Magic Kingdom Rehab Update 12/28


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Wow, with this luck, maybe WoL will still be open when I get down there! Just 7 days, 6 hours, and 19 minutes left till my plane leaves!!

*singin'* There's a great big beautiful tomorrow... *singin'*


New Member
I remember when Timekeeper used to be open all the time. Of course that was when all of the attractions were open all the time. I would think if they left rides open all the time more people would come to enjoy them and not want to see them replaced.


New Member
I really liked Timekeeper, but I've not seen it for years as it's never been open when I was there. Will they put in a new attraction (please not the Toy Story bumper cars rhumor) or will they do a 20K and let it rot for ten years before turning it into a meet and greet?


Well-Known Member
FLcastmember said:

Guess I *will* be bringing the vid cam this time to get a nice video. They do let you shoot in there, don't they?



Well-Known Member
I emjoy Timekeeper, but I understand that it is not an extremely popular attraction. I would not be against replacing Timekeeper with a detailed, well-written GOOD ride or show. I do have a problem with them replacing Timekeeper with empty space (a la 20K) a less than stellar attraction (SGE) or god forbid, a gift shop or meet and greet.

But if they try to get rid of CoP, I promise I will fly myself down there and chain myself to the rotating building!!! :eek: :wave:



You dont understand how happy this makes me feel. I LOVE carousel and I was sad to see it closed the last time I went. :) :) :)

And even though I like timekeeper, I can defnitely miss it, it doesnt have the same nostagic feeling that COP brings to me.

Country Bear Jamboree will be closed to change-out the show from the "Country Bear Christmas Special" to the standard show from Tuesday, January 4, 2005 through Saturday, January 8, 2005, and re-opens Sunday, January 9, 2005.

Ill admit Im excited that Illl see the last showing of Country Bear on Monday when I arrive in Walt Disney World



Account Suspended
It's not a horrible attraction but just not good for Disney. It's more something you could see at your local museum or Six Flags. I've heard a lot of people around me say "That's it?" The first time I went to TK I thought the actual thing was a pre-show. I was mad there was nothing else. May have been neat when it first came but to today's standards it just doesn't cut the mustard. They should take it out and put in a Treasure Planet ride. (First thing I though of that would fit in Tomorrowland.)

General Grizz

New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I emjoy Timekeeper, but I understand that it is not an extremely popular attraction. I would not be against replacing Timekeeper with a detailed, well-written GOOD ride or show. I do have a problem with them replacing Timekeeper with empty space (a la 20K) a less than stellar attraction (SGE) or god forbid, a gift shop or meet and greet.

But if they try to get rid of CoP, I promise I will fly myself down there and chain myself to the rotating building!!! :eek: :wave:
Yep, Disney won't know what would hit em. :lol:

Nimmy - GREAT POST! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
SirNim said:
Timekeeper, along with the COP, is the last bastion of the "What one can concieve, one can achieve," can-do, positive and inspiring message that is supposed to pervade all Tomorrowland attractions in a lighthearted, optimistic, and entertaining way. It would be a travesty if it closes up for yet another cheap attraction, like bumper cars or meet-n-greets or gift shops or something Pixar-related, or worse yet, if it closes with no replacement at all.

The humor is there. I find it a delightful, rollicking, entertaining show despite the marked absence of seating, and its appeal seems to me at least to be good today. It's an original attraction (though it has a cousin in Paris), based not on a specific film or brand or thrill but on the vision of Tomorrowland. Update it, upgrade it, put in a new show with the optimistic message, wonderful! Don't downgrade it, though.

Although the movie/AA portion of Timekeeper is nice, I think the attraction-style itself does not appeal to the general public.

1. The attraction is long, in a day where the average guest wants a quick thrill.
2. Guests have to stand for 18 minutes, in a day where people sit on queue rails because they are too lazy not to.

If they could add seats (that turn 360degrees), perhaps more people would enjoy the is a nice, extended break from the heat.

General Grizz

New Member
speck76 said:
Although the movie/AA portion of Timekeeper is nice, I think the attraction-style itself does not appeal to the general public.

1. The attraction is long, in a day where the average guest wants a quick thrill.
2. Guests have to stand for 18 minutes, in a day where people sit on queue rails because they are too lazy not to.

If they could add seats (that turn 360degrees), perhaps more people would enjoy the is a nice, extended break from the heat.
I also wholeheartedly agree with this, also. Swivel chairs would be awesome, and perhaps more futuristic.

hakunamatata said:, already saved as a favorite.................

