Malfunction! Malfunction!


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Ever Been On A Ride That Malfunctioned? Tell About, How Long? What Ride? Did You get To Go In The Back Rooms?

When I Went On Test Track, The Guy Who Was Loading Us In The Cars Told Us That It Was Now A Water Ride Because It Was Raining. The Ride Went Very Slow Up Thoose Hairpin Turns. I Was Confused. When The Car Went Up The Hill (With The Hairpin Turns) It Stopped For Like 10 Seconds. Then The Ride Flew Out The Garage Thing, And Went Flying On The Outside Course. It Was Wet, And We Didn't Get Too Wet On A Count We Were Moving So Fast. By This Point We Didn't Know It Malfunction. But Right Before It Goes Back Inside The Buiding.... IT STOPED! A Lady On The Ride Insisted That During The Preshow The Ride Stops Outside. It's Not Supossed To. The Annoncement Went On Saying That Test Track Had Malfunctioned And Will Be Going Shortly. It Rained Soo Hard, Everyone Got Soaked. 20 Minutes Later It Was Still Raining Hard And I Felt "Straped" To This Thing, And That Annoncement Still Went On And On. Finally THe Car Moved, 15 Feet. But That Was Enough To Get Us Out Of The Rain. Good Thing That Thermo Thing Was THere. That Was Entertainment For The 10 Minutes We Were Stuck There! Then It Moved Another 5 Feet, Revealing That The Ride Was Over, Since So, I Unuckled My Belt...... AHHHH Freedom! Then A Later Told us Where To Go And Handed Us A Pass To Go On With No Wait, Kinda Like A Fats Pass, But With No Time Limit.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by joROurA
Ever Been On A Ride That Malfunctioned? Tell About, How Long? What Ride? Did You get To Go In The Back Rooms?

When I Went On Test Track, The Guy Who Was Loading Us In The Cars Told Us That It Was Now A Water Ride Because It Was Raining. The Ride Went Very Slow Up Thoose Hairpin Turns. I Was Confused. When The Car Went Up The Hill (With The Hairpin Turns) It Stopped For Like 10 Seconds. Then The Ride Flew Out The Garage Thing, And Went Flying On The Outside Course. It Was Wet, And We Didn't Get Too Wet On A Count We Were Moving So Fast. By This Point We Didn't Know It Malfunction. But Right Before It Goes Back Inside The Buiding.... IT STOPED! A Lady On The Ride Insisted That During The Preshow The Ride Stops Outside. It's Not Supossed To. The Annoncement Went On Saying That Test Track Had Malfunctioned And Will Be Going Shortly. It Rained Soo Hard, Everyone Got Soaked. 20 Minutes Later It Was Still Raining Hard And I Felt "Straped" To This Thing, And That Annoncement Still Went On And On. Finally THe Car Moved, 15 Feet. But That Was Enough To Get Us Out Of The Rain. Good Thing That Thermo Thing Was THere. That Was Entertainment For The 10 Minutes We Were Stuck There! Then It Moved Another 5 Feet, Revealing That The Ride Was Over, Since So, I Unuckled My Belt...... AHHHH Freedom! Then A Later Told us Where To Go And Handed Us A Pass To Go On With No Wait, Kinda Like A Fats Pass, But With No Time Limit.

Been there done that :) (multiple times :) )


This second time I went o Test Track the rise was going fine up to the point where you hit the speed track. We slowed right down to 5 mph around the how track. It actually hurt a lot because you don't have any force keeping you up. When we got back to the loading area they took our car to the repair bay and gave us another ride. That one went fine.


New Member
When I was there in April, my boyfriend and I went on Maelstrom and it stopped right before they turn you back around and drop you. We sat there for 10-15 minutes before it started up again. When we finally go off, they offered us fast pass tickets but we didn't take them because the ride had kind of been ruined for us.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika
I think we're going to have a lot of Test Track responses!:rolleyes: Including mine.

I must be lucky... I've been on Test Track more than 15 times in the last 3 years and have never had a problem. Crap, its going to break down the next time I go now that I said that:hammer: I do believe all of you though. In fact, I've seen it break down each time I've been there. It just hasn't been when I'm in line or on it.


New Member
Two rememberable malfunctions -

December 2000 - Splash Mountain. We were stuck on Splash Mountain for about an hour. It was freezing bc it was cold out and we were right under one of the vents. Kind of amusing to keep watching the end over and over again. Still don't know why. I assumed that someone lost a hat on the drop and it set off a sensor.

January 2002 - We were stuck on the outside speedway on Test Track - tilting 30 degrees to the left. That was amusing - they let us go on again with out having to get off.


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Test Track Seems To Break Down Constantly, O Well, Having It Break Down Is Better Than Riding The World Of Motion!
Not to defend Test Track (I hate the darn ride -- a big waste of money for Disney IMHO, just drive on a highway in a convertible for the same or better effect), but I believe the "breakdowns" are actually the safety measures switching on, which shuts down the ride. The cars have to stay a certain distance apart and if they get too close, the ride's safety sensors shut down the computer system. The system is very sensitive, so this happens frequently. They aren't able to make it less sensitive or turn it off, because that would be dangerous. And the reason it takes so long every time it goes down is because they have to find out where the problem was then restart the whole ride -- computers can take a while to boot up.

If I'm mistaken, please feel free to correct me. I've gotten this explanation from several people on this site, as well as cast members at the ride, so I think I got it basically right. Hope this helps a little!


