Master of the Parks: Challenge 3 - "Destroying" DinoLand


Well-Known Member
The answer was no last week and that was a whole land. Oh how I wish we were doing single attractions :(
But last week was considered a pavilion (a mini-land if you will) inside a larger land and only had a ride, a show, and an interactive exit experience. This week, as judges have said, we can fit much more in.
Can we have more than 5 pictures (since this is like a whole land)?
@BryceM So can we, please?


Well-Known Member
Triassic City
A WED99 Concept

The Good Dinosaur is a Pixar film currently in production. It is due for release on May 30 2014. The plot is what would the world be like if the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs missed. When this challenge was first introduced, I struggled to come up with an idea. As I was sitting in class, it struck me! Create a land based on The Good Dinosaur. But there was one problem, it hasn't been released yet. So I decided to create an original land, with how I think a modern city would be like if Dinosaurs were never extinct. The end result was Triassic City!


Triassic City is an extremely detailed land, introducing guests to an entire new lifestyle. It is surrounded by skyscraper facades (Red Line on Map) and a few forced perspective buildings. It is home to 4 new attractions, 3 of which are just based on a fundamental part of city life, transport! The city is full of references to modern culture, but altered to be more Jurassic. One of the biggest differences between Triassic City and other areas in the Disney parks is a brand new feature, Live Atmosphere!

Live Atmosphere
What exactly is Live Atmosphere? Well it's the thing you see when walking down a street. People enjoying their day, cars driving around, dogs being walked. All the things but make you feel like your not alone. This is exactly what will happen in Triassic City but with actors! People will be employed to follow a routine each day of them living their day to day lives as citizens of Triassic City. They will dress like them, talk like them, walk like them even eat like them! All to make guests feel like they're not in a theme park, they're in a city. It's basically plussing the "Disneyland is a show" concept Walt insisted on.

A few examples of Live Atmosphere are:
-A lady walking around with her baby Triceratops
-A man enjoying a T-Rex steak
-A lady calling out to guests from her apartment window
-A young boy trying to sell this weeks copy of The Triassic Times (which can be bought!)

These are only a few examples of the live atmosphere, but there is more! I did say dinosaurs weren't extinct right? So where are they? Scattered around the city are 3 Photo Ops. Each is a large animatronic dinosaur that interacts with guests. One is a Triceratops, another is a T-Rex and the last one is a Diplodocus. The live atmosphere actors interact with these dinos throughout the day. Another little detail that adds to the experience is a Pterodactyl that flies across two buildings randomly throughout the day. It is easily overlooked, but if spotted can be a great memory! Here is a concept of how it will work below (Pardon my misspelling of Pterodactyl)


As great as the Live Atmosphere will be, guests come to the park for one main thing. Attractions! And Triassic City does not disappoint! The first ride I will talk about is a D-Ticket Roller coaster that focusses on the most popular form of public transport, Trains.

Triassic Metro Line
To replace Primeval Whirl I decided to put in an underground train route so citizens of Triassic City can travel with ease. Unfortunately, no city is perfect and occasionally pests can be a problem. Guests will find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. I covered the entire Primeval Whirl with a show building to allow for dark scenes and set theming.

I was inspired by a real life train station for this one. Something I felt suited the City. Here is an image below of the station the facade will replicate. They will be near exact apart from "Triassic North Station" written on the front of one.


Queue/Load Zone
The Queue will look like your average underground train station. Very plain and straight to the point. To keep guests entertained however, every few meters a different advertisement poster will be on the wall. Each poster will be unique and exaggerate the dino theme. The Load Zone will look like an average train platform, safety line and all.

Ride Vehicle
I was stuck with the challenge of making a train that looked modern but was able to spin on the ride. I quickly realised it was too difficult. Luckily, Triassic City is my version of what I think a dino city should look like, so I was able to make the trains how I felt! Below is what I ended up with...


It allows for Primeval Whirl track to stay the same and can carry a large number of guests in comfort.

Ride Experience
I did the same as last week and wrote up a script for the ride. However it is a roller coaster so it is mainly descriptive writing. I suggest comparing the writing with the youtube link posted below of the current ride, makes it easier to understand.

