Major Withdrawl


New Member
wdwwedding2004 said:
tomorrow i am one year DH and i are going to make dinner from the Disney Recipe book and we've begun our monthly count down! haha :)

At least your DH sounds like he loves Disney, too! My DH looks at me like I have a screw loose every time I mention how much I miss WDW (which truly is every day...honestly, I am quite pathetic!). I drive him nuts with the "...two months ago at this time.... one year ago at this time..."

The only thing I have left that keeps me going is this site, Disney radio, and the Disney vacation planner DVD. I just ordered the new one!! Should be here next week! Whahoo! :sohappy:


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Original Poster
haha my husband is also a disney fanatic! i made the mistake of asking if we should shorten next years trip so that we can add on a trip to Mexico to see my family. He was like aughhhh!!! we can't SHORTEN the trip!
I'm lucky with him! I introduced him to the magic when we got engaged. He's been hooked ever since!!


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Original Poster
More withdrawl help:
Today we put up the tree and we finally made it!! our tree has only Disney ornaments!! woohoo! a majority purchased at DTD!! So that was fun and right now my husband is setting up the monorail under the tree and our daughter is just watching it go by..

Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas....


New Member
I am so incredibly jealous of you!! A Disney Christmas tree! And a monorail train underneath?!! ...Sigh...., if only my DH was a Disney nut like yours...don't get me wrong, my DH is nuts, just not Disney nuts.....:D


New Member
I never have Disney withdrawl. As a Cast Member, I go to the world everyday. Things are only going to get better in January when I leave for Animal Kingdom to become a member of the Expedition Everest opening team:sohappy: I love working for Disney and being able to make magic and smiles for guests.


New Member
I am a former cast member who is deeply missing those resort discounts! I have several friends who have made my reservations and checked me in over the past couple years, but my last CM friend moved to New York! I'm basically looking for a cast member who'd be willing to make reservations for me on the portal in exchange for $50 per reservation. I plan on coming once in Dec, Jan, and Feb so thats $150 right there! Please email me at if you're interested.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
MaraBelle28 said:
I am a former cast member who is deeply missing those resort discounts! I have several friends who have made my reservations and checked me in over the past couple years, but my last CM friend moved to New York! I'm basically looking for a cast member who'd be willing to make reservations for me on the portal in exchange for $50 per reservation. I plan on coming once in Dec, Jan, and Feb so thats $150 right there! Please email me at if you're interested.
while finding a CM that wants (or more accurately, NEEDS) money won't be hard... finding one willing to do this over a public internet website that Disney monitors is.

Also, simulposting is annoying (I can do it too!)


New Member
Scott M said:
My wife and I are in a similar situation as lebeau. We've got a one and a half year old son, and we're hoping for another child to come along.

After we had first gone to WDW together, we caught the bug and planned to try and get back at least every other year. That worked twice, then we were blessed with the birth of our son.

We want his first WDW trip to be something that he would remember, so we vowed to wait until he's 5 years old. If a sibling comes along, that just pushes that first trip back further.

When that day finally arrives, we know that the wait would have been worth it. But until that day arrives...:cry: .


As a mother of a 2 year old and a 3 month old, I can respect your wish to wait til your child is old enough to remember their first experience, but a trip to a Disney park is a wonderful experience with a child of any age. Our daughter's first trip was at 9 months and it was wonderful to see her amazement at all the colors and activity. Her second trip was at 18 months and because she didn't remember much from the first trip, it was like having that first experience all over again. Now at 2.5 we're taking her again to DL and for her first trip to WDW, and once again, it'll be like experiencing it for the first time, and this time through the eyes of a toddler, which as you know there's nothing else like in the world. Even if she never remembers these trips, at some point there will be the first one that she will remember and that's special in itself. These trips are for us as much as for her, for us to experience her wonder. Besides under 3 they still get in free :lol:


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maharet97a said:
As a mother of a 2 year old and a 3 month old, I can respect your wish to wait til your child is old enough to remember their first experience, but a trip to a Disney park is a wonderful experience with a child of any age. Our daughter's first trip was at 9 months and it was wonderful to see her amazement at all the colors and activity. Her second trip was at 18 months and because she didn't remember much from the first trip, it was like having that first experience all over again. Now at 2.5 we're taking her again to DL and for her first trip to WDW, and once again, it'll be like experiencing it for the first time, and this time through the eyes of a toddler, which as you know there's nothing else like in the world. Even if she never remembers these trips, at some point there will be the first one that she will remember and that's special in itself. These trips are for us as much as for her, for us to experience her wonder. Besides under 3 they still get in free :lol:

Our daughter was 9months when we took her too! we just went in October and she was amazing to watch! we had a fabulous time and since we stayed at the POP she was IN LOVE with the pop jets that happened to be right by our room! all the video footage of her in the workd is awesome to watch and to this day she still laughs at herself in the video. Whether or not they remember is not the issue for us, it's the simple fact that we remember and have the pictures to show her in the future!!

November next yr our daughter will be almost 2 and our son will be 10months!! and we go again!!

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