Animal kingdom is supposed to be a land where you immerse yourself in the lands of Africa, Asia and such. You are just replacing a carnival with a… city. Just so you know, I am not a fan of avatar going to ak, I think it should be nowhere in disney. Other than those things, great job this time!

@ctxak98 Dinoland
I can tell from your screen name that you are passionate about dinoland, and you did it justice! I like the idea of the mountains and having it be like a real place where Dino's would live. I love the queue for the mine ride, but you should have explained if there were new vehicles, what the actual ride was like, etc. I wish you didn't rush the boat ride… it probably was the attraction that has the most potential. While still a great ride, I wish the queue was explained a bit more and had some interactive elements.the iguanadon show is very neat, and I like the addition of a museum and additions to the boneyard. The show is very good, but I wish you went more in detail with it. Also, I wish you explained more about the shops and restaraunts. Overall, probably my favorite of the 3 proposals!

@jdmdisney99 Dinoland
The premise of your land is good. I like the idea of walking through the barbed wire or seeing the show. Now, I think te Indiana jones ride would have been good without one thing… Indiana jones! I really don't think a movie tie in should be in ak, especially one that has nothing to do with animals, like ij. Also, there is already dinosaur and primeval whirl, so I don't think a 3rd very thrilling ride is needed. It would work better as a slow ride. For your primeval whirl retheme, I don't get it. You don't really explain it too well. You just say there are two tracks and queue's and that there are AA's. if you explained it more, it would have been MUCH better. The pterodactyl ride is my favorite part of your land. It sounds very fun, but I wish you could have said stuff about the queue and the actual ride was kind of lacking in scenes. I know there would be more, but I would want to hear them. I really wish you could have explained some of the aquatopia ride. You pretty much explained nothing. Also, lots of your land seems just like @ctxak98 's, like the dinosaur on the island and the lagoon. It could be a coincidence, but whatever. Also, the ride a Dino thing sounds like @WED99 's but with added games. The restaraunts sounds good, and te other things also sound fine. Overall, it was shaky, but ok.

Here are my rankings:
1. @ctxak98
2. @WED99
3. @jdmdisney99


Well-Known Member
1. I didn't try to force IJ in. He's an archeologist so the Dino Institute hired him to work on the Stratam Mountain project.
2. With Primeval Whirl, we couldn't really change the track, so I couldn't really make them "battle". I felt it was mostly self explanatory and you travel through interactive mines.
3. I can't always have an excuse, but I really just think I ran out of some describing juice. I had 3 new rides, 2 rethemed/refurbed rides, interactive experiences, walkthroughs, and a restaurant so I think I maybe rushed a little to get it in.
4. The Triassic Pterodactyls was also pretty self-explanatory. If you want a backstory it would be that you are being sent by the Dino Institute in a pterodactyl simulator to fly with packs of them for research. You journey along from group to group.
5. I didn't copy anyone.
6. If I make it through, I will go all out on describing next time.


Sorry for the lateness to the party, but here's my submission.

Primeval World
Step in time to the land of dinosaurs!
1: Boneyard – Become an archeologist and dig up some fun in this interactive playground filled with bones, bones, and more bones.
2: Pterodactyl Swings – Kids and adults of all ages can board on their very own pterodactyl and set flight into the skies in the classic swing ride.
3: Fossil Games – Carnival-style games that anyone can play and enjoy.
4: Primeval Whirl – A wacky spinning coaster through a Jurassic setting.
5: DINOSAUR – Travel through time to rescue the last dinosaur.
6: Finding Nemo-The Musical – Join Nemo and friends in this timeless tale.
7: Cretaceous Trail – Walk back in time to see prehistoric plants and animals.
Restaurantosaurous – A family restaurant serving classic American meals.
Dino Institute – Get all your institute gear and don’t forget your photo.
Jurassic Outpost – This one-spot outpost offers all your adventure needs.

Primeval Whirl
I wouldn’t change much, just the tone of the ride. It’ll still be kid friendly, but I’ll try to match it with the mix of DINOSAUR and the Boneyard.


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The judges have discussed and there will be no elimination this round due to Techee being automatically disqualified for not posting by the due date.

Once Tip Top Club releases his critiques, the rankings will be up and the next challenge will be sent. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yes! Thank You! I realize I have really been lacking in detail in recent challenges and will thrive to succeed from now forward! :D

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
Triassic City…I struggle to say this in a way that doesn’t stifle your creativity. But this whole proposal simply didn't do it for me. Animal Kingdom is about nature and going on an adventure, and neither of those things are at the forefront here. I mean it’s certainly an interesting idea but I think the whole idea is fundamentally flawed and simply wouldn't work in Animal Kingdom.

Ugh…That was hard to write, I feel mean. But I do actually have a lot to say about this. I have to say that I love the idea of live atmosphere, and it does also seem to be the wave the future, I think we are headed that way with New Fantasyland especially at MK. And I love all the ideas here. I especially like the Pterodactyl, small things like this are what can make or break the parks.

The Triassic Metro line is an interesting idea, it seems like enclosing the building was a good choice, but I just can’t see that façade fitting into Disney’s Animal Kingdom. At one point you even describe it as plain to the point, and to me that is the complete opposite of what Animal Kingdom is about. I’m also not sure about the logistical aspects and quite frankly the safety of changing the ride vehicles. Doing this would change the heartline, and since it’s a roller coaster, it seems almost impossible to have them rotate based on show scenes. And while I appreciate the detailed script, the descriptions of where things are seem to be….impossible. You have animatronics and show scenes where tracks are…There’s not a lot of room to breathe with this ride.

