Magic Kingdom 50th Anniversary Plans

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Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland has lots of potential. I read somewhere that TDO was once considering a futuristic steampunk motif for it (which could be rad cool). But how could Frontierland be expanded upon? It sure needs it, but I would have thought an Adventureland expansion would have more potential (with more Pirates and the like).

Honestly, I'd move to steampunk to Frontierland and just double down on the Flash Gordon-y vibe that Tomorrowland used to have.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Not to sound too skeptical, but I find it highly unlikely that leaders would be told of any plans for the 50th, because as this post shows, they would be a risk of telling CMs who would post about it on forums. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to be true, but history has shown that a good majority of the rumors coming from front line CMs really actually happen.
Thats why noone trusts rumors by Bus Drivers.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I was -1........... Btw nice to have you come in here. I was skeptical at first then became interested when @articos chimed in. And yes it is terrible that MK would have to wait another 6 years for something substantial. It wouldn't be so bad though if more was being done in the three other parks in the meantime, kind of like everything USF got in the time between WWoHP and Kong at IoA.
someone should force Iger to watch/listen to this video with Magic Kingdom 50th's logo in the background...



Well-Known Member
someone should force Iger to watch/listen to this video with Magic Kingdom 50th's logo in the background...

They need to have monthly Imagineer and top management motivational meetings and show this video every time.
Reminds me of the Dell Dude in early 2000's.

Hey, throw the finance dept in there too while you are at it. Maybe they will get the hint.... Nah!


Active Member
I really hope he does the music for a new electrical parade for the Magic Kingdoms 50ht Anniversary. I don't know why, but his work on Spectromagic has a very magical feeling to it that you don't get with the other nighttime parades.
It's because his music is symphonic. None of that hip-hop parade bull crap lol. (He also scored Hocus Pocus :D )


Well-Known Member
I tend to lurk more than not (due to being a CM), but this was a piece of news that came my way that I wanted to share. You're welcome to believe it or not.

We (the CMs in the part of MK where I work) had a meeting with two of our leaders who were talking about various internal things (high guest satisfaction ratings, great job, here's where we can improve, etc etc). Our leaders also mentioned that, while there won't be a huge celebration for the 45th anniversary coming up next year, Disney is already planning for the 50th anniversary. They said that the current plans are to completely overhaul both Frontierland and Tomorrowland both in the facades and adding new attractions. They said to expect some big, big changes in those two lands, although they admitted they didn't have any specifics as to what "New" Frontierland and "New" Tomorrowland would look like, nor what attractions would be added.

I suppose they could of been lying, but I've never known our leaders to deliberately do that - they've always been on the up-and-up, even to the point of saying, "Yes I know something, but I'm not allowed to say anything yet about it." So, like I said, take that news for what it is. We all know Disney, they could completely change their mind six months later and cheap-out on the whole thing. Just wanted to let you guys know.

Wouldn't mind learning the Laugh Floor, Stitch and CoP have no future in Tomorrowland.

Same for Tom Sawyer and his island in Frontierland.

All is proceeding as I have predicted.


Well-Known Member
A huge pirates expansion would be great, but not sure there is property to do it... Stitch and Laugh floor need to go from Tomorrowland... Laugh Floor would be great at DHS and an easy fit into Pixar Place..Frontierland just doesnt seem to have any room for expansion...

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
A huge pirates expansion would be great, but not sure there is property to do it... Stitch and Laugh floor need to go from Tomorrowland... Laugh Floor would be great at DHS and an easy fit into Pixar Place..Frontierland just doesnt seem to have any room for expansion...

They could expand Frontierland but they'd need to move the warehouses across the canal, which seems reasonable and doable. I don't think it's going to happen. I'm just saying that there is some land there that they could use.


Well-Known Member
Was this thread created to distract us from the dismal news on China? The growing disappointment with Frozen and lack of investment in Epcot? The incredible cuts and sad state of Hollywood Studios?

Conspiracy theorists would say this thread is a flare thrown up in an ocean of smart Disney watchers meant to distract for a little while.

There's no way we'd know info about two of the biggest lands in MK this far out ...

Brad Bishop

Well-Known Member
I'd hate to see them get rid of Tom Sawyer's Island. It's so unique.

What I expect:
- They'll probably have the hub done by then.
- There'll be a 50th PIN.

I think that they likely think that NFL should hold MK over for a decade or so. They're probably not far off. They could do nothing for 10-20 years and the crowds would still show.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about anyone else, but I personally love Tom Sawyer Island, and hope it's not going away. It's one of those few remaining charming details of the park that simply wouldn't be built in today's age. People argue that kids get a thrill from the Speedway, and if that's true, then surely they get equally as much thrill from exploring "real caves and forests" on an isolated island. Could just be my nostalgia, but I hope it stays.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about anyone else, but I personally love Tom Sawyer Island, and hope it's not going away. It's one of those few remaining charming details of the park that simply wouldn't be built in today's age. People argue that kids get a thrill from the Speedway, and if that's true, then surely they get equally as much thrill from exploring "real caves and forests" on an isolated island. Could just be my nostalgia, but I hope it stays.

I totally agree.

It's like Central Park in NYC, it would be easy to build over it and there's probably lots of people who would start tomorrow if they had the chance.

He thing is you can't "undevelop" something once it's been built over.


Well-Known Member
They do have room, it's called Tom Sawyer Island haha
No it's called the expansion pad behind Big Thunder/HM ;) also, getting rid of TSI for a ride doesn't actually expand anything. It's why the Fantasyland expansion only truly added the B&TB mini-land. Storybook Circus is the same space as Toontown Fair. 20K took up the Mermaid/SDMT space. PFH took up the SWSA space. Almost everything except a TS restaurant, a QS restaurant and a M&G show were replacements

The only way I would support New Frontierland/New Frontierland is if TDO increases MK's attraction count rather than just replacements/refurbs.

Even if they put an E on Tom Sawyer's spot, the attraction count doesn't go up. Even if Stitch, Laugh Floor, CoP and the Speedway give way to 4 great replacements, the attraction count still doesn't go up.

Building 2-3 attractions on the Speedway space does... building something between Space/CoP does... building something on top of CoP does... building 2-3 attractions behind the Speedway/Space does... building a new E on the Frontierland pad does.

I'd rather they build a bridge over RoA behind Big Thunder and open up an expansion pad for either Western River Expedition, Geyser Mountain, or the old Discovery Bay/steampunk concept.

Why not keep TSI AND get a new E-ticket for Frontierland, plus updates for current attractions and a new pathways that leads to the HM area? It's possible to actually expand MK's guest footprint if they want to... while still maintaining the park's integrity.

Same with Adventureland. You don't HAVE to can Jungle Cruise or Swiss Family Treehouse to expand. Just rework the JC river to make room for a new guest path. Add JttCotE and incorporate Mt. Prometheus into the actual ride experience. Or do Indiana Jones and have a temple show scene.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about anyone else, but I personally love Tom Sawyer Island, and hope it's not going away. It's one of those few remaining charming details of the park that simply wouldn't be built in today's age. People argue that kids get a thrill from the Speedway, and if that's true, then surely they get equally as much thrill from exploring "real caves and forests" on an isolated island. Could just be my nostalgia, but I hope it stays.
And unlike the Speedway, Tom Sawyer Island doesn't smell horrible, provides some relaxation during a busy day, is thematically appropriate and doesn't truly block off expansion. Big Thunder/Splash is what blocks the expansion pad.

They could even have rafts/boats transport guests to the Frontierland expansion pad if they really wanted to. Or build a bridge over RoA to the new area.

Canning a classic for an expansion (really a replacement at that point) isn't what MK needs.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather they build a bridge over RoA behind Big Thunder and open up an expansion pad for either Western River Expedition, Geyser Mountain, or the old Discovery Bay/steampunk concept.

To be honest the expansion north of the island would be tricky. Putting a bridge in stops the Liberty Belle.

Using more rafts or watercraft would work but it then involves keeping the island open at night.

A path on HM side would be difficult as the show building for HM and to a lesser extent IASW are currently behind a large artificial bank which is fairly steep but also quite a narrow strip of land. They almost need pontoon type walkways around the river edge. Access is difficult to the rear of BTM because you have the work sheds for the trains. There's a lot back there to disguise.

The space to the North of Space Mountain is far easier to get to.

I think they would be wise to consider access for future expansion when they next develop, much as I love Splash Mountain it's placement was not well considered in lots of ways. They've painted themselves into a corner on the Western side of the park.
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