You better believe it! :lol:


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
I also wholeheartedly agree with this, also. Swivel chairs would be awesome, and perhaps more futuristic.
Are you kidding me? Swivel chairs are SO five minutes ago. The future is in rocking chairs! :p


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
I also wholeheartedly agree with this, also. Swivel chairs would be awesome, and perhaps more futuristic.

Perhaps an egg-pod chair, with built in 3-D sound....THAT would be cool!


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Although the movie/AA portion of Timekeeper is nice, I think the attraction-style itself does not appeal to the general public.

1. The attraction is long, in a day where the average guest wants a quick thrill.
2. Guests have to stand for 18 minutes, in a day where people sit on queue rails because they are too lazy not to.

If they could add seats (that turn 360degrees), perhaps more people would enjoy the is a nice, extended break from the heat.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think the "average guest wants a quick thrill". Do average guests really say that? I highly doubt people go to Disney World to get a quick thrill. I think the average guest gets a quick thrill on newer rides because that is what Disney gives them (for whatever reason, cost, etc.). And sure, people may like the quick thrills but that doesn't mean they wouldn't also love a longer attraction that keeps their attention, is funny, entertaining, has heart, etc.

I guess it frustrates me when people are quick to assume that people want more thrills, and while Disney has always had thrill rides, the balance needs to be appropriate so that most of the attractions can be fun experiences for everyone (instead of the "just for kids" and "thrill rides" categories -- remember Pirates, Mansion, etc?)

As for the standing thing, yeah, standing in there isn't the greatest, but if you sat you wouldn't be able to see the whole screen. The Magic Kingdom has had a 360 degree film for over 30 years....why all of a sudden has standing become more of a problem than in the past?



Well-Known Member
COProgressFan said:
Just out of curiosity, why do you think the "average guest wants a quick thrill". Do average guests really say that? I highly doubt people go to Disney World to get a quick thrill. I think the average guest gets a quick thrill on newer rides because that is what Disney gives them (for whatever reason, cost, etc.). And sure, people may like the quick thrills but that doesn't mean they wouldn't also love a longer attraction that keeps their attention, is funny, entertaining, has heart, etc.

I guess it frustrates me when people are quick to assume that people want more thrills, and while Disney has always had thrill rides, the balance needs to be appropriate so that most of the attractions can be fun experiences for everyone (instead of the "just for kids" and "thrill rides" categories -- remember Pirates, Mansion, etc?)

I agree that balance is important, and I personally am not a fan of the quick and mindless thrill (I enjoy them, but I like diversity in the attractions). The majority of the people visiting want to wait in line, have a quick burst of fun, and then wait in line again.....hang out at the parks enough, and you will see this.

COProgressFan said:
As for the standing thing, yeah, standing in there isn't the greatest, but if you sat you wouldn't be able to see the whole screen. The Magic Kingdom has had a 360 degree film for over 30 years....why all of a sudden has standing become more of a problem than in the past?

People have become lazy. How many able-bodied people did you see using ECVs 10 years ago, compare that to today. People have more of a sense of entitlement now....they paid to get in, and they want to do as they please, and they want to sit back and be entertained. People have changed, and the concept of the 360 film has not. Cars have had steering wheels and brakes for over 100 years, but would you give up your power steering and power brakes?


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I agree that balance is important, and I personally am not a fan of the quick and mindless thrill (I enjoy them, but I like diversity in the attractions). The majority of the people visiting want to wait in line, have a quick burst of fun, and then wait in line again.....hang out at the parks enough, and you will see this.

I don't know...I'm in the parks plenty, but I'm not sure people WANT a quick burst of fun. If you gave people the option of waiting in line, then having a quick burst of fun, or waiting in line and having a longer, more in depth amount of fun, wouldn't they choose the latter?


General Grizz

New Member
basas said:
^I don't think alot would...look at the lines for SpaceShipEarth and compare them to the lines for Test Track.
Spaceship Earth has a few thousand visitors more per day than Test Track on average. It's a constant, quickloading ride, so looks may be deceiving.

Although SE is the most visited, The Land actually has more than TT or MS right now, and Seas is just under those three.


Active Member
True but i'd bet a large portion of SSE riders ride simply because its the first thing they see apon entering and therefore they immediately ride...and how many come out wanting to jump back in line again? My guess is not too many (although they might enjoy it).

IMO- thrill rides will almost always do well at any park because a large percentage of visitors simply want a good thrill ride. More in-depth rides can also do as well as long as they're properly done and guests enjoy it (ex: Haunted Mansion, POTC, GMR).

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