Sora, Riku, and Mickey have an idea to defeat this villain Kraken. But then The evil Kraken put a net over them and said Mahaaah! i have captured Sora, Riku, and Mickey and taking them to the dungeon and chained Mickey to the wall. Where is Mickey Mouse? said Riku. The evil Kraken said Mickey Mouse is chained up in the dungeon and you and Sora can't find Mickey Mouse because my evil guard take your beloved Mickey Mouse to the torture chamber and distroy Mickey Mouse right now. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Said Sora, and Riku. We can rescue Mickey Mouse in time. Meanwhile in the torture chamber Mickey Mouse is about to be chained to the rack. The evil guards put Mickey's hands in the rack. Then Mickey Mouse tried to wiggle the chains loose but it is no use the chains is to tight. Then Mickey Mouse screamed HELP! but then the evil guard put duct tape over Mickey's mouth and now Mickey Mouse is gaged. Then the evil guards left and Poor Mickey chained to the rack in the torture chamber.Then evil kraken talked to Dr. Drakken and Shego and said YES! I have Mickey Mouse do you want him. Said kraken. Ok! said Dr Drakken and Shego. Mickey Mouse is now in the cluches of Dr. Drakken and Shego. Noone can save you now Mickey Mouse. Then Mickey Mouse can't say any words because Mickey Mouse has duct tape over his mouth. Then Dr. Drakken and Shego are landed on his hideout and poor Mickey Mouse strapped to the wall. Then Dr. Drakken ripped the tape out of Mickey's mouth and said "Who are you? said Mickey Mouse" I am Dr. Drakken and Shego. And Who are You? said Shego My name is Mickey Mouse. Why did you captured me said Mickey. Because Mickey Mouse i want Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable because they interfered in my evil plan to take over the world. That's why I want you Mickey Mouse for our prisoner. Meanwhile in Kim Possible's House. Wade called to Kim Possible that Dr. Drakken and Shego has holding Mickey Mouse prisoner in his hideout and Mickey Mouse is strapped to the machine and he needs help can you help Mickey Mouse? Kim Possible said Mickey Mouse the world's famous mouse in the whole world is captured. Wade said Yes! Ok! we can help and save Mickey from the evil Dr. Drakken and Shego. Meanwhile in the hideout of Dr. Drakken and Shego. Let me go! said Mickey Mouse. Then Dr. Drakken's henchmen put down Mickey Mouse and strapped Mickey to the machine. This machine can distroy you Mickey Mouse. What this machine do said Mickey still strapped. This is the mouse crucher that i made and it can distroy you Mickey Mouse. Shego gaged Mickey Mouse. So she gaged Mickey's mouth. Then the evil Dr. Drakken's henchmen make sure that straps are to tight so Mickey Mouse can't escape. Goodbye! Mickey Mouse no one can save you. Mickey tried to untied the straps but it is no use the straps are to tight. Then one of the henchmen pushed the green button and suddenly the machine with Mickey Mouse is moving HELP! Someone save me said Mickey through the gag. I hope kim possible and Ron Stoppable can save Mickey Mouse in time. Do you have any ideas to save Mickey Mouse from the mousecrucher.