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Originally posted by Married@WDW
Not to defend Test Track (I hate the darn ride -- a big waste of money for Disney IMHO, just drive on a highway in a convertible for the same or better effect), but I believe the "breakdowns" are actually the safety measures switching on, which shuts down the ride. The cars have to stay a certain distance apart and if they get too close, the ride's safety sensors shut down the computer system. The system is very sensitive, so this happens frequently. They aren't able to make it less sensitive or turn it off, because that would be dangerous. And the reason it takes so long every time it goes down is because they have to find out where the problem was then restart the whole ride -- computers can take a while to boot up.

If I'm mistaken, please feel free to correct me. I've gotten this explanation from several people on this site, as well as cast members at the ride, so I think I got it basically right. Hope this helps a little!

Good Point!


Well-Known Member
Re: breakdown

Originally posted by joROurA
Test Track Seems To Break Down Constantly, O Well, Having It Break Down Is Better Than Riding The World Of Motion!

You really want to start a fight don't you :)

You're on your own on this one!

(I'd start ducking!)


Originally posted by joROurA
Ever Been On A Ride That Malfunctioned? Tell About, How Long? What Ride? Did You get To Go In The Back Rooms?

When I Went On Test Track, The Guy Who Was Loading Us In The Cars Told Us That It Was Now A Water Ride Because It Was Raining. The Ride Went Very Slow Up Thoose Hairpin Turns. I Was Confused. When The Car Went Up The Hill (With The Hairpin Turns) It Stopped For Like 10 Seconds. Then The Ride Flew Out The Garage Thing, And Went Flying On The Outside Course. It Was Wet, And We Didn't Get Too Wet On A Count We Were Moving So Fast. By This Point We Didn't Know It Malfunction. But Right Before It Goes Back Inside The Buiding.... IT STOPED! A Lady On The Ride Insisted That During The Preshow The Ride Stops Outside. It's Not Supossed To. The Annoncement Went On Saying That Test Track Had Malfunctioned And Will Be Going Shortly. It Rained Soo Hard, Everyone Got Soaked. 20 Minutes Later It Was Still Raining Hard And I Felt "Straped" To This Thing, And That Annoncement Still Went On And On. Finally THe Car Moved, 15 Feet. But That Was Enough To Get Us Out Of The Rain. Good Thing That Thermo Thing Was THere. That Was Entertainment For The 10 Minutes We Were Stuck There! Then It Moved Another 5 Feet, Revealing That The Ride Was Over, Since So, I Unuckled My Belt...... AHHHH Freedom! Then A Later Told us Where To Go And Handed Us A Pass To Go On With No Wait, Kinda Like A Fats Pass, But With No Time Limit.

Doesn't It Take You A Long Time To Capitalise The First Letter Of Every Word? I Don't Have A Problem With It, It Just Seems A Little Strange.


New Member
Very first time I went on TT with my family, the dang thing went from 60 - 0 in a little over one carlength on the banked section. We were stuck there for 15 minutes.

The reason the cars are so sensitive is the computers are monitoring the location of every car at all times. There are numerous car sensors in the center rail all along the track, and if a car misses ONE (bad signal maybe) it will continue, as long as it makes the next 2 correctly. If it misses a second one, Bang: shutdown.

And this isn't a nice shutdown, it's a full panic stop on ALL the cars at the same time, so whoever is outside, you are gonna be there a while.

Once a CM manually resets the car that missed, the car will slowly roll along until it hits one marker, then once it hits the second, 5-60 (if you are outside) in 3 seconds. This IS electric, so massive torque is available for quick starts and stops.

Really, its an ingenius system for safety, especially considering the outside elements, the speed, the relative autonomy of each car... Wow, what a feat that it runs at all! :D

Except for the monster line, that is probably my favorite ride, of the speedy ones. Maybe tied w/ RRC, only b/c RRC is too short.



New Member
i got stuck on the energy ride @ epcot. Oh my was it horrible. we waited 40 minutes in the dinosaur scene until they drove all of the cars back. It would have been much faster to get out and walk back since we had just enterd the area but NOOOOOOOO we had to wait until all the cars were driven back. The sad thing is we didn't get one of those passes to go on the ride again because ellen's eneregy adventure is so big that there is never any line.


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Spaceship Earth

Almost every time DW and I ride Spaceship Earth, it stops at some point. For a while, it kept stopping longer and closer to the start every time we rode. Once, it even stopped right after you get on and start going up. The longest stop was right at the end of the initial incline. We sat there for about a 1/2 hour, then the lights came on and they eventually (after about another 10 minutes) had CMs come by and lead us to the exit.

I quickly snapped a pic as we were heading down the stairs and out: It's kinda dark and grainy, but it's interesting.



Well-Known Member
The last time I went to Disney this year we saw It's Tough to Be A Bug. The audio track was unsincronized, about 15 seconds off with the movie. I guess there is a seperate track for everything 3D, because all the sound was still the same for things like the sfx and the singing bees and all the animatronics, but towards the end, the audio had ended before the finale began, so Flick appeared to be mute. I heard one kid yell "speak up, we can't hear you!" It was pretty funny. But since the whole finale was 3D, the sound for it was fine.
My family and I have gotten stuck on Small World numerous times, the longest of which was about 10 minutes. The song just kept playing and playing. And after we got off, it just kept playing over and over in my mind. :dazzle:

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