The Metro Line is sure to be a thrilling adventure for all ages. But if your not into coasters, don't stress! The next attraction will take you on a clam bus ride through the city.

Triassic Bus Transit
If the pest problem on the trains is a little to intense for you, the Bus Transit is here for your use! Guests will travel down the express route their driver (real actor) who can be a bit reckless. They end up in a few sticky situations but everything works out alright.... sorta.

I once again based this Facade on a real life bus station. It had to fit the theme of the train station next door so I settled with the image below. Just change Greyhound to T-Rex Transit and you're finished!


Queue/Load Zone
As guests wait for their bus to arrive, they will walk through the halls of the bus station and learn the history of Triassic City represented through photos and captions on the walls. The Load Zone will be outside and themed as, well just a bus stop!

Ride Vehicle
The ride vehicle is the most important part of the attraction. It is nto only the transport, it is the entire show! Guests will board this full scale bus and be delightfully shock when they discovered it does not move like your average bus. It has EMV properties meaning it is basically a very long simulator on wheels. You may be wondering why the track shown in the overhead map is so boring. It is because the track is only there to increase capacity, the entire ride is actually a motion simulator unlike any other! As show in the image below, inside the bus is LCD screens that make guests feel like there is actually a window there, when in relaity there isn't!


LCD Screens
To save money, instead of buying hundreds of projectors for this attraction, I put specially constructed LCD 4K HD screens into each vehicle. This allows for a crisper more controlled image. The screens will cover every opening in the bus vehicle, so guests can get a 360 view. By using the screens instead of real sets, I can take guests further into Triassic City, into areas impossible to build. The LCD Screens are curved and put a certain distance away from the guests to allow them to get multiple points of view. If the screens were just pressed up on the window, they could not look in different directions. It's like trying to look at something off screen on your TV!

Ride Experience
Below is the link to the Ride Experience. Remember it is all simulated and the driver is a real actor.

After a rough trip on the bus, take the time to discover more of Triassic City! The Dino Cabs are perfect for soaking up the atmosphere!

Dino Cabs
Roaming the streets of Triassic City and adding to the atmosphere are Diplodocuses pulling carts with guests in them. These are the Dino Cabs, a fun way to learn about Triassic City!

Queue/Load Zone
As this is only a minor attraction, the queue is almost non existent. Following the same path as the main street vehicles, guests will wait at a Cab Stop outside the Dinoco Gas Station. When the Cab arrives, they hop onboard. Quick and Easy!

Ride Vehicles
This ride vehicle was inspired by the very popular, Lucky the Dinosaur.

However, this vehicle is much larger in size. A young Diplodocuses pulls a wooden cart full of people around the entire city. The route can be seen in Green on the overhead map. The diagram below explains everything needed to know about the ride vehicle.


Live Atmosphere
The Dino Cabs are a great example of Live Atmosphere. Not only do they allow guests to experience it better, but they add to it as well! Guests will be in awe will the large dino stomps past them for the first time. Actors will interact with the cab as it goes around the City. Each cart will have it's own cabbie who explains a bunch of information about the city on your trip. Even the photo op dinosaurs will roar at them when they get close. It's all apart of the show!

The final attraction in Triassic City is a new show to replace Finding Nemo The Musical. I know it is a good show, but everything has to change eventually!

Continued in next post


Well-Known Member
The Triassic Story
The Triassic Story is a musical featuring dinosaur puppets, shadow art and live actors. Together they will tell the story of how Triassic City came to be founded. The show will touch on a very sensitive topic, slavery. It's difficult to explain but I felt this would be a good way to teach the kids the consequences of things like slavery and also produce an emotional and entertaining show! Below are a few scene descriptions. keep in mind I have never written a show before so I tried to keep it very basic.

The Final piece of atmosphere for the area is the shops.

An important part of any area, the shops in Triassic City will complete the Live Atmosphere effect used in the area. All shops in the city are just popular businesses now altered to be more Dinosaur. Their locations can be found on the overhead map. Below is each shop and an example of it's purpose in the city:

CFC (Carnivore Fried Chicken)
For all you carnivores out there looking for a meal fit for a T-Rex, this is the place to go! A spin off of KFC, this shop is the only quick service restaurant in the city.

