Making Memories: An October 2005 Honeymoon Trip Report

No, that is not a typo in the title. :D This report is how I would have written it when I returned from our honeymoon way back in 2005. Not sure why I didn’t type all this up at the time seeing how I enjoy writing and love sharing my Disney memories with others (whether they like it or not.) A fair bit of warning, I don’t have an overwhelming amount of pictures, especially on the first day, because we were so busy running around enjoying every moment we didn’t stop to digitally capture them. Not to mention I had to scan all of these pictures back onto my laptop. :hammer:

I hope you enjoy reading my honeymoon report. I definitely enjoyed writing it because it took me back to one of the happiest weeks of my life!


Once upon a time a girl met a guy…and they fell in love.

May 17th, 2004

Then they got married!

October 8th, 2005

This is the story of their magical honeymoon in the place that started it all…

OCTOBER 9th, 2005

The alarm went off way too early but it didn’t really matter, my brain was completely overwhelmed by the fact that I had just gotten married the day before! After a wonderful day celebrating with family and friends it was time to celebrate with each other as husband and wife.

Just after 5am I hit the shower and my new husband went upstairs to wake up my best friend, who was our ride to the airport. I tried to be on a tight timetable because leaving on time always gets more complicated when adding more people. Brandon’s best friend was accompanying us as well because he had a flight to California the same morning. Once everyone was packed and ready to go, we were off! Breakfast was in order and McDonald’s had the right menu. I was less than impressed because I’m not huge into breakfast, especially before I travel. With the greasy goodness of Mickey D’s in the car we pressed onward to IAD! The great thing about the drive was that we had minimal traffic and that's why it's fantastic leaving on a Sunday morning. My goal was to arrive at curbside around 7am then we would breeze though security and off to the gate. We pulled up right on time. After saying goodbye to our dear friends, my husband Brandon and I made our way into the main terminal, complete with bride and groom mouse ears. The great thing about IAD is that it has a very wide walkway that connects the main terminal to the gate, so we really got to show off those ears.

We settled in at the gate and Brandon went to grab coffee leaving me with the bags. As I sat there in “just married” bliss I couldn't have felt more relaxed before a flight.

Once on the plane we started to realize where we were headed. The truly amazing thing is that this was only Brandon’s second trip to WDW…ever! And he was almost as giddy as me. We were ready to go when the captain switched on the PA and announced that there was little a traffic backup and we had to wait to takeoff. Brandon looked out the window and saw the tail of a giant cross-country plane sitting right behind us. Guess we weren’t going anywhere at the moment. Eventually we were airborne and on our way!

A couple of hours later we landed at MCO! That familiar rush of warm air greeted us we stepped onto the jetbridge. Welcome to Orlando! After a quick pit stop it was off to baggage claim to where we would meet our towncar driver. The only problem was our flight had been delayed and he was nowhere to be found. I walked over to the Mears counter and pleasantly explained the situation to the unenthusiastic employee. She took my cell phone number, directed us where to wait and said he would call when we was on his way. Eventually the driver showed up with his large town car and off we went to the French Quarter!

It was after lunchtime by the time we checked in. Sadly the room wasn’t ready so we had to stow our bags. Before we left the lobby I fished a couple of things out so I could freshen up. Once I was ready we walked around the lobby area briefly then it was off to the boat dock. We had perfect timing when we got there because a boat was just unloading. As Brandon and I walked down the dock we got a round of applause from the passengers, courtesy of the bride and groom ears.


The boat ride to DTD was so relaxing. I loved the reveal as you glide past the golf course and Old Key West then BAM! Downtown Disney.


Once we disembarked we went over to Rainforest to check the wait. The CM told us 45min which wasn’t too bad for us, if anything it was an excuse to browse Pin Traders. It turns out the wait was much shorter, more like 25min, and we were taken deep in the rainforest. Both of us were starving at this point having not eaten since 6am and we were so happy when the food arrived. I had the BBQ chicken pizza and he had the crab cakes. Now completely stuffed we meandered a little bit longer then caught the boat back to the French Quarter.

We got our room assignment, Building 1, right next to the river. After scoping things out we changed, packed the bag for the MK and it was off to the Contemporary so we could arrive in style aboard the monorail.

But first...gators!


We couldn’t have been happier to arrive at the MK. I never get tired of the excitement that builds as you walk down the ramp from the monorail station. Passing through the turnstiles and under the train station never fails to put a smile on my face. We took the promenade towards the hub to get our picture in the spot where Brandon proposed. The castle looked amazing with all the gold decorations. and was obviously a fitting backdrop.


A few thank you’s for the congratulations we received (thanks bride and groom ears) and it was time for some adventure! The tribal drums were calling…

For me, crossing the bridge into Adventureland is my “through the looking glass” moment. Once I hear the gentle thud of feet and strollers on the wood and those wonderful drums, I know I’ve left the real world behind. Oh and experiencing that on my honeymoon when I’m already floating on a cloud? Just amazing.

