Magic Key Renewals?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
With the vloggers I mentioned, yes. I can tell you exactly what they do with their time not vlogging. It is very well documented. That is why I used them as examples because people like them are a plaque upon theme parks. Sure you have outstanding vloggers like Theme Park Worldwide but the majority of them are flat out grifters who quit their jobs and brag about it so they can do vlogging at the parks full time and do countless live streams at night for superchats and arrive 5 minutes before closing.

I am not sharing with you my information because I am not putting myself out there like vloggers do. I have a great job with amazing benefits so I don't have to be a theme park panhandler. But when you have individuals bragging about quiting their jobs to constantly be a nuisance at Disneyland it no longer is a 'rhetoric' that fell out of the sky, but documented fact.
I have an honest question, why does it bother you some much that Disneyland vloggers exist and "brag" (something most Youtubers do when they move full time into being a content creator) about quitting their jobs to do vlogging full time?

Honestly if there are enough people that enjoy their content and are willing to send them money more power to them. They aren't hurting anyone, and Disney has no issue with them, so you shouldn't either.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
With the vloggers I mentioned, yes. I can tell you exactly what they do with their time not vlogging. It is very well documented. That is why I used them as examples because people like them are a plaque upon theme parks. Sure you have outstanding vloggers like Theme Park Worldwide but the majority of them are flat out grifters who quit their jobs and brag about it so they can do vlogging at the parks full time and do countless live streams at night for superchats and arrive 5 minutes before closing.

I am not sharing with you my information because I am not putting myself out there like vloggers do. I have a great job with amazing benefits so I don't have to be a theme park panhandler. But when you have individuals bragging about quiting their jobs to constantly be a nuisance at Disneyland it no longer is a 'rhetoric' that fell out of the sky, but documented fact.
The point is, it’s still their job. They are making a living from vlogging. The original post I responded to essentially alluded to vloggers being bums who aren’t “productive members of society.” What you’re talking about is something different. You’re talking about people with horrible character, which the world has plenty of. Someone can have horrible character, and yet still be “productive members of society.” Are they making sure their bills are paid? Are they providing for themselves? There’s a difference between the two vloggers you’re speaking of and people who literally do nothing and are losers/bums. And, still, none of us know exactly what these folks do outside of vlogging, unless you actually know these people personally and live with them. To assume they’ve shared every piece of information about their personal lives off camera is a bit naive.

Even if we were talking about the same thing, you named two vloggers. They don’t represent all vloggers.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Maybe if disneyland had more than 3 hotels their mix would be better.

Tough to get lots of tourists when your cheapest hotel is $350 a night and looks like a 90s holiday inn.
You’re looking at this from a WDW lens. You’re also assuming that most guests refuse to stay off property, which isn’t true. There are plenty of hotels to stay in in the surrounding area, and plenty of people, tourists included, willing to stay in said hotels.

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
Um… I don’t have to watch any of these vloggers’ videos. I said I don’t watch vlogging videos. But clearly you do! How much money do they make from their videos? Can you confirm what said vloggers do outside of their time vlogging? I assume they talk about how they don’t contribute to society in their videos. Do share. Tell us what they do outside of vlogging. Better yet, tell us what makes you such an outstanding, productive member of society and what you do to support yourself.

Nothing moot about what I said at all.
With the vloggers I mentioned, yes. I can tell you exactly what they do with their time not vlogging. It is very well documented. That is why I used them as examples because people like them are a plaque upon theme parks. Sure you have outstanding vloggers like Theme Park Worldwide but the majority of them are flat out grifters who quit their jobs and brag about it so they can do vlogging at the parks full time and do countless live streams at night for superchats and arrive 5 minutes before closing.

I am not sharing with you my information because I am not putting myself out there like vloggers do. I have a great job with amazing benefits so I don't have to be a theme park panhandler. But when you have individuals bragging about quiting their jobs to constantly be a nuisance it no longer is a 'rhetoric' that fell out of the sky, but document
The point is, it’s still their job. They are making a living from vlogging. The original post I responded to essentially alluded to vloggers being bums who aren’t “productive members of society.” What you’re talking about is something different. You’re talking about people with horrible character, which the world has plenty of. Someone can have horrible character, and yet still be “productive members of society.” Are they making sure their bills are paid? Are they providing for themselves? There’s a difference between the two vloggers you’re speaking of and people who literally do nothing and are losers/bums. And, still, none of us know exactly what these folks do outside of vlogging, unless you actually know these people personally and live with them. To assume they’ve shared every piece of information about their personal lives off camera is a bit naive.