Herbway (Eat Fresh)
Not into meat, looking for something more on the healthy side? Come to Herbway, a spin on the popular Subway. Here you can build a Dino sized sub full of fresh veggies and some healthy meats.

Dinoco Gift Shop
You didn't think I would create a land inspired by a Pixar without adding Dinoco did you? This is the one stop shop for souvenirs in the city.

Wells Dino
Although it's not here in Australia, I only needed a couple weeks in the states to realise how popular Wells Fargo is. So I thought it would be cool if guests could enter this bank and set up their own Triassic City ID! Using a touch screen, guests can enter their details (including favourite dino), take a photo, be given their career at random and then print out their own City ID!

All of these shops are fun to explore and really complete the package of Triassic City.

So that's my idea. An alive city in the heart of Animal Kingdom, taking guests to another dimension where things worked out a bit differently. If everything works right, guests should feel as if they have left Animal Kingdom. Like they could love in Triassic City if they really wanted to. I think this would fit the disney parks well, as it is just what Walt always imagined. Taking guests to places they can't go normally and putting them right in the heart of the show. Hopefully with the release of The Good Dinosaur, this idea could be plussed even further!
Thank You for reading and I hope you enjoyed my concept as much as I enjoyed designing it!


Well-Known Member
OK so this is my second attempt at typing ALL of this. The first time through I was almost done and there was an internet connection problem and I lost all of it! :(. so please I know I will have spelling errors due to my rush! sorry in advance.

Ok first I want to describe what my land is all about. I recently did revamp Dinoland in another thread here so I wanted to incorporate those ideas but still change them at the same time. Either way the ideas were mine and are completely Original. So I didnt copy is what I am trying to get at.

I wanted Dinoland to be more cohesive as a land. I felt Asia and Africa all have aunified look and thats what I want for Dinoland so what I created is a land with a more Natural and wild look to it to make it seem like dinosaurs could live there, yet still incorporate the Dino Institute story.

The story goes that the Dino Institute has started research in the area and has closed it off from the public for a couple of years. The area is now being opened to the guests to explore and get a hands on view of what these scientists and paleontologists do everyday. The land will include many differant elements in it now. The whole Chester and Hester carnival area will be nothing but a mere nightmare after this transformation. The ride, show, food, shoppping and Museums will all be unique to the area. The rides and shows include Mesozoic Miners, Prehistoric Caverns, Countdown to Extinction, Iguanodon Encounter, Age of the Dinosaurs, The Boneyard, and The beggining of Time. Not to mention some food and shops I will go into detail about later.

Here is a quick map I did of the area. VERY QUICK. and is missing a resteraunt I added later on im my process.
<a href="http://s1253.beta.photobucket


now I want to talk about each of the attractions!

First up is Countdown to Extinction- The ride I exactly the same!( as the rules said I could not change it!)..but nothing was said about some TLC ;). so what I did was I decided to bring back the name and lose the lame DINOSAUR tie in that makes no sense! and to REVAMP the AA figures to evan better then before. I want the Dinosaurs to be the most lifelike AA's in the world. I decided to do this for a number of reasons but I will explain those later on in my process! But otherwise the ride is the same and the Styracosaurus statue is back out infont!

Now comes the new area! The Brachiosaurus Mountains, Plesiosaur Lagoon, and prehistoric Caverns is the new focal area that contain all the new elements that will UNIFY the land. The mountains will be majestic and just tall enough with great rock work. These double humped mountains will house the existing Primeval Whirl. I decided to enclose the ride and make it more of a story and not so visible due to its ugly carnival look. down the middle of the Brachiosaurus Mountains is the Pterosaur cliff waterfall. The waterfall drops down into a sharp jagged rock structure and then flows out into the plesiosaur lagoon. the waterfall is jutted out leaving a gap so the boats can go under for the Prehistoric caverns attraction. The lagoon will be quite large and beautiful looking giving guests as they walk around it a relaxing place to stop and sit by for a while on there way to the Beggining of time show. The middle of the lagoon will feature a 15 min show encounter with an Iguanodon(more details later on.
Here is some art of the exterior look!(not exact to scale)