Pirates was, is, and always will be the first ride we hit. Sadly though this first go was marred by very loud people speaking loudly in another language. We actually had to turn around and tell them to be quiet. Not cool for the first ride of the day. We did end up riding it again and that experience was much better. Up next was the Haunted Mansion, Brandon’s favorite ride. Now that the sun was setting we ventured into Fantasyland to check the wait times on Peter Pan and small world. Taking a trip to Neverland was sitting about 40min so we opted for the happiest cruise that ever sailed.



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We found ourselves back at the Studios this morning and we caught one of the earlier showings of Beauty and the Beast. This was nice because neither of us had seen the show before.


Next it was off to Rock n Rollercoaster for some high speed fun!

Took this by the exit while listening to "Living On The Edge"


We tooled around for a little bit and I think we were able to take in the Indiana Jones stunt show before leaving the park. Our transportation travels took us to the Magic Kingdom.


This shot was inspired by the planning DVD. "Pleakley I've got my eye on you!"

After enjoying the Magic Kingdom we went back to Downtown Disney and opted to catch another movie ("Waiting") I knew I wanted to be at Epcot tonight to catch IllumiNations so we made sure to arrive before sunset. We walked around World Showcase and browsed some shops before deciding where we wanted to watch the show. I suggested over by France but soon regretted that decision. It was nice being by the wall with no one in front of us but I failed to realize that one of the small islands in the lagoon was totally blocking our view of the earth globe. Oops. Also I really liked the old lady who literally elbowed her way in next to me.

Enjoy the one slightly-decent IllumiNations photo I could muster!

What also made this IllumiNations experience less than stellar was the guy who showed up half-way through the show and chose to stand right behind me. He also liked to say "WOAH!" really loudly each time a big pyro effect went off, so you can imagine how that sounded during the finale. :rolleyes: It added a really annoying addition to the video clip I had.

After a nice quiet bus ride back to the resort I was happy to find my new plush toys waiting for me thanks to mousekeeping.


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Okay, so I can't remember what day/night we saw Spectromagic because my notes don't seem to add up. :lol: But I'll share my pictures anyway before moving on.

Brandon caught this CM dancing down the street in Frontierland before the parade started. She was so cute!








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I think today was when we checked out DisneyQuest. I had been a few years back but I wanted Brandon to check it out since it had some old-school arcade games. We ended up playing some air hockey as well as the doing the Virtual Space Mountain. I'm glad this was also included in our package.

Soon it was back to Epcot!



As many times as I visited the France pavilion I never noticed this hiding in a corner.

Brandon saw this guy just swimming around.

Dinnertime was closing in and we decided to ride the Friendship boat over to the Boardwalk and grab dinner at Big River Grill. This worked out for the best because we had a date with Fantasmic that night. After dinner we arrived at the Studios with some time to kill before queuing up for Fantasmic. After getting our seats which were pretty good we ended up moving because an entire tour group surrounded us.



Two things I love about this show? When Mickey first appears and towards the end when he's become the sorcerer. "Some imagination, huh?" always seems to get me for some that line.

The Studios was on Extra Magic Hours that night so we took our last flight to Endor but I wasn't feeling too hot afterwards so Brandon suggested that we just walk around for a little. He was so sweet because I know he wanted to ride Rock n Rollercoaster again, seeing how it was our last night. :( The temperature had cooled off so it was a very nice evening to be out and about. We didn't stay for the full EMHs because we had to pack.

Like almost every night on this trip we visited the Marketplace before heading back to the resort. We took one last walk through World of Disney before snagging a Port Orleans bus. the walk back to the room seemed much longer that night but it might have been because I was dragging my feet. Our honeymoon was coming to an end...

I wasn't as upset as I could have been mostly due to the fact that we just spent eight jam-packed days together. To sounds corny and cliche it was truly to most magical time we could have had with each other.

Up next: Our last day :(


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Sadly the honeymoon has come to an end.

Our bags were packed, the towncar was set up, and we were checking out. *sigh* At least we had some time to play in the Magic Kingdom before we had to head to MCO. :D

Interestingly enough this was the busiest the park had been the whole week. It might have been because it was a Monday and many guests were just starting their vacations. We grabbed lunch at Cosmic Ray's and sat outside savoring the view of the castle. This is definitely one of my favorite spots to just sit and people watch. Feeling full we took one last trip on Tomorrowland's Blue Line and cheerfully quoted our favorite lines. "As you can see Space Mountain makes space travel, an adventure!"

The crowds were picking up as we walked to Frontierland. We were able to ride Big Thunder and Splash Mountain before taking that last walk up Main Street.

We took the bus back to the resort and picked up our bags from the claim area. Then we were back at MCO getting ready to fly home. The last day always goes by so fast and the realization that we were no longer on property hit me while we were waiting to board our plane.

Until next time WDW...until next time...we'll see you real soon!


Thanks for sticking with this trip report that took me WAY to long to finish. It was harder than I thought to recall all those details, not to mention edit all my pictures. I'm glad I posted it though because it was a wonderful walk down memory lane which I was glad to share with you all. :)

I hope Brandon and I will be able to return this December for a stay at the Wilderness Lodge. Also we are hoping to become AP holders this year as well!

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