Even if we were talking about the same thing, you named two vloggers. They don’t represent all vloggers.
Vlogging has never and will never be a job. It is a hobby.
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Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
I have an honest question, why does it bother you some much that Disneyland vloggers exist and "brag" (something most Youtubers do when they move full time into being a content creator) about quitting their jobs to do vlogging full time?

Honestly if there are enough people that enjoy their content and are willing to send them money more power to them. They aren't hurting anyone, and Disney has no issue with them, so you shouldn't either.
I have a problem with the majority of them for several reasons.

1. They are fake Disney fans and only became fans when they knew they could take advantage of people by making money off Disney.

2. They take advantage of people. They do live streams just to grift money from people by using Disney and its products and attractions.

3.They violate park rules by filming for monetary benefit while in the park.

4. They ruin the parks for a lot of people. They film and talk on rides, especially dark rides. They try to make a scene at the park for attention. They film families who came for a vacatiom and didn't ask to be on film violating park and you tube rules.

5. They inspire copy cat channels to pop up forcing more vloggers to show up to the parks.

I could keep going but I think you get the jist. Look not all are bad. Some are outstanding like Theme Park Worldwide or even Martin who post's here. Adam the Woo is a stand up guy who never live streams and whose content is more than themeparks. But the majority of them have no class, no self awareness, are intentionally manipulative and are just awful human beings who would walk over their dying mother for a superchat and are grifters. And people are getting tired of them quite frankly.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Vlogging has never and will never be a job. It is a hobby.
It most definitely can be considered an actual job now. That’s the reality. You’ve got full-time vloggers/content creators who literally make a living off of the content they create, and those who do it as more of a hobby. And since when can’t some hobbies turn into jobs for people?

It’s 2022. It won’t be long before content creation and it’s various forms under the umbrella, like vlogging, will be a college major.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I have a problem with the majority of them for several reasons.

1. They are fake Disney fans and only became fans when they knew they could take advantage of people by making money off Disney.

2. They take advantage of people. They do live streams just to grift money from people by using Disney and its products and attractions.

3.They violate park rules by filming for monetary benefit while in the park.

4. They ruin the parks for a lot of people. They film and talk on rides, especially dark rides. They try to make a scene at the park for attention. They film families who came for a vacatiom and didn't ask to be on film violating park and you tube rules.

5. They inspire copy cat channels to pop up forcing more vloggers to show up to the parks.

I could keep going but I think you get the jist. Look not all are bad. Some are outstanding like Theme Park Worldwide or even Martin who post's here. Adam the Woo is a stand up guy who never live streams and whose content is more than themeparks. But the majority of them have no class, no self awareness, are intentionally manipulative and are just awful human beings who would walk over their dying mother for a superchat and are grifters. And people are getting tired of them quite frankly.

Lets analyze this for a second....

1. They are fake Disney fans and only became fans when they knew they could take advantage of people by making money off Disney.
You have no proof of any of these claims. Disney themselves have no issue with any of them, if they did they would:

A. Kick them out of the parks. And have them cited for trespassing. Revoke their passes, and ban them from coming back.
B. Prevent recording within the parks. There is technology to do this.
C. Make copyright strikes against any content being uploaded to social media sites like Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok that shows the parks.

2. They take advantage of people. They do live streams just to grift money from people by using Disney and its products and attractions.

Lets look at the definition of grift:


They are not doing anything illicit, as such are not grifting anyone.

In addition no one is required to sending them money, they do it of their own free will. So don't know how they are taking advantage of someone.

3.They violate park rules by filming for monetary benefit while in the park.

Says who? Disney? Nope, they fully support it and are not preventing them from filming.

4. They ruin the parks for a lot of people.
If this is true then those people can go to City Hall and complain.

They film and talk on rides, especially dark rides.

As for filming and talking on rides, how do you know this is a vlogger and not some teen with a Tiktok or instagram account posting for their friends?

They try to make a scene at the park for attention.

I don't know which vloggers you're watching, but I have never seen a vlogger making a "scene" for attention any time I've gone. In fact other than maybe their fans coming up to them most of them aren't even seen most of the time unless you're actively looking for them.