closeup of Iguanodon

sideways view of waterfall showing archway for boat and bridge to the mine

Mesozoic Miners- This ride will be the same exact layout as the original Primeval whirl but inside with some cool visuals. The entire interior will be themed to a mine full of Gems, crystals, dino bones and amber. The queue line will start through creteceous trail( I figured no one really walks through here that extending it and adding more dinos to it would make for a cool beginning line. As you further venture out of the trail you come across the bridge which leads you over the water, and into the mines. there the line takes you to the load area. Then the ride will take you on a fast paced journey to dig up some goodies. at the end yoo exit into a shp filled with differant rocks and gems for sale.

Prehistoric Caverns- This ride I have always thought would be cool and originally had it as a submarine voyage but this time I decided to go with a standard boat ride like POTC to make it a more family ride. The line starts off to the left of the mountains and goes through the labs of a underwater scientist lab. you pass some bones and fossils of prehistoric marine life and then there is a video showing you what scientist believe is still out there waiting to be discovered. the Dino Institute is allowing guests into there underwater caverns on a tour to see what they are all working on. Then you load into theboats on the left side. The boats then start off possing by the lagoon under the waterfall. your journey starts as you enter the cavern and go up a lift hill. The lifthill brings you to an upper floor watering hole where AA scientist are working in the water. the trip continues and the voice on the intercom comes on. the voice is a tour guide telling about all the technology you are passing and all the different structures you see. you hear some rumbling and soon you find youself in a mini earthquake. the earthquake opens a new cavern that shoots you down a drop into a unknown area. the whole cave is lit with bright bllue under the water and haze of mist fills throughout the air. geysers go off all around you as if you enter another world. the journey then brings you face to face with some prehistoric creatures. the final creature you come across is the Plesiosaurus, the monster we have all been looking for. The reception comes back and they find your location on the radar. the team blasts and exit for you and you exit back at the station. (i know I rushed this one a bit but I have a short time frame here)

here is some art for the ride

Igunodon Encounter- this exciting new show experience will be much more of a fascinating sort. In the middle of the lagoon is a giant cave on an island and inside the cave lives IZZY thew Iguanodon(the iguanodon you capture on CTX ride) the experience is a 15 min viewing of the dinosaur (AA) much like the iguanodon from the river boats ride at animal Kingdom back in 1998. The sjhow happens every 45 mins. around the lagoon are different kisoks displaying different facts on the dinosaur( much like a real zoo) I want people to think he is really real~!

here a video of the iguanodon from 1998. skip to 8:40to see this guy in action...pretty cool

The Boneyard- The Boneyard is pretty much the same except I added one cool room. The crystal Cave is a interactive sensroy play area where kids can touch an assortment of crystals and tey change colors and make cool noises. just a fun new thing I though would be neat.

The Age of the DInosaurs Exhibit- This is exhibit is a walkthorough attraction through the different ages of the dinosaurs. You start ouyt with a land of lava and then to njurasic and triasic and creteceous and then Ice age. Its all interactive with AA figures (on par with Energry ride because these are not suppose to be real) the walkthrough starts at the entrance and goes behind the boneyard and ends up near the Beggining of time show.

The Begging of Time- This is a show I have been thinking about for a while now and can finally include! this show will discover what rwally happend to the dinosaurs. The show has a live speaker and include some really neat AA live dinos. The dinosa will be made by the peoplle who do Walking with dinos. The show will feature one new cartoonish character named Terry the Pterodactyl. he is a new born and doesnt know anything about dinos and the show eventually explains all about where they came from and where they went. Including some scenes of lifelike dinos that roam throughout the theatre. To make it more kid freindly I added teryy so kids know its not a real DINOSAUR.

heres a video of the walking with dinosaurs show ot give youa feel of how I want it to look

Last but not least some short additions. I added a new outdoor eating area called the Nesting Grounds. This will be loacted behind where current Dinorama bathrooms are and willbe a neat shady area to eat play and relax in. the grounds will feature hatching dinosaur nests of all sorts of species and all the sitting areas wil be made of natural elements like tree stumps or boulders, but still comfortable!

a new store I added is the Veloci-capture store. this is a photo op area where you can create a short video of you next to a dinosaur and then purchase if you so wish to .
then lastly I moved Chester and hesters to make expansion room for creteceous trail and still kepp chester and hester alive...the original chester and hester I mean.

