Man injured on Dragon Challenge.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Is it possible that the force at which one goes through that section of the track could loosen a pebble stuck within the grooves of the bottom of ones shoe?
Its highly unlikely that this is the cause. The ride has operated incident free for 12 years now. I'm with Screamscape that someone is probably intentionally doing this. I wonder how Universal can stop this? If the ride never duels again, that will be a shame.

Bravo 229

Its highly unlikely that this is the cause. The ride has operated incident free for 12 years now. I'm with Screamscape that someone is probably intentionally doing this. I wonder how Universal can stop this? If the ride never duels again, that will be a shame.

I don't know if they can legally give you a "wand" check for metal items like pennies/etc. before you queue, but that would probably stop someone from bringing coins onto the ride - not saying thats what it was, but its possible. Hopefully they will duel again, because the ride just isn't the same when you're not dueling.


Well-Known Member
I was at the park on Saturday and there was definitely no "dueling." I rode the Fire dragon and we sat there for almost a minute after Ice dragon was dispatched before we were sent on our way. I had never seen the cars sent that far apart before, and I was puzzled as to why the other car didn't stop until we reached the lift as usual. This would probably be why!

I was at the park for the first time last Tuesday (8/9/2011) and rode both dragons at least twice (the back of Ice is amazing!). This would have been about a week after injury. I don't remember if the dragons were dueling every single time I saw them run, but from what I saw the dragons were often not dispatched at the same time, but the first dragon would slow down on the chain lift and wait for the second one to catch up. I just assumed this was normal operation. Most of the time they eventually got synced up enough to duel.

Awesome attraction, by the way. I just wished that I had been able to see the original Dragons queue (the new one is great anyway).

Shame about the guy's eye. I'm sure Universal will compensate him appropriately.

Bravo 229

I was at the park for the first time last Tuesday (8/9/2011) and rode both dragons at least twice (the back of Ice is amazing!). This would have been about a week after injury. I don't remember if the dragons were dueling every single time I saw them run, but from what I saw the dragons were often not dispatched at the same time, but the first dragon would slow down on the chain lift and wait for the second one to catch up. I just assumed this was normal operation. Most of the time they eventually got synced up enough to duel.

Awesome attraction, by the way. I just wished that I had been able to see the original Dragons queue (the new one is great anyway).

Shame about the guy's eye. I'm sure Universal will compensate him appropriately.

Yep, that's the normal operation, its good that you got to experience it that way on your first trip! The "Dueling" queue was amazing, one of the best I've ever walked through! I miss Merlin and his "Freeze or Burn" speech...or was it "Freezer Burn"? :D

I read an Orlando Sentinel article today that stated they would run the coaster as two seperate rides for the time being, presumably until they figure out what caused the accident.


This story reminds me of the late 90's at my hometown park (Six Flags Over Georgia). Luckily nobody was hit or injured (thank goodness for bad aim), but batteries were hitting the pavement on several occaisons around very crowded walkways, right under the Great Gasp ride...where Goliath sits now. It had to be some regular visitors, because security claimed this happened at least 2-3 Saturdays in a row in the same area. From such a height, a small battery to the head could cause serious injury. Sadly, nobody was ever caught... luckily, nobody was ever hurt.


Honestly I dont know how this doesn't happen more often, I love that ride, it was one of the first real coasters ive been on, but think about what the draw to the ride is; two coasters maneuvering withing however many feet of each other. Before you get on the ride you are supposed to leave bags and what not in the locker but I think they really should stress completely emptying your pockets of anything; wallets, change, keys what have you. ( unless there is a sign I've just overlooked , then ignore this) Even something as small as say a button coming loose off of a shirt could become a projectile given the proper circumstances. I know It would destroy the aesthetics of the ride but maybe they could incorporate a netting of some sort at the apex to catch any debris, similar to the one under Hulk.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I saw that article in the Sentinel too.
Looks like the dragons have been officially un-dueled, probably permanently. I watched a newscast about this too but it failed to mention that the coasters had been dueling for over 12 years without incident.

I tend to agree with those who suspect this is the work of some sick individual(s) with a pocket full of coins or batteries. I wonder if Universal is cross-referencing the names of guests who were there on both days with security camera footage of the queue, if they have it from that far back.

Now that I think about it though, from a rider's perspective the dueling wasn't that big a deal. Other than the lift hill, you only see the other train twice, both briefly, and only the opposing loops part is that impressive. When I rode in the front you never actually see the other train. In other words, I don't think un-dueling them is going to "ruin" the attraction, by any stretch of the imagination.