Over at Bus Transit, I Once again have a problem with the façade, it’s so UN-Animal Kingdom. And while it’s an interesting idea to have a live actor for the host of this ride, I don’t think it would work. It’s a simulator and constantly bumping and rolling would be killer on a person’s back and quite frankly have to act here would be extremely difficult as well. It would also make the attraction very expensive to operate. It just doesn’t seem feasible to me.

I like the idea of the cabs, they are great atmosphere, and add kinetic energy to the area (not only that but they also expand the attraction count!) I have to say thought that the Triassic Story was a bit much for me. Finding Nemo is a spectacular attraction, so if you’re going to replace it you have to replace it with something spectacular, and while shows are good for drawing in crowds, I don’t think I quite GOT this whole concept. Finally while I like the IDEA for the shops inspired by real life places I just once again find it to be too disheartening inside Animal Kingdom.

Ultimately there are a lot of good things here, but Animal Kingdom is just not the place for this. It’s a rough transition from the rest of the park and even to the existing Dinosaur Ride…they would take place in two entirely different worlds with no explanation. I’m sorry, I’ve been a big fan of yours throughout this competition so it’s difficult to say, but for me, this proposal was not up to your standards, and not up to the standards of Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

For me personally, you nailed this right on the head. Right off the bat the idea of making Dinoland More Cohesive and fitting the vibe of Animal Kingdom is exactly what I was looking for when Bryce posted this challenge.

The Dinosaur changes are great, exactly what the ride needs, one thing though, I would have considered bringing a new Dinosaur to the front Pool, instead of going back to the styracasaurus, that way visually we know right away that it’s not the same old ride, and you’ve ushered it into a new age of technology.

I absolutely adore your mountains, not only do they give a majestic and cohesive feel to the land, but the whole park as well, whether intentionally or not you’ve given the park a mountain range, so to have the park be mountainous on one end (Dinoland and Asia) and flat on the other end (Savanna of Africa, CMM, and Discovery Island) is perfect. And it obviously fits the theme as well, most of America’s Dinosaur fossils are from the west where there are mountains and tectonic activity.

I really love the idea of a Plesiosaur, it’s a different type of Dinosaur than the rest of the park so it would give this ride an identity of its own, it also is a nice family attraction that would be very high throughput and the kinetic energy of it going through the lagoon before entering the show building would be fantastic. Don’t worry about it being rushed, because I completely understand where you’re coming from here. And it’s great. It also manages to tie in with the existing Dinoland story while having another ride featuring Dinosaurs. Well done.

I want to keep writing, but I honestly have very little else to say. I love the Iguanadon encounter, I love the Beginning of Time (The perfect show for Dinoland, Although I’m not keen on getting rid of Finding Nemo: The Musical), I love the Age of the Dinosaurs, and the Nesting grounds, and while I wish you’d have gone more original, I don’t mind you keeping the Chester and Hester Dinostore as a tribure to the past area, and let’s face it one would pop up anyway. Since it’s contained I think it would be charming, just like street merchants setting up in Harambe and Anandapur, Street merchants would set up shoppe here as well.

Overall, I thought this was spectacular, a great addition. I wished you would have touched on some live animals for the area though, I wonder what would be the fate of the American Crocodile who lives there now, or perhaps included an aviary of birds operated by the Dino Institute whom they think are closely related to Dinosaurs. Just thoughts, no points lost.

Dino Institute's Navigation Observatory, Laboratory, And Nautical Dynamics….
I love it, but it’s so cheesy!!! HAHA, I love it though.

I definitely like the idea of adding another mountain to this side of the park, creating a kind of mountain range with The Forbidden Mountain, but I’m not sure I like the idea of it being surrounded by Barb wire, It doesn’t seem very welcoming, and almost seems like it would detract from the show a bit.

I appreciate the idea of D.I.N.O, but it seems like it would just cause crowd flow issues, why would you go into this pre-show, when you can just walk into the area from the other side? It doesn’t seem to be very repeatable either. I also appreciate the idea of the new ride system, it’s certainly used to its potential here, I’m not sure how I feel about the Indiana Jones Tie In, I maybe would have gone with an original character. I like it though.

I’m not sure how I feel about the name Battle of the Dinos, and while I like the idea of careening around the mountain, I’m not sure how you would solve the show problems here, the cars, the supports, I wish you would have gone into more details here.

I definitely wish you would have gone into more detail about the Pterodactyls. It also seems like you might have made this into more of an E-Ticket. People are already going to be scared of the dangling feeling, and it would surely have a height requirement, so I maybe would have considered making this more of a thrill ride, even if it wasn’t directly dinosaur related, just zipping around the jungle on the day off from the dig.

The boat ride is an interesting idea, but ultimately I’m not a fan. It would be very low throughput and seems a little bit kitschy compared to the rest of your land. I love all your small things though, Lucky and the other animatronics and your walkthrough as well. Well done.

You didn’t put much effort into your proposal so I didn’t put much effort into your critique. The Whole point of the challenge was to change up the area and make it better and you didn’t. You barely changed anything. You put in one spinner in place of another, and kept Primeval whirl mostly the same. Primeval Whirl shares the highest height requirement at Walt Disney World, it’s already not kid friendly. This was fundamentally flawed.

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