OK THERE YOU HAVE IT! Hope you like it!


Well-Known Member
Chester and Hester's Dinorama and the Theater in the Wild (Finding Nemo-The Musical would be moved to a new Australia land in DAK).
BACKSTORY; The whole story behind this new area in DinoLand would be this...After the Dino Institute discovered the fossils here in the USA, they realized the nearby Stratam Mountain would be a nice site for an archaeological dig. So they founded the Dino Institute's Navigation Observatory, Laboratory, And Nautical Dynamics ( or D.I.N.O.L.A.N.D.). Soon, however, they learn that not all of the fossils at Stratam Mountain are dead. Due to the infestation of living, breathing dinosaurs, all mining is stopped and the site is evacuated, eventually to be quarantined and surrounded by a big, barbed wire fence. After the disturbing revelation, only those with a high clearance level, such as Dr. Seeker, are allowed to pass through the area...until now! The Dino Institute has decided that the area is safe for those citizens brave enough to venture into it.
Dino Institute Navigation Observatory
This a building that would be placed right near the path leading to Dinosaur! This would be a very small show/preview, and would be one of two entrances into the mini land, the other being through a barbed wire gate. In the show, guests would file into one of two rooms where they would stand in front of a big screen. The rooms would be filled with scientific materials such as beakers and microscopes. As people walk into the room, a Dino Institute logo hovers as a screensaver on the screen. Once there are enough people in the room, the screen comes to life. Standing in a lab on the screen is Dr. Xavier Ploor, an intelligent, sturdy, laughable man who likes to go by X (X. Ploor). He begins to speak about the Dino Institute. He tells the guests that they are brave souls for traveling to Stratam Mountain and explains it's story. Soon, he is interrupted by a women's voice on the PA system saying,"Paging Dr. Ploor, Dr. X. Ploor, Dr. Seeker needs you in the main laboratory." The doctor excuses himself as he dismisses the guests and sends them through the hydraulic doors into the D.I.N.O.L.A.N.D.
Indiana Jones and the Living Fossil
This would be the first Indiana Jones ride in WDW. This ride would use a new ride technology since Dinosaur! is right next door.
This new ride vehicle could be called the "Salt and Pepper" System. It would use an enhanced version of the swinging mine cars of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, but this time with a rotating base. So with this system, your "fossil mining cars" wouldn't just swing but they would be able to spin also. These cars would roll on a tubular coaster track and each train would carry 12 people.
This coaster would be at a slightly higher thrill level than the old Primeval Whirl (this isn't the same track, but a different ride). Guests enter the queue from the main concourse/cavern in the mountain. You stroll through the caves that seem like a normal mine. As you continue through the hollows, you can interact small effects such as pulling a rope and you hear a roar, or, like the blue crabs, you help baby dinos destroy mining tools. You reach a large cavernous loading area where all around, monitors play a video with Dr. X. Ploor speaking about your new job as a miner at Stratam Mountain and the Dino Institute's partnership with Dr. Indiana Jones. The messages don't last long as they go static soon. As you pull out of the loading area you reach the first lift hill. It once again seems like a normal day working in the mine. Mid-climb there would be an AA named Indiana Jones who is yelling at you to get to work and be careful. Once you reach the top of the lift you feel at big gust of air and you plunge into a dark left turn.
You are now in one of the biggest hollows of the mountain. You see other tracks, but you also see something unusual. Dinosaur AAs and fossils ly all around the cavern on ledges and in caves. You dip down and into a loop. Then you rise up another hill almost to the opening of the mountain (window), until you fall at an 85* angle and make a left bank turn. Next you continue straight on into the cave you came from, but you are spinning. You then take a series of dips until you reach the final incline in the dark. At the top, the track flattens out. To your left, using projection technology (since WDI is so good at it), Indiana Jones is standing there using a brush on a rock wall. He yells that the big one's (iguanadon fossil) back there (behind the rock wall). He tries the brush one more time but then pulls out a sledge hammer and hits the wall 3 times. On the third time, the room starts shaking and rocks start to fall as you hear a roar from behind the wall. Indy yells, "Rock slide!" and he uses his whip to jump over you (projection tech). As he is doing so, a T-Rex breaks through the wall and your train (using the new ride system) lets the wheels rotate on a special track, causing you to "fall" sideways on a "rocky hillside". After "falling" through the dark you stop and similar to the boulder scene in California, Indy is hanging by his whip in front of an iguanadon and petting it. He says, "I guess this big rock ain't so dead after all. You go through a cavern underneath him to the loading/unloading zone.
DISCLAIMER-The ride may seem short, but I did not include every single move of the car, only the major ones due to length.



