Main Street U.S.A. hub redevelopment at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Happy anniversary to the hub rebuilding.

It began 2 years ago this week.

Where can I get my commemorative t-shirt to go along with my "Let's celebrate how we mismanaged SpectroMagic!" one?

I still say the Hub 2.0 project is the perfect microcosm of everything that is wrong with the current WDW. Built entrirely for the wrong reasons (MM+/FP+) in entirely the wrong way. What could've been a quick couple months makeover is now double the time it took to build Disneyland.

Almost 40 million guests at this point have lived with the impact of this project at the very "heart" of what should be the world's shining example of how to run a theme park.


Well-Known Member
Where can I get my commemorative t-shirt to go along with my "Let's celebrate how we mismanaged SpectroMagic!" one?

I still say the Hub 2.0 project is the perfect microcosm of everything that is wrong with the current WDW. Built entrirely for the wrong reasons (MM+/FP+) in entirely the wrong way. What could've been a quick couple months makeover is now double the time it took to build Disneyland.

Almost 40 million guests at this point have lived with the impact of this project at the very "heart" of what should be the world's shining example of how to run a theme park.
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Premium Member
What was the original expiration date? Was this done just to gain a few days or weeks? I certainly hope we're not going to have the ramps under construction straight through the summer. They're looking great, but as others have said, there's no way it should still be ongoing, even given the complexity and short work hours. They should have just closed both ramps from the start if that's the case.

The permit was originally filed on 1/22/2015 and expired 8/28/2015.
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Well-Known Member
J. Law. disagrees and feels the hub project was handled well? How about those FP+ viewing areas they spent a fortune to fill in the waterway for that are no longer FP+ a year later?
Dont think having those areas really hurts at all even if they're not FP+. I actually prefer that they don't so they can be enjoyed by everyone all day long.

I really like how the new hub came out, it was needed. I just can't believe it's still not 100% complete!


Well-Known Member
Most construction in the parks isn't done by Disney directly but uses outside contractors, but I would assume the plans for every either originate with WDI or are at least reviewed by them.
Ok, now I get it. I never assumed that any of the actual construction was done by them anyway. I got confused by what "not by WDI" meant. thank you for explaining that.


Active Member
99% finished and looking OK for what it is. A bypass to avoid Main Street crowds. I heard they might do a few more small finishing touches, but it is fine the way it is if they don't.

Being that I saw it at night (and that's the most likely time it will be open) it was quite enjoyable, especially after the crush of crowds. They've added plenty of shrubs and some trees, some nice lamps, and plenty of room to pass slow walkers. Usually at that point you're either trying to beat people to the buses on the way out or beat people to some rides while Wishes or a parade is still going on.

Very useful. I was sad, however, that it wasn't open during the Festival of Fantasy parade on Saturday. That may be standard operating procedure, though. Maybe it's just used at night. But anyway, we were looking to leave the park and had to push a relative in a wheelchair down the sidewalk on MSUSA.

Not WDW's fault, just bad planning on my part. And I looked a little dumb when we got to the bypass and it was closed after telling everyone it would be a breeze to leave.


Had this exact same experience. D'oh.


Well-Known Member
I was just there on Sat 2/27 and left ramp was closed. They had the railing looking complete. with the right ramp open to guests as usual. I used it to leave Mk during festival of fantasy parade at 3pm. Walked straight out the outer ring down through the completed mainstreet bypass on the east side and out at town square hub. We beat the parade by a mile. Bypass looks great by the way. It has nice landscaping complete with street lights, etc. I like how they incorporated the CM walkways into the large gates on either side of the bypass as you walk through. This allows them to leave them closed during guest access and then they can open the large gates to allow trucks, etc to deliver goods to mainstreet shops when bypass is closed.

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