New Member
Now that I think about it though, from a rider's perspective the dueling wasn't that big a deal. Other than the lift hill, you only see the other train twice, both briefly, and only the opposing loops part is that impressive. When I rode in the front you never actually see the other train. In other words, I don't think un-dueling them is going to "ruin" the attraction, by any stretch of the imagination.

Agreed. Especially now that they're not even called "Dueling" Dragons anymore, I don't think anyone will even think twice about after a few months.


Original Poster
Agreed. Especially now that they're not even called "Dueling" Dragons anymore, I don't think anyone will even think twice about after a few months.

Really? I think it totally loses a lot of it's value. It just looked cool seeing the coasters cycle through "dueling" with each other. Now what is it? A ride just like a Six Flags ride, with a cool queue.

You guys are focusing with what the riders see, it was much more of an enhancement to see it, rather than to ride it and know you were racing another coaster. It was as much of a joy to watch, as to ride. Now, it'll just be two coasters intertwined. I'm not exactly sure how they'll launch, and if they'll even be on the track at the same time. But, it just takes some of the coolness away. Like the Hulk, if it was off in the distance it wouldn't be as fun to watch. But how it is, you get to stand right underneath it and see it take off, go out over the water and come back around.

I don't know, I understand why Universal has to do this, I just wish they didn't have too. It'll take away some of the wow factor.


New Member
Really? I think it totally loses a lot of it's value. It just looked cool seeing the coasters cycle through "dueling" with each other. Now what is it? A ride just like a Six Flags ride, with a cool queue.

You guys are focusing with what the riders see, it was much more of an enhancement to see it, rather than to ride it and know you were racing another coaster. It was as much of a joy to watch, as to ride. Now, it'll just be two coasters intertwined. I'm not exactly sure how they'll launch, and if they'll even be on the track at the same time. But, it just takes some of the coolness away. Like the Hulk, if it was off in the distance it wouldn't be as fun to watch. But how it is, you get to stand right underneath it and see it take off, go out over the water and come back around.

I don't know, I understand why Universal has to do this, I just wish they didn't have too. It'll take away some of the wow factor.
Don't get me wrong, sad to see it go. It was awesome seeing the dueling as a spectator. But as others said, while you're actually riding it, you get more joy in focusing on whats going on in your car then the one you only glimpse a few times during the ride.
Now, if they could only add some scenic elements to zoom by during the ride, something unique to each side to make each coaster stand out more, I'd be cool with that.


Active Member
This story reminds me of the late 90's at my hometown park (Six Flags Over Georgia). Luckily nobody was hit or injured (thank goodness for bad aim), but batteries were hitting the pavement on several occaisons around very crowded walkways, right under the Great Gasp ride...where Goliath sits now. It had to be some regular visitors, because security claimed this happened at least 2-3 Saturdays in a row in the same area. From such a height, a small battery to the head could cause serious injury. Sadly, nobody was ever caught... luckily, nobody was ever hurt.
It sounds like, with the repeating of "nobody was ever hurt" that you are sitting there smirking that this happened at Universal, hoping it would drive their attendance down. If this SAME event happened at Disney on one of their coasters (loose articles hitting someone), you'd say it's quite okay.
It sounds like, with the repeating of "nobody was ever hurt" that you are sitting there smirking that this happened at Universal, hoping it would drive their attendance down. If this SAME event happened at Disney on one of their coasters (loose articles hitting someone), you'd say it's quite okay.

I think you might be reading into his post a bit. I definitely didn't get that impression at all...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, such a shame, the dueling was the best part, especially if you were in the front row!!

CoasterKing :king:

See, it's odd that you say that, because when I rode the dragons(in the time between the two "accidents") I never could see the other train when I was riding in the front. It was only when I was in the middle or rear of the train that I caught a glimpse of the other one.

The only real fun to the dueling element, I thought, was the good-natured taunting the riders of the other train on the lift hill.


It sounds like, with the repeating of "nobody was ever hurt" that you are sitting there smirking that this happened at Universal, hoping it would drive their attendance down. If this SAME event happened at Disney on one of their coasters (loose articles hitting someone), you'd say it's quite okay. Nobody should get hurt at any park. Disney has had it's fair share of accidents as well, caused by their own maintenance follies rather than some snotty teen throwing batteries off a coaster train.


New Member
I only know of like two... mechanically Disney's fault, at least.

Also, there's snotty teen's at every park...

In 2003 a 22 year old was killed on thundermountain in Dl. There was also a man killed when the anchor fell from the ferry. There have been several accidents at disney where people have been injured. The most recent was probably Thunder mountain in Paris.

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