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Battle of the Dinos
This ride would be the retheme of Primeval Whirl. Since there are two tracks, one side would be the Tyrannosaurus Rex track and one side would be the Stegosaurus track. The line for T-Rex track could be entered through the main cavernous concourse inside the mountain, though the ride track itself is mostly a careening, jerky ride along the mountainside outside. The entrance for the other track is accessible outside, except the ride experience is mostly indoors, through caves and signs pointing to the next fossil which always turns out to be a real dinosaur (AA). These tracks would have the same direction and layout as Primeval Whirl.
Triassic Pterodactyls
This ride would be accessible from outside the mountain, not the concourse.
This dark ride would also use a new ride system, properly called the Pterodactyl System. This technology (seen above) would be similar to a hand gliding ride at your regular amusement park (see below). However, this new vehicle would, like Peter Pan's Flight, would travel along an overhead track.

I won't provide an overly specific description, but this ride would be one for all ages to enjoy. You would glide along on a trip flying above and through the prehistoric world. Some scenes would include a jungle full of prehistoric creatures (see below), flying above the jungle with other pterodactyls on your side (projection), and diving by a waterfall.
Swim With the Plesiosaurs
This would be an adaption of Aquatopia from Tokyo DisneySea (see below).

The system would be the same and would take place in a small body of water that flows from the Discovery River. The vehicles would be nearly the same but they would look like this:
There would even be an island in the middle just like the above with an AA plesiosaur that sleeps and awakens throughout the day. Sometimes it would "swim" into the water.



Well-Known Member

Cave of the Past
This small, interactive area would be accessible from the concourse or outside the mountain. Inside the caves, you would find smaller hollows with eggs, or dinosaurs with small notepads from the miners all around with facts about the creatures. In one back corner there is even a watery spring where a plesiosaur pops it's head out from under the bridge every once in a while to say "hi". In one rocky corridor a "window" parallel to the walkway let's Lucky the Dinosaur and other walking AA dinos be seen by the guests.

CARNIVORE! A Dino Institute Restaurant
This would be a restaurant in the area of Stratam Mountain, but it is outside the barbed wire gates. This is because it used to be the miners' mess hall and it was never inhabited by the creatures. Here you will have to check in outside the gate, or you can just scan a RFID reservation card and the gates in the barbed wire fence would open. You would be able to get things like t-rex (rather than t-bone) steak, and prehistoric pizza. The restaurant would extend on a small, rocky island on the Discovery River.

Lucky's Magical Stones
Throughout the day in DinoLand, many roaming dinosaurs would parade through the area. One in particular would be Lucky the Dinosaur. However, in this newly enhance variation, Lucky would carry multiple "magic stones" (tablets) tied by a plant (disguised wire) to the cart that he pulls. On these tablets, people could design and name their own dinosaurs, or they could play games with a Lucky avatar. After some time has elapsed, everyone must put back the "stones" and Lucky walks away.

Triceratops Treasures
This is the gift shop where Triassic Pterodactyls and Indiana Jones and the Living Fossil exit into. You can order mini figures of your designed dino using RFID, or you can buy DinoLand souvenirs. Some products, like postcards, could say "Hello from Stratam Mountain".

P.S. DINOSAUR! would have all of it's effects turned on after a MAJOR refurb but the ride track and scenes would remain practically the same.

That us my proposal! Thanks for reading! :D

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