I have a couple of theories i want to share before tonight episode (cause, you know, maybe after i can brag about it
I've been pretty sure since before the pilot that "Skye" is goin to turn out to be an estabilished Marvel character, mostly because, well, they never told us her real name (and this was quickly dismissed with a "you'll tell us later" from Coulson in the pilot). Pretty fishy, I think. At first i was thinking about one of the Jessicas (Jones or Drew), but lately I have a new theory. We now know that Skye is an 084 and that she was found in China. The only time we've been to China this season was for an episode where we are introduced to a guy that has superpowers for no apparent reason (first time ever in the MCU, another thing that was barely noted in the episode). So, what is Scorch and Skye are related? And if we think about pyrokinesis powers with possible alien origins, we would get someone Like green aired Abigail Brand, head of S.W.O.R.D., a character created by none other than Joss Whedon...
The other thing i've been thinking about, it's of course the Clairvoyant. Since is getting evident that AoS main purpose is to set up in an elaborate enough way secondary character not important enought to be put in the movies, i'm thinking that maybe it could also serve the purpose to create some characters whose complicated origin story would not work much in a 2 hours movie. Now, what is the most difficult major Marvel villain to put on screen? I'd say, good ol' MODOK
I think the Clairvoyant is a still (mostly) human pre-MODOK George Tarleton, and he's a "clairvoyant" because is brain is connected to "the internet", so he can read online statuses and check out photos on flickr and instagram (they already used this technique in a couple of episodes to track down people). After we get introduced to him as still somehow human, he'll "evolve" in something more similar to the big evil head we all came to love and fear (just like they're doing with Mike Peterson/Deathlok).
These are my two cents ^_^