Major Withdrawl


Well-Known Member
bgraham34 said:
I always go thru withdrawl. What I end up always doing and i cant help it but I always say oh 24 hours ago we were having lunch at Cindy's then oh 1 week ago we were having dinner at Ohana.

I do exactly the same thing! :lol: I swear I spend so much time on this site because no one in my real life will talk to me anymore!


Well-Known Member
LOL! I do the same thing too.
"Last week, at this time, ...we were at ....", then I start the countdown til the next visit. (If you do it by months first, then weeks as the time gets closer, then by days, it seems to help!)


Active Member
Three things keep me sane while I'm patiently waiting for my next trip... I watch hours of our Disney home videos, I listen to my Disney CDs and Disney radio online, and i look at all of my digital pictures over and over again...

It's the only thing that helps me. That, and planning and re-planning my next trip!


Well-Known Member
bgraham34 said:
I always go thru withdrawl. What I end up always doing and i cant help it but I always say oh 24 hours ago we were having lunch at Cindy's then oh 1 week ago we were having dinner at Ohana.

I'm guilty of doing the same thing. :lol: I also would do that *before* the trip..."Oh, this time next week we'd have just checked in..."

Sad I know :animwink:


Well-Known Member
The only thing I know for certain about my next trip to WDW is that it is a long way off.

Obviously, a WDW vacation is expensive. So, being financially responsible I have to be very selective about when we go. Plus, our first child is just turning 6 months old. So I want to time our trips optimally for her (old enough to remember young enough to be amazed). For me to go again, it almost seems like the planets will have to be properly alligned.

Finances have to come together (no easy feat). The timing will have to be right for the family (odds are there will be another baby to weigh into this equation before it's all said and done). Plus I'll probably have to consider school schedules by that time. (Fortunately I get tons of vacation time so that's at least one common concern I don't have to worry about.

If I am lucky, I'll get to go sometime around the year 2010. But I am not holding my breath on that one. And if I do go that early it will likely be for a relatively short stay. Likely off-property. Maybe just a one day trip to MK while in FL.

But someday in the distant future, I will take the whole family for an extended on property visit to all the parks. And I like to think about all the new stuff that will be there by then.


New Member
Original Poster
i like the countdown by months idea cause when you think over a's overwhelming! i don't know if i could go without WDW for a whole year :)

I say all this as i sit at my desk in the office wearing my Disney Maternity Tee, drinking out of my POFQ mug and taking notes with my mickey mouse pen :) All the while my daughter naps in her pooh bear room....ahhhh...i miss DISNEY!! time to pop in the WISHES CD!


Well-Known Member
I watch the videos I've downloaded and the ones my mother filmed when we were there last. I also enjoy just coming here. It really helps pass the time. I also play out in my head what i'm going to do next time. That helps me too sometimes. Though there are moments when i'm going places that I just look at things and think "WAAAHH!" for obvious reasons.

Scott M

New Member
My wife and I are in a similar situation as lebeau. We've got a one and a half year old son, and we're hoping for another child to come along.

After we had first gone to WDW together, we caught the bug and planned to try and get back at least every other year. That worked twice, then we were blessed with the birth of our son.

We want his first WDW trip to be something that he would remember, so we vowed to wait until he's 5 years old. If a sibling comes along, that just pushes that first trip back further.

When that day finally arrives, we know that the wait would have been worth it. But until that day arrives...:cry: .



Well-Known Member
Scott M said:
My wife and I are in a similar situation as lebeau. We've got a one and a half year old son, and we're hoping for another child to come along.

After we had first gone to WDW together, we caught the bug and planned to try and get back at least every other year. That worked twice, then we were blessed with the birth of our son.

We want his first WDW trip to be something that he would remember, so we vowed to wait until he's 5 years old. If a sibling comes along, that just pushes that first trip back further.

When that day finally arrives, we know that the wait would have been worth it. But until that day arrives...:cry: .


Wow. We are so in the same boat! I have to think that first trip back with the kids experiencing it all as only kids can is going to be the best trip ever. Well worth the long wait.

This forum can be like a support group sometimes, I swear.


New Member
I feel your pain. I just got back in August and I am ready to be! I come here, I listen to Live365 and I plan my next trip, it helps.


New Member
I honestly feel like I won't make it to January 3rd, which is when I leave for my next trip. Thankfully, in another week, the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years holidays will be upon us, and time should speed up a bit. In the meantime, these are the things I do to help me with my withdrawl until I get my next fix...

I usually count how many days I have left until I leave on a calendar once a week.

I recently bought the 2006 edition of The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, and I read it whenever I feel like I need a little boost.

I look at old pictures.

I look at old park maps.

I look at old itinerary from past trips given to me at the resort I was staying at. (Another reason to SAVE EVERYTHING from trips!)

Sad yet true, I have some reciepts from the things I previously purchased at WDW, and I look at them and say to myself, "I will be there soon to buy more!!!"

I purchase odds and ends and clothing that I will use on the trip.

And the thing that helps the most... COMING HERE!!!


Well-Known Member
As someone who only gets to go once every 3 years or so, I find it funny to read the gloom-filled posts of people who have to wait 6 months between trips. I guess that post-WDW-depression is the same no matter how long you have to wait!

Right now I'm looking forward to making a collage of pictures, filling some photo albums and scrapbooks, and -- I just got this idea -- making a CD of music from the attractions we got to experience during this last trip.

That may get me through the next couple of months...Beyond that, I don't know what I will do!



New Member
Original Poster
we just bought more ornaments from the WDW merchandise number and when that arrives it will help for a WEE BIT!! oh well we are also having a Princess party next month for our daughters first birthday!! coming here helps a bunch too!!!

we just watched our video from vacation in October and my daughter 10months now was soo excited to see herself! she had such a blast, whether she remembers it or not, she had fun and we will always remember her first trip! her little brothers is next year! still too far away, but on wednesday we are officially ONE YEAR AWAY!!! woohoo!!


New Member
I know the feeling!!

Our last trip was Sept. 2004!!! We were supposed to go back this past Sept (2005) but we had to push our trip back to March 2006!!! Boy...I was all set to go and well...let's just say "stuff" happens??!! Oh well....looking VERY forward to our March trip...It'll be our anniversary....BTW...we got engaged at WDW...honeymooned at WDW...ETC!!! much longer??? Ummmm...3 months...10 days....12 hours...11 minutes....28 seconds....27 seconds...26 seconds...25 seconds..................:lol:


Well-Known Member
Since1976 said:
As someone who only gets to go once every 3 years or so, I find it funny to read the gloom-filled posts of people who have to wait 6 months between trips. I guess that post-WDW-depression is the same no matter how long you have to wait!

Right now I'm looking forward to making a collage of pictures, filling some photo albums and scrapbooks, and -- I just got this idea -- making a CD of music from the attractions we got to experience during this last trip.

That may get me through the next couple of months...Beyond that, I don't know what I will do!


Yep. Some form of this topic comes up every few weeks it seems. Each time I feel a startling lack of sympathy for the people who are distraught over a wait time that can be expressed in terms of single-digit months. Some folks can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel. If I knew for certain that I'd be going within 12 months, I'd be very excited. But instead I know for certain my next trip is a few years off!


New Member
Original Poster
tomorrow i am one year DH and i are going to make dinner from the Disney Recipe book and we've begun our monthly count down! haha :)


New Member
We feel the same. But we are returning in May, 2006. What I usually do, is not counting the days, but just thinking about what are we going to do when we get there, etc.... Just making plans for it, takes your mind off how many days left are..


New Member
mayrag said:
We feel the same. But we are returning in May, 2006. What I usually do, is not counting the days, but just thinking about what are we going to do when we get there, etc.... Just making plans for it, takes your mind off how many days left are..

I agree...PLANNING the trip is almost as much fun as being there!!! (I said....ALMOST!!)...We sit down and make out our itineraries for EACH day there...We actually break down our ride and attraction list into MUST DO...WANT TO DO...and IF THERE'S TIME...of course we try to do it ALL!!! That's why we usually stay seven nights!!! Five Disney park days...One Universal day...and one day to go to pool, Downtown Disney, etc...Jeez, just thinking about it is making me want to go that much WORSE!!!!! :sohappy: :lol:

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