I've literally never even seen a vlogger actually at the park any of the dozens of times I've gone over the years, until later I realized they were in the park at the same time due to their video.

They film families who came for a vacatiom and didn't ask to be on film violating park and you tube rules.

Here are the Disneyland Resort rules. Please quote me where it states vlogging is prohibited:

They only mention this:

Photography, videotaping or recording of any kind, or otherwise engaging in any activity, for unapproved commercial purposes.

Vlogging is not a commercial purpose, despite what you think. Again this is allowed by Disney, if it wasn't they would kick them out of the parks and have them cited for trespassing preventing them from coming back.

Also please quote me what Youtube rule is violated? If it really is a violation Youtube would take down the videos real quick.

5. They inspire copy cat channels to pop up forcing more vloggers to show up to the parks.

So what? If Disney doesn't care, why do you? If you have an issue then go complain at City Hall.

Bottom line other than annoying you and some others personally they aren't hurting anyone. Disney is allowing them to be there and film. The moment its no longer ok by Disney they will remove them from the Parks. So until then, there is nothing you can do about it.


Well-Known Member
You could same the about authors, athletes, actors, politicians… just about any profession that requires a public image. There will be bad apples in any group, and they’ll eventually Darwin themselves out. The good vloggers will continue to produce informative, fun content, taking thousands of viewers to parks and attractions most people will never get a chance to see in person. Theme park fans have never had it so good. Back in the Stone Age, I had to rely on 6 month old puff pieces in Disney News Magazine.
That's very true. Just want the poster to know with content creators we never see the bad side and it probably isn't as fun as it might sound. Traveling and themeparks are fun but after a week its a drag and I'm ready to go home.

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
Lets analyze this for a second....

You have no proof of any of these claims. Disney themselves have no issue with any of them, if they did they would:

A. Kick them out of the parks. And have them cited for trespassing. Revoke their passes, and ban them from coming back.
B. Prevent recording within the parks. There is technology to do this.
C. Make copyright strikes against any content being uploaded to social media sites like Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok that shows the parks.

Lets look at the definition of grift:

View attachment 660474

They are not doing anything illicit, as such are not grifting anyone.

In addition no one is required to sending them money, they do it of their own free will. So don't know how they are taking advantage of someone.

Says who? Disney? Nope, they fully support it and are not preventing them from filming.

If this is true then those people can go to City Hall and complain.

As for filming and talking on rides, how do you know this is a vlogger and not some teen with a Tiktok or instagram account posting for their friends?

I don't know which vloggers you're watching, but I have never seen a vlogger making a "scene" for attention any time I've gone. In fact other than maybe their fans coming up to them most of them aren't even seen most of the time unless you're actively looking for them.

I've literally never even seen a vlogger actually at the park any of the dozens of times I've gone over the years, until later I realized they were in the park at the same time due to their video.

Here are the Disneyland Resort rules. Please quote me where it states vlogging is prohibited:

They only mention this:

Photography, videotaping or recording of any kind, or otherwise engaging in any activity, for unapproved commercial purposes.

Vlogging is not a commercial purpose, despite what you think. Again this is allowed by Disney, if it wasn't they would kick them out of the parks and have them cited for trespassing preventing them from coming back.

Also please quote me what Youtube rule is violated? If it really is a violation Youtube would take down the videos real quick.

So what? If Disney doesn't care, why do you? If you have an issue then go complain at City Hall.

Bottom line other than annoying you and some others personally they aren't hurting anyone. Disney is allowing them to be there and film. The moment its no longer ok by Disney they will remove them from the Parks. So until then, there is nothing you can do about it.
I disagree with your breakdown but this thread is for magic keys and its going to a discussion on vloggers and I dont want to derail it further per site rules. You can message me to discuss this topic further.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I disagree with your breakdown but this thread is for magic keys and its going to a discussion on vloggers and I dont want to derail it further per site rules. You can message me to discuss this topic further.
Nope I’m fine with everything I posted.

Just remember, while you’re entitled to your opinion on this topic, it’s Disney who is the final arbiter and decider not us.

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
Nope I’m fine with everything I posted.

Just remember, while you’re entitled to your opinion on this topic, it’s Disney who is the final arbiter and decider not us.
And that's why next year they are coming out with stricker vlogging rules similar to the Japanesse parks because I am right.

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