Magic Kingdom VS Disneyland


New Member
For me since DL is a bit smaller, I always feel more at home when I'm there. It just has a more HOMELY feeling. It's compacted and it just feels more like a little town... not to mention a COMPLETE escape from the bustling streets of Anaheim. It's crazy how the minute you step out of DL's gates, your plummeted back to earth. While in WDW, when you exit MK you KNOW you've gone, but its not a mass bustling city atmosphere... is anyone following?

THAT BEING SAID, I must echo some of the thoughts already stated- DLR is far less superior than WDW Resort.


New Member
DMC-12 said:
DL Castle = teeny tiny... itty bitty even :lookaroun

MK's Castle = More gooder :sohappy:

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not.

Or, it's not the size of the castle...

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
animal_king1990 said:
So what you're saying is that Magic Kingdom is basically a toned down Disneyland? Why couldn't they have built the two differently instead of the same?
Because Walt Disney wasn't around to guide them. Originally, the two Kingdoms would have been two very different parks. However, Walt died before much of anything had progressed past the concept stage. Instead of making guesses as to "What would Walt do?" management and WED Enterprises decided to go the safe route, and make the WDW MK very similar to DL.


Active Member
Disneyland vs. Magic Kingdom

The first time i went to WDW's MK was a blast and a Magical experience. When i get to go to Disneyland seen it from the express way killed most of the magic for me. Some years later getting to Disneyland and thinking, makes me feel more at home at DL than the MK.

we got to remember that Walt still around DL (he suppervised PotC, HM, come on even the Original Small World from the fair is in Disneyland.)

Sure MK has it originals too but the Magic is over DL i do choose both parks but if there could be only one i choose Disneyland.


Active Member
Overall, I prefer Mk over DLR, but DLR does have a certain charm to it. I thought the theming on Main Street and Fantasyland was much better and had more character than does the MK. However, I too thought it to be a somewhat cramped, and even though I thought I had prepared myself for the size of the castle (there's that size thing again) I was surprised at just how small it did seem. Still, it is the original, and Walt Disney had been there, stayed there, so that's a big sentimenal plus.

I thought the CM's at DLR lacked something from the ones at MK. They were friendly, but just did not go out of their way to help or talk with you like cones at Mk will do.

Just my two cents.......


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
For me since DL is a bit smaller, I always feel more at home when I'm there. It just has a more HOMELY feeling. It's compacted and it just feels more like a little town... not to mention a COMPLETE escape from the bustling streets of Anaheim. It's crazy how the minute you step out of DL's gates, your plummeted back to earth. While in WDW, when you exit MK you KNOW you've gone, but its not a mass bustling city atmosphere... is anyone following?

THAT BEING SAID, I must echo some of the thoughts already stated- DLR is far less superior than WDW Resort.
good call. I hear Walt HATED that and I can't say I blame him. :dazzle:
I've never been to Disneyland. I've seen videos and aside from the dinky castle, the two look more or less the same to me. Though DL does seem a little more condensed and i'm a big man and need my space so it's WDW for me. :D I do hope to go to DL one day though. It is the original, and Walt opened it himself so that alone gives it a sentimental feel that WDW sadly doesn't.


Well-Known Member
When I went to Disneyland this summer for the first time ever, I went with very little expecations. I was COMPLETELY wowed. I fell absolutely head over heals in love. Maybe it had something to do with all the 50th things... but I just couldn't believe how much detail was in everything! The theming of Disneyland Park is FAR superior to the Magic Kingdom. Even the castle... it was just so CUTE!

However if we are talking about the resorts as a whole, WDW wins for sure.

Now, if we took WDW, traded out MK for Disneyland park, while keeping Cinderella Castle... it would be perfect... :lol:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member

There is no other option.

Since going back as an adult last year, I've rarely been to the MK cause everywhere I look, I'm disappointed. I enjoy the smaller scale of Disneyland. It feels like home.


Well-Known Member
I had a thought thought though. I said earlier that DL had a sentimental feel because Walt was there himself opening it. However, you could almost say the same for WDW considering he was planning it before he died so when it opened, you could see it as a final gift from Walt himself which acutally gives WDW more of a sentimental feel.


Account Suspended
Dragonrider1227 said:
I had a thought thought though. I said earlier that DL had a sentimental feel because Walt was there himself opening it. However, you could almost say the same for WDW considering he was planning it before he died so when it opened, you could see it as a final gift from Walt himself which acutally gives WDW more of a sentimental feel.

Walt didn't plan much of it. Just bought the land, and laid out the E.P.C.O.T. plans. He died in 66, and as we know MK opened in 71. He never set foot on the land, even during construction. Disneyland is Walt's park.


Magic Kingdom because it is associated with "THE WORLD". In my mind, you cant beat the feeling you get from Disneyworld. You forget everything else, your troubles, your job or what not. You get the full effect of the word "fantasy".:kiss:

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
He never set foot on the land, even during construction. Disneyland is Walt's park.
I'm sure I've seen color pictures and video of him pacing out the boundries of the MK, including a large, yellow "X" where the Castle was to be. Since they're in color, they couldn't be of Disneyland.


New Member
Captain Hank said:
I'm sure I've seen color pictures and video of him pacing out the boundries of the MK, including a large, yellow "X" where the Castle was to be. Since they're in color, they couldn't be of Disneyland.

Yes they could...and they are. Currently playing at the Disneyland Opera House is "Disneyland the First 50 Magical Years," and it features this color clip from 1954. It has also been used in numerous other Disneyland specials. They did shoot a lot of the Disney shows in color, as well as travelogues, and numerous other promotional items.

As a side note, I've always thought the castle at WDW is too large and overpowering. Walt kept the castle at Disneyland in scale with the rest of the Park so it wouldn't be so dominating. It doesn't scream, "Hey look at me!" like the one in Florida.


Premium Member
DL Good:
Catch a glimpse of Walt's original ideas
More attractions
Smaller so you can get places quicker
Blue Bayou
Better Pirates
Indiana Jones
Better IaSW
Recently redone for 50th Celebration

DL Bad:
Removal of sooo many attractions without replacement
Broken down and rotting tomorrowland rides
Felt small and cramped when the queue lines ran far into the streets
Horrid feeling when you exit the gates and see a McDonalds across the street
Monorail felt "mini"
Smaller less grand castle

MK Good:
Bigger, room to stretch (except in summer when it's 100% humidity and crowded)
Better Splash
BTMRR doesn't kill people
Bigger Castle with Banquet Hall
I felt immersed in each land whereas at DL each land comes and goes quickly with it's smaller size

MK Bad:
Same attractions, many not as well done
Less attractions

If I had only one day to go to one park or the other I'd choose DL. But given the total experience of WDW over DLR I'd be in Florida every time. Maybe going to DLR every 5th year to break things up.

Of course, if you're paying my way I'll go to whichever park you choose they're both great!


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Walt didn't plan much of it. Just bought the land, and laid out the E.P.C.O.T. plans. He died in 66, and as we know MK opened in 71. He never set foot on the land, even during construction. Disneyland is Walt's park.
true, but he was still planning on doing it. Whether he had alot sketched on paper or not, he still planned and wanted to do it and that in my opinion is enough to make it feel like a